
wedding day

Chapter 18 (Will's POV)

And it finally arrived.

The day that I both dreaded and was excited about at the same time.

Dreaded because if all doesn't go as planned I would be married to Jasmine for the time being and excited because if all does go as planned we would all be getting rid of Margareth and Jasmine. And we might even get some useful answers in the process.

But first I had to wait for Aron and Mason to arrive.

Thanks to Mason and his "toys" we would be able to communicate with each other as soon as they arrived in front of the hotel.

I was counting down the minutes to their arrival when I suddenly heard a knock at my door.

As soon as I opened the door I regretted opening it in the first place.

There stood Jasmine in her awfully tasteless dress.

Now, I know it is not nice to say something like that about a bride-to-be, but I don't care.

That dress was hideous.

I had like thousand layers to it. What husband would be happy to see his new wife on the first night together in somethi
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Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
#lovealwayswins ...
goodnovel comment avatar
Oh the wedding will be so much fun I can see it just now. The preparation from will is cool. I have to say I was surprised that Ana came to will at the end.

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