


Ana's POV

"No, I am most definitely not going to tell you how my wedding night was in detail!"

I was sitting surrounded with all my girls while the boys were in the gaming room in Becky and Aron's house.

And yes, if you think Becky was drilling me about my wedding night you guessed correctly.

"Oh come on! Don't be such a spoil sport! You can repay me for talking about your brother's sex life."

We all started laughing at her words, because it is quite obvious that this is far from fair or the same but she was adamant to know how my wedding night was. So I decided to give in just a little.

"Well, it was perfect. He was a real gentleman. With a hint of a beast."

"Boo-hoo! Those are no details! I want details!"

"Fine! We fucked like rabbits whole night! Happy now?"

I suddenly realized all three girls were staring at something or rather someone standing behind me and they were barely holding in their laughter.

"Don't tell me Will is standing behind me."

Just as those words left my
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Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Hina Simpson
wow, so many twists but love it. yes... books to keep me on my toes..yeah.............️...️...️...️...️...️...️...️...️...️
goodnovel comment avatar
So many twists and turns in book 3. A real roller-coaster.
goodnovel comment avatar
What a great ending. Love it ...️...️

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