
wedding night

Chapter 25 (Ana's POV)

This is it.

The night I finally lose my virginity.

You probably think I am a weirdo to even hold on to it at this age.

But you see my mother always warned me to wait for the right guy, to not regret anything when I am older.

And I can't as I regret my decision in any way. When I was sexually frustrated my best friend next to my bed took care of all my needs.

But still, I guess it was different from the real deal.

So of course I felt nervous as we approached the room, William reserved it for us, especially for the occasion.

He unlocked the door and pulled me inside, closing and locking it behind us.

I turned around to ask him something (don't ask me what because it flew out of my mind) when suddenly he was kissing me.

And what a kiss it was.

He started slow and sensual like he was relearning every part of my lips.

His tongue slid along my lower lip, asking for permission which I gladly gave him.

I didn't even realize his hands were working on the zipper at the bac
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