


To understand the whole story better we will go a bit back in time before we return to the present

Vicky (15 years ago)

We were the perfect couple.

Doing everything together, except when he had family obligations.

But Devin was kept a secret amongst my friends.

Not because I was ashamed of him, but he was still Mr. Wealthy and popular and I was a poor nobody.

So to prevent any harmfull rumors we kept us a secret.

But than that godforsaken accident happened.

And since no one knew about Devin I was suddenly alone with this feeling of emptiness and a huge hole in my chest.

But then I found out I was pregnant as well.

So then and there I decided to keep my baby and raise it on my own.

My baby girl Sidney turned out to be my lifesaver.

But somehow I had this gut feeling I had to keep her a secret, like I did the relationship with her father.

So I hid her from everyone, even my best friends.

But what do you do when the past comes knocking on your door? Do you keep hiding, or do you reveal the truth?



Vicky is my everything

Yes you read that right. She always was, is and will always be the one for me.

She always saw herself as someone not worthy of me because of where she comes from but in my eyes she was the only one.

But than the accident happened and even though we managed to escape death, we had to stay hidden.

I looked for Vicky, but I couldn't find her anywhere for 5 years after my supposed death.

To keep my mind busy I started working for the only kind of people that would never betray my existence. And that was the mafia.

I crawled my way to the top and started to reform it from inside out.

No more killing and illegal businesses such as drugs, people trafficking etc.

And when I found out Vicky was alive, I worked even harder.

I was determined to get her back once it would all stand on legal grounds.

But when I came for her, I got myself a package deal.

Turns out I have a 14 year old daughter.

But when Vicky started to share it all with me I wondered if I should tell her about the past 15 years.

How do you tell the woman you love that her father worker for the mafia and that's what got him killed?

Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Nice intro it is interesting start

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