


Alexa's POV

The covens were exactly how I remembered it. The lights that shine around the numerous clusters of small houses. I walked purposefully, knowing just where I was headed.

Alaria had a house in the very heart of the city. When I asked her I remember her saying something about being able to focus better.

That was good anyways. Because I would need her utmost focus now. I won't want her performing a spell that might unalive me by accident.

The streets seemed to be devoid of life. The very few people I saw paid me no heed, just going on about their day like I did not matter.

They were all dressed in the same manner. They were dressed in the same long gown that had a hood and a crest of which ever coven they belonged to.

I liked the covens. It was peaceful and united. Although there were numerous covens, they were all under one barrier, making it a mini nation of some sorts.

They all looked and related alike. It was almost impossible to tell who was from a different c
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