All Chapters of Flawed Hearts: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
59 Chapters
XX: Confessions
The thin Emirati model walked down the ramp expertly, flashed a smile at the crowd then walked back the way she came, paused and looked over her shoulder with a mind-blowing smile for effects as the crowd went wild, applauding the performance.Lale stood by the side and watched as the last of the models walked backstage and smiled, knowing it was time for her to walk the ramp.It felt good, she felt good being the star of the show and despite herself, she couldn't help the empty feeling that enveloped her heart in a twisted grip but her smile never wavered as she took the stage, flashing them her expensive smile. She bowed at the crowd, waved at the camera, accepted the bouquet of flowers as she was whisked away by the reporters.Her pieces were fabulous and her models had done an excellent job, the theme of her show unique and her fashion house even more so.Earlier, she had given an interview with the Tu
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XXI: Friends, Foes and Family
Najmah’s eyes drooped low as she stared out into space, her mind traveling back to two days back when she got her heart possibly broken. She hadn't had an ounce of sleep since then, it had merely evaded from her. And now, her eyes had begun to drop and exhaustion began to overcome her. As she gave in to the world of oblivion, she thought she saw the silhouette of the person who had become the topic of her worries but mayhap, her sleep-deprived mind was playing tricks on her.True to his words, he stayed out of her way and hadn't been around. He simply disappeared and she couldn't bring herself to ask any person about his whereabouts else she'd risk them finding out about their problems.***She woke up at dawn, stretching on the bed with newfound energy she got from her sleep. A smile etched its way to her face as she thought about ways to make up for what she did.In Najmah’s mind, she k
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XXII: This Is Love
"Sometimes when we are too focused on our pain, we have a way of overlooking the pain of those around us."Najmah snorted, pinching the bridge of her nose. "He is not in pain," she mumbled inaudibly."Are you sure about that?" Hanifa queried, snapping her brows together."Maybe?" Najmah blanched."I don't see him no more Adda," she pouted. "Even when I see him, he doesn't talk to me.""Oh dear God," Hanifa gasped dramatically. "Are the great Najmah Haroun in love?""What, what, what?" Najmah's eyes widened in shock. She couldn't possibly be in love with him, right? What is love? "Adda what are you saying? 'Cause not, I can't...that's not it." Even as she said that, her heart thudded wildly in her chest and she wondered if what Hanifa said could be true but she couldn't actually love him right? It was hard for people like her to fall in love."Is t
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XXIII: New Beginnings
"Look over here," Alev pointed to the front page of the magazine she was holding. "They made it to the front page.""Wonderful," Lale squealed, reaching out for the magazine."They look perfect together," Alev complimented. "He's got himself a keeper, let's see how he gets out of this.""See who gets out of what?" Afet questioned, walking into the living room."Aslan," Alev replied nonchalantly, flipping through the pages."Look over here Lale," she pointed to another page. "They were tagged as the most outstanding couple of the night.""Of course," Lale batted her lashes. "My brother and sister in law are the definition of a match made in heaven.""You wish," Afet sneered, balling her fists tightly.Lale bit her lip in an attempt to conceal her laughter while Alev shook her head trying to hide hers too, thereby infuriating Afet further. A
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XXIV: In The Spotlight
Beams of light streamed through the unveiled curtain, hitting Najmah's face. She stirred in her sleep, drawing the duvet over her head. Her mind was fuzzy, the last remnant of sleep being chased away at the sudden realization of what occurred the night before.A smile etched its way to her lips as she opened her eyes, squinting at the bright lights. She debated on whether to get up or go back to sleep."Good morning," Aslan greeted, jolting her from her thoughts.'Get up it is,' she thought sitting upright."Morning," she yawned, running her hand through her hair. She sighed when her hand made contact with some tangled knots.She rose from the bed, making way towards the bathroom. After a quick shower, she sauntered towards the closet and picked the first dress her eyes laid upon.She ran a brush through her messy hair then tied it up into a bun, wrapping a turban styled v
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XXV: Crisis
Aslan paced the length of the hallway of the hospital, repeatedly glancing at the ICU door where Hilal was whisked away the moment they arrived at the hospital.Najmah felt claustrophobic as she stared at the gloomy faces of the people around the hallway. She felt alienated like she was intruding into a family matter. She shouldn't be there, she wanted to leave but the thought of something terrible happening to the little girl had her glued to her seat, fixing  her gaze on the door of the ICU behind which her little girl was taken away. The doctors had been in there for almost three hours and there was still no news of what was happening behind the door.She rose from her sitting position and went towards Aslan, entwining their fingers together. He held her hand firmly without looking at her. The little gesture made her heart flutter. She knew that he understood what she was trying to pass across without speaking a word.
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XXVI: Bonds
A gentle breeze blew around, making the trees dance in happiness. The chirping of birds could be heard from a distance. Najmah closed her eyes, enjoying the smooth caresses of the wind against her skin. She stared at the morning sky, watching dawn give way to daylight, her hair dancing according to the swish of the breeze."A penny for your thoughts," Aslan spoke, jolting her out of her thoughts.She pouted a little, opening her eyes lazily."You interrupted a beautiful moment," she stated, her lips curving up into a smile."Did I?" he teased, coming to stand beside her."Mm-hmm," she nodded glancing at him."The view is beautiful," he stated lacing their hands together."It is," she replied, laying her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her."Breakfast's rea...," Lale stopped in her tracks, watching the duo. They snapped their heads t
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XXVII: Wondrous Hearts
Lale huffed for the umpteenth time, throwing the bouquet into the bin. Rereading the card, she tore it into two then mete out the same treatment she gave the flowers. Adjusting the lapels of her hijab, Lale gripped the edge of the oak desk as a wave of nausea hit her. Her eyes became hazy as she tried to regain consciousness of her environment. Focusing on her breathing pattern, she counted from ten to one inwardly.She stood up straighter when she felt okay again, making a mental note to grab a bugger on her way back home. She stepped out of the confines of her office and made a beeline to the studio where dozens of mannequins were wrapped in different colors and sizes overflowing gowns. She gave her team a nod of acknowledgement for a job well done before giving them a week off to make up for the long hours of work she had them run through.She grabbed a cup of coffee from a vending machine in the hallway then went into the relaxation ro
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XXVIII: Fear Factor
Lounging on the chairs at the balcony reading a copy of “Jenny Han's Fire For Fire”, Najmah enjoyed the last bits of winter in Istanbul. It was freezing but either way, she found the chilling air oddly comforting. She reached out for the jar of Nutella on her side to find it empty. Her brow creased in confusion, staring back and forth between the books sprawled out on the table and the jar.'I couldn't have finished the jar after reading two books only right?' She asked herself, placing a bookmark on the page she was reading then shut it, setting it down atop the others before walking back into the room in search of another Nutella jar.'Aslan would scold me if he were here,' she thought as she picked the jar on the nightstand, reminiscing about the times he scolded her for her chocolate intake. It had been five long days since she last saw him, he was away on a business trip and hell, she would be lying if she said she d
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XXIV: A Piece Of My Heart
Droplets of water rolled down Najmah’s face, soaking the duvet covering her body. She frowned slightly, turning her face towards the other side of the bed.She felt the water drop on her face again, and with a pout, her eyes lazily fluttered open, her gaze settling on Aslan who was hovering over her frame fresh from a shower. Pushing him away from her, she glared at his hair which was dripping wet."I'm sleeping," she mumbled rolling over to the other side, drawing the duvet over her head."Wake up Hun," he pried the duvet away from her grip. "It's past noon.""So?" she questioned, her eyes still closed. "You know us unemployed people can sleep way past noon right? We got no responsibilities.""You will soon enough," he muttered under his breath with a smirk.He left the bed and went back into the bathroom to run a bath for her. Satisfied with the temperature of the
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