All Chapters of The Mummy and Me: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
156 Chapters
You are not going to get anything.
Dany was forced to stay at the interrogation room. He had a furious face and wanted to rip out the one who leaked it. He stayed silent and had unavoidable expression. On the other side of the glass wall james was monitoring him. Though dany can't see anything outside his room, but james can clearly see him.James wore a smirk over his face as he saw the helpless dany. ' Can't deny the fact of having some pleasure seeing him suffer like this.' James thought. Dany and james relation was not good from the starting itself , so he didn't show any pity towards him. James was happy that the person who made him go in circle have finally it in his hand. 
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He should not be alive anymore.
Meanwhile in country F...A old man was seen in the huge building, who was staring outside the window in a blank face. As he was enjoying the outside view a knock in the door distracted him.* Knock....." Who?" He asked without glancing at the door ,not even once. " Sir it's me.... Jeremy..." The man in the outside door said. " Ah... Jeremy.... Enter in..." He commanded him. The old man looked like he is a business tycoon. After all he was standing in the top floor inside a office which can be used by a higher up.After he gave his permission that man pushed open the door while entering. " Sir.... It urgent..." He was wearing a anxious face as he said. He had a frustrated look as if something big have happened to him or may happen anytime.
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He escaped.
As per the order of the higher up dany was been transferred to the next police station. Since it included the national treasure which was been robbed by dany. It was taken as a big crime and so the higher up asked for a more detailed interrogation. After getting the orders james couldn't help but sigh. He wanted to object but he was helpless, since Andrea was the one who is in charge of this case. Even if he had a second thought about sending him there. He was helpless, he had no high power to object them. After a deep sigh he calmed himself.
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Return back to Egypt..
Amy and tut was told to return back to Cairo by james. Since their safety was in question now. Without her being around them, they couldn't guarantee her safety. As of james order they returned back to Cairo. Amy was calm but that doesn't me she isn't careful. Her eyes were vigilant after that incident. She was also calm because she thought of tut who was right beside her. She felt like it was most safe place on world. Being beside him made her less worried.Now that they are officially a couple she was comfortable being beside him. She could also say out loud that he is her own now. Her lips were unknowingly curled up till she reached home. 
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Hide again then I punish you
After james informed clara about everything that was going on ,amy was immediately called to her office. As amy entered her office room, clara was wearing an furious face which was indeed directed to amy. Amy gulped by seeing her angry face and then she made a forced smile while entering the room." Sis....." She called in a low voice unable to figure her the actual cause of her anger. "........." Clara didn't say anything,but her piercing glance was enough to say a lot. After closing the door behind gently amy asked in an anxious face. " Sis, what happened? Is there something wrong?" Her voice made clara even more furious that clara slammed on her desk. Amy was a little frightened with clara's action. Since she will only do this when amy had done something wrong or she hide something from her. It was the same as last time of the bulling of julie. 
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Another assignment...
Clara formed a meeting again with her juniors. Everyone was present at the meeting except for jake and niyana had a anxious look over her face , as if something terrifying have happened to her. Amy noticed her face and wanted to ask her. But she couldn't since she was in middle of an urgent meeting. She hold herself for another moment to ask for. After seeing that everyone have arrived and is waiting for her , clara felt good. But she was a little disappointed with Jake's disappearance." Now shall we began....." She asked looking at them brightly. "Yes....maam..." They all said in a tone." Alright.... Since our performance was great in the last assignment that I gave you all... This time... We have got another one....  Which is basically more tougher than it..." She said.
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Why did she do that?
As clara announced the list of names who are going to attend the next assignment, amys eyes went wide in shock. She wore an unbelievable face. Amys name was not in the list. Well, amy was confident enough that her name shall be there, since she was the most suitable person who can go. Amy was puzzled upon clara's sudden decision. Clara never did something like this. She wanted to ask her that time but clara didn't gave her any chance to do so. She immediately wind up the meeting and went straight to her office. Amy was forced to leave from the room. On the way to hall tut spotted something different from her behavior and so he asked in confusion." What happened? Is something wrong with you?" He was worried about her sudden change in attitude.She pursued her lips and replied." Not much... I am angry."He was stunned and so he asked." May I know why?" He wore a worried look over his face.
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Hidden treasure...
Amy was exhausted with the heated chat between her and her sister Clara. As soon as she reached her apartment she immediately throw herself onto the sofa.  " Huh.... I am... Truly tired..." She said while sighing.  The day felt like a year to her. Between their long conversation, amy finally convinced her sister Clara allo her to go. But still, it was giving her a bad feeling. Since she felt like she was taking the opportunity of others... She was having a negative vibe on her.  As cuddled around the sofa , tut asked." How did it go...."  He was way too curious about her decision.  Clara was not one to go back on her decision. But he wanted to know if it went well for her. 
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Mysterious You
" Amy....I...." Tut stuttered at her question. But as soon as he was about to explain, her cell phone rang. Amy turned her head in the direction of the cellphone. She didn't wait for any minute and took the cell phone which was ringing continuously. " Hello...." She then made a apologetic face as she made a shot glance at tut. Tut didn't say anything but gave her a assuring look that said ' It's fine'" Thank you." She whispered. She then busied herself in the conversation with that person on the call.In the mean time tut horrified towards his room while holding his hand.  After reaching his room he locked himself. Before he could knew it he was standing in his knees as pain began to flare up inside his body. His whole body was trembling in pain that he held his painful chest a bit harder. The pain had been spreading throughout his body from the startin
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Candle light dinner
At night. * Knock....* Knock..." What?" Amy said while opening the door. She was wearing a black skin-fit gorgeous gown which revealed her beautiful shoulders. She was grinning as she opened the door as she knew who will be behind the door. " What? Why aren't you saying anything?" She asked with an reddened face." I.....I...." Tut was lost at his word as soon as he saw her in that breathtaking dress. It was like his eyes were seeing something amusing that is undescrible. He was lose at words and was not able to respond her, even though he wanted to scream to the world how he felt seeing her. He immediately snapped out of his dream and answered while calming himself. " Nothing...".*cough....." You look beautiful as ever..." He said while blushing.His ears were reddened while answering her.Her eyes lightened brighter as she heard his r
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