Semua Bab Mr Reluctant Billionaire: Bab 51 - Bab 60
118 Bab
I wake before Brandon, my heart hammers in my chest as I lean over to place a kiss on his lips. His eyelids flutter open, a look of recognition flashes across his face and he pulls me into his embrace to deepen the kiss. Throwing my leg over his, my body melts into his and I grind my pelvis on his hips, letting him explore my mouth with his tongue.We separate some seconds after to catch our breaths, I trace a line down the centre of his hairy chest, a content smile playing on my lips. Propping my jaw on his chest, I pout when I catch him staring down at me. His hand cups my butt through my robe, I sink my teeth into my lower lip without breaking eye contact. As inexperienced as I might be, I want to do so many wickedly delicious things to him, to learn every part of his body.
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On my toes, I place a kiss on his scar, he freezes. In seconds, my back connects with the bed and Brandon towers over me. His lips hover above mine, I palm his face and let my eyes convey all the emotions my mouth cannot speak. Taken aback by my reaction, he stares at me with a funny expression and the butterflies in my stomach scatter. I take advantage of his shock and flip us, giggling when he groans at the switch in positions.My lips descend on his neck, I assault his ear with kisses, all parts of his body my mouth can reach with our fingers laced above his head. Warmth spreads through me when he lets me lead the pace, succumbing to my unspoken request and I cup his cheeks to place a delicate kiss on his lips. My mouth lowers to his collarbone, I nibble the flesh there and his shivers has my toes curling. I moan into his chest when his fingers tickle my anus, trail my bu
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Minutes after we come downstairs to eat, I play with the cereal in my bowl, spinning the colourful brunch before raising a spoonful of it to my lips. Brandon chuckles at my sulking, I frown, how can he be so cool with leaving me here? He will be gone for a week. The thought makes my stomach knot, I stab the cereal and nearly chew the spoon off.Brandon pries the spoon off my hand, I don't realise my cheeks are wet with tears until he swipes at them. I sigh, it must be my period, I am being unusually emotional and over stupid things. He pulls me to his laps, I tuck my head into the crook of his neck and bawl my eyes out while he strokes my back until my cries quiet to sobs. I want him to stay.The massaging of my scalp causes me to moan. "If you didn't have school, we would have gone together, you know that, ri
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"I take it to mean you like my little surprise," he murmurs, amusement laced in his voice as his arms steady me and my legs tighten around his waist as our foreheads touch."Like it?" I scoff. "I love it." I palm his face and start another round of kisses. "I love it." Struggling in his arms until he sets me on my feet, I cover my mouth. "I love you."His chest puffs as I take a step back to inspect the car, he got me a freaking car. My baby got me my baby. I shriek and thump my feet on the ground, he chuckles as I circle the car, almost afraid to blink for fear of this being a dream. This is a physical manifestation of the car I saw in his tab when we were picking Danielle’s. I touch the Audi and beam.Excitement blooms in my heart, I can’t wait to drive Ma and Pa around town with this. I am sure Clary won’t stay mad at me for much longer if she’s allowed to drive this baby.
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The diner bustles with activities as I make my way into the farthest corner away from the door. I sight Clarissa behind the counter, hair pulled tight into a sleek bun with her lips moving rapidly as she attends to a customer. The smell of pastries, plus the aroma of freshly made coffee and the noise of the diners have my nostrils flaring in delight. I tip my hat and inhale the air of deliciousness, a feeling of nostalgia creeping up on me.Settling into the only unoccupied booth, I cast one look out the window where people mill around in groups of twos and threes. Our school is a few minutes walk from here. My eyes narrow in on my car; my baby looking out of place in that spot between smaller cars. It still feels odd, almost surreal to know I have one. My fingers splay on the window, something warm stirs in my chest, I can't wait for our second ride as a couple.
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"Good. What kept you busy on Tuesday?" Josh asks. "Chores," I say with a laugh. It's the way he says it, his accent seeps into his words, makes it come off as Chewsday. My hand goes over my mouth to muffle my laughter, his brow arches and his hazel eyes tinged with gold flecks rake over me. The distance between us gives me a chance to analyse his features all over again, my head falls to one side as I drink in the sight of him. He runs his fingers through his brown hair which falls over his forehead at intervals and I chuckle, he never uses gel, he likes his hair untamed. His lips are surprisingly full, pink and pouty, just like Brandon's. At the thought of him, I let out a sigh, stopping myself from further comparing him with my d
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Hi,Sorry to cut short your reading but I wanted to alert the old readers to the changes I made, that is if you didn't see the message I left as a review.I split chapters 6 - 30 which has resulted in the book having extra 25 chapters. The last update before the split was Chapter 30 which has now been split into 54 & 55. Chapter 29 becomes 52 & 53, Chapter 28 becomes 50 & 51 and so on... Hopefully, this breakdown doesn't confuse you.The point of the split and this note is to make the chapters affordable, also alert those who read the previous version to avoid buying chapters they already read. Moving forward, for those who are up to date with the story, all you have to do is continue from Chapter 56 or use the split method I explained earlier to figure out the chapters you stopped reading at.My sincere apologies for the inconveniences and as soon as the arrangement issue is resolved, new chapters will be uploaded.Thank you for reading.
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Seconds, maybe minutes after Brandon storms out of the diner with Josh hot on his tail, I stand there, feet rooted to the ground until someone shakes me out of my trance. My gaze falls on Clarissa who has a hand on my arm, I blink the tears lining my eyes and try to reciprocate her smile which does little to comfort me. How could I let him kiss me?"Well, what are you waiting for?" I blink, my head bobs like a robot and she rubs the back of her hand against my cheek to comfort me. "Go after him."
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"Move," he says in a clipped voice. There is no trace of the man who gifted me a car earlier today but I maintain my stance and shake my head. "Elna, out of my way.""Why don't you ever believe me?" I ask. "It was a mistake. I didn't know he would do that. Joshua kissed me." My knuckles caress his cheek. "You know when I am lying," I whisper. Palming his face so he can see the sincerity in my eyes, I continue, "Look at me, please. I know it sounds stupid but it’s the truth, I didn’t know his plans. He ki
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The hand weaving through my scalp applies more pressure when I make to lift my head in her direction, tugging gently on my hair. A sigh slips past my lips, there is no point trying, Clarissa won't give back my phone. I shouldn't demand it since all I have gotten is a truckload of news with captions that send my already broken heart into overdrive. But I still want to see it. To read the gossip tabs about the women he dines with. It is the only way to keep track of him, to know he is fine, if we still have a future
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