All Chapters of The Princess And The Demon: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
146 Chapters
Chapter Eighty One: The King's Speech
Running his hand over his face, Henry sighed tiredly, trying to get rid of the tiredness he was feeling, or at least forget it for extra few hours, but it was of no use, his eyelids were heavy, begging for some rest.After the talk with his sister, Henry had to meet with the Dukes and Counts of his kingdom, including Eren’s eldest brother, the meeting with them turned out to be a total waste of time as the men attending it had nothing to say but to subliminally blame him for the current state of the kingdom, without giving any valuable solutions, some even suggested to give up the usurped lands, which only gained them a sharp glare from him.After the meeting, Henry had to have dinner with his sisters and the nobles who came to greet him, and when it was finally time for him to go to sleep, his eyes remained opened, looking at the ceiling,
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Chapter Eighty Two: The Threat
The few seconds in the girl’s embrace felt like years of endless torture, with air being forcefully sucked out of her lungs, but it wasn’t just air, Rima told herself as she felt the numbness in her toes and fingertips, she felt as if life was being sucked out of her, very slowly and subtly while the girl whispered her threat, and right when she was about to react, the girl unwrapped her arms and stepped back, her face expressionless as before, not giving away what she just did.With her eyes still on the black-haired girl who retreated to stand by her princess in a subtle but protective way, she didn’t sense the other approaching figure until a hand was placed on her lower back gently, startling her, turning around, she was met with Henry’s concerned gaze.
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Chapter Eighty Three: Losing A Lover
"I wish I had your powers, just for once" Henry whispered softly to the girl lying on his arm, her eyes were closed but the smile on her face told him that she wasn't asleep, she was just savoring the after taste of their lovemaking, every touch of his on her body felt as if he was removing a small chunk of her tiredness of her body and soul and replacing it with a missing part of her, she felt whole with him and was sure he felt the same, what was once reasons for the beautiful relationship they shared to fail and die in its crib, their differences, their status, and their personalities that almost destroyed each other, became the things that strengthened it."Why is that?" She asked him in her sweetest voice, she didn't mean to sound the way she sounded, but the ecstasy she was feeling turned her voice into the most delicious m
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Chapter Eighty Four: Human Conspiraies
THAGHIT Camp "Your Grace, The main troops of the Manrast army are located thirty miles away from here, they have chosen a small village as their camp, the village is close to the river and has excellent access to the main roads and paths, there are almost eighty thousands men in their army, ten thousands of them are cavalry, five thousand archers while the rest are infantry, their main weapons are swords but they are also known to be good with spears, they have brought enough supplies for the next two months and even secured a safe path to get more from the nearby towns and villages, the magistrates of those towns were given orders to prepare wagons filled with goods and wait for the orders to send them, As for the time of the attack, We don't know yet, they appear to be waiting for something." The young shadow demon informed Henry, taking advantage of the thick forest that bordered the camping village to sneak closer without being notices. 
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Chapter Eighty Five : The Manrast Soldier
'This is real!' ‘It is happening!’ ‘It is really happening!’ Young Ezra heard himself muttering panickily as he ran alongside the rest of the Manrast soldiers to clash with the oblivious Taghit army, and until that particular moment when his trembling legs were carrying him, following the flow of screaming men in armors, he didn’t believe that he was going to fight, kill, or be killed. He was no soldier! He was no killer! And he had nothing to do with this war! This wasn’t his place nor the place he wanted to be, and while he ran almost absentmindedly, his life was flashing in front of his eyes, like those plays he used to see in the capital’s market when he was a child, the ones he was never fortunate enough to attend and watch until the very end, not when he was the son of a poor blacksmith who would spend his every penny on ail, those plays were a luxury l
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Chapter Eighty Six: Victorious
Prince Ramez wanted so bad to close his eyes, rub them and open them again, so maybe the unbelievable scene he was seeing would change, but he couldn’t, he didn’t even manage to get himself to blink as he watched his forces being wiped down, exterminated. His eyes which were filled with confidence were then filled with terror, he didn’t understand what truly happened, not an hour ago, he was the one with the upper hand, the Taghit king was fleeing away like a dog with his tail between his legs, his armies were scattered all over the camp, his archers were shooting at the Manrast troops aimlessly, but right in the next second, the earth cracked, ice spikes emerged from under the ground, bordering the Taghit front line, demon wolves showed up from the forest and the scattered soldiers aligned themselves into perfect formations, led by non-other than the Yoren lad. Was it a trap all along? Ramez asked himself, was he so carele
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Chapter Eighty Seven: Alive
As he flied back to his friend’s camp, the shadows’ lord thought about the whole plan, it was rather sneaky and even devilish, to keep the Two kingdom's armies busy on the borders while the demons invade their capitals, the battle at the borders was an inevitable one, for the sake of the usurped villages and lands, and to send a strong message to the other human kingdoms wanting to follow Manrast and Katara's lead, Especially that one called Buskeen, which had borders with the fire edge, and which they still needed to deal with yet.Eren didn’t think twice before aiding his friend, for he believed that it was his way for redeeming some of his mistakes, by making the world a better place before time came to leave it and hopefully, join his fair lady in the afterlife, he believed the human king and the ice queen would do great in ruling over the humans and demons, they both had not just the strength but the right amount of empathy, he believed in them and for
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Chapter Eighty Eight: The Death Of The Jasmine
THIS CHAPTER MIGHT BE A LITTLE EMOTIONALTWO YEARS AGOSensing the cold breeze ran over her wet and swollen lips, Sara opened her eyes, seeing nothing but the thick trees, the bushes, the moss, and the fog, but there was no sign of anything else, no sign of him.She didn’t know why she couldn’t move for what seemed like hours, but it felt as if her feet were rooted to the ground, her mind running one thought over and over again, unable to take it nor to let it go.He was gone! Her demon was gone, the man whom she met when she was at her loneliest, the one who filled her every waking and sleeping moment with his presence, the one who made her laugh and smile, the one who gave her a reason to wake up for and something to look up to, the one who was everyone else, the one who gave her her first kiss, and then the one who hurt her the most.He hurt her, in every possible way, he hurt her to the point where her life was an agony she couldn&r
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Chapter Eighty Nine: All That Left
Sara felt as if she was in the deepest pit in the sea, the darkness wasn't only absolute but also heavy, too heavy on her frail body and soul, she wasn't able to take a breath as it caused a fire to start on her chest, she didn't try to breathe though, that need faded slowly with the time she spent in that pit, she no longer resisted it though, the darkness, nor the heaviness, and why should she? She asked herself, there wasn't anything left to fight for, no one to turn to, nowhere to go, she had lost everything, it didn't feel like she was giving up because there wasn't anything she could give up on, she had nothing and no one, no hope, no love, no family, no friends, the loneliness added to the thickness of the darkness she was engulfed in, she welcomed it, just wanting to be over with her life, the one she barely lived.The darkness then started breaking, like a moonless night with some faded star lights, she started seeing the faces of those whom she knew, her father, the
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Chapter Ninety: The Inn
“Come ladies, We have all that you need for your beauty to flourish once more!” Sara stared from a distance at the man shouting annoyingly in the market, trying to persuade women to buy his weird merchandise, the only thing that made her stop and even bother to look at him was how high pitched his voice was, she didn’t know why, but her ears were incredibly sensitive, hearing even the smallest of noises, she wasn’t yet used to her new hearing, which made her hear the annoying shouting in her head. Looking at the table from where she hiding, Sara noticed many bottles and items, her eyes caught the bars and bottles of soap, the ones she desperately needed to wash off the stench of rot and blood of her, after weeks of leaving the shack, she realized she needed to clean her body and her wounds as the smell became unbearable, placing her hand in the sack she was carrying, she pulled out a golden coin, waiting for when the market was the least
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