All Chapters of A Ruling Passion: Mr Tremont's Priceless Little Bride: Chapter 1731 - Chapter 1740
1898 Chapters
Chapter 1734 The Part In Romance When The Man Has A Heel-Face Realization
Alejandro frowned. “What—why? Why would the West family have beef with the Larks?”Because Melanie pushed Tiffany? But if Jackson knew that, then should his target not be Melanie—or hell, Alejandro himself? Why would he take out his anger on the Larks?The man on the other side of the phone was just as clueless. “I have no idea. Thought it was kinda weird myself.”After the call ended, Alejandro paused for a minute before calling Arianne. It would be impossible for him to ask Jackson directly; he was sure the latter would hang up his call as soon as the man’s brain recognized Alejandro’s voice.As soon as she picked up, Alejandro went straight to the chase. “Why is West Industries flipping the Larks off?”Instead of answering him immediately, Arianne rejoined with a question of her own. “What? Can’t bear to see someone taking on your in-laws? Itching to hit back, aren’t you? Here’s a piece of advice: don’t. Stay out of it.”Alejandro fell silent for a beat before stating, “Melani
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Chapter 1735 Pardon Or Punishment?
While Jett was still scrambling for the right response, Melanie shut the door in his face.He knew what his boss was like, so Jett eschewed returning to the Smith Estate right away and opted to call Alejandro instead. Hearing about Melanie’s rejection, Alejandro immediately supplied, “Tell her it’s because Millie has fallen ill—as in, super-seriously-ill. I know for sh*t she doesn’t have it in her to turn away from that. Then tell her that if she’s not coming back, I’m not taking the kid to the hospital.”That was a bit too much for a lie, was it not? At the very least, it made Jett hesitate, but not enough to make him object. Shortly after the call, he knocked on Melanie’s door again.She opened it with a face written with helplessness. “Jett, I’ve made myself very clear. I’m not going back. Unless this is regarding the divorce’s official procedures, I don’t have any reason to see Alejandro again.”Jett steeled himself. “Uh, you see… Actually, Little Miss… she’s, uh, sick. And Mr.
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Chapter 1736 No Roses, Just Thorns
It was nothing like she expected.Alejandro sat by his bedside as he looked over at Melissa playing atop of the rug, wearing his softest expression. Toys were scattered everywhere in no discernible order.Melanie suspected she was looking at the calm before the storm. She stepped forward, picked up the toys, and put them away. “Millie, don’t scatter your toys like that.”Melissa froze when Melanie’s voice was within earshot. Then, she hurled herself into her mother’s arms, overjoyed, her glistening doe-eyes overflowing with glimmering tears. “Mommy!”Melanie carried the young girl in her arms, her heart aching. But when her eyes linked with Alejandro’s penetrant own, she willed every emotion leaking out of her to diffuse. She summoned the nanny to take Melissa away, though it took Melanie quite some time to mollify the child before she agreed to waiting for her mother downstairs.Melanie waited until there were just the two of them in the room before asking, “What do you want? Can
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Chapter 1737 Not Of Flesh And Blood
Over the course of the next few days, Alejandro was nowhere to be seen while Melanie was confined to her own house. She had no choice but to accompany her daughter.Moreover, more bodyguards had been hired at the Smiths’ just to keep an eye on her. Melanie did not even have to think to know that Alejandro would be going against the Larks. Moreover, with the assistance of Jackson, the Larks were not going to be able to escape the incoming calamity.However, what Melanie had not expected was for someone among the Larks to have actually remembered a “pawn” like her. Mrs. Lark’s voice was angry as she scolded her. “Melanie Lark, how could you live such a cowardly life! Alejandro is now working with the Wests to go against us Larks. Furthermore, he’s even announced so openly that the Larks have laid a hand on his woman, yet Jackson is still able to accept that, even going so far as to collaborate with him. Don’t you feel anything at all? Huh? How are you still able to watch from the sid
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Chapter 1738 Who Told You I’m Doing It For Tiffany?
Compared to Mrs. Lark’s words, which were as sharp as a blade, Mr. Lark’s method was much more coercive, but it was still meant to drive Melanie into a corner. Despite it being a mess that the Larks had concocted, they were all still forcing Melanie to clean up after them in the end. After a long time had passed, Melanie picked up her phone and dialled Alejandro’s number. She had made her decision to treat it as her final repayment to the Larks for raising her. From then onwards, she would cut off all ties with them and never return to that family ever again.When the phone call was connected, Melanie asked in a hoarse voice, “Where are you? Could you please come home for a while? I… wish to speak with you for a moment.”Alejandro seemed to be occupied with something at that moment and was distracted. “What’s the matter? Just tell me over the phone.”Melanie insisted as she said, “I can’t tell you over the phone. When will you be back?”After a few seconds, Alejandro finally sa
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Chapter 1739 Divorce: Liberation or Torture?
Melanie’s heart sank. “What would it take for you to forgive the Larks? I’ll do anything as long as you’re willing to stop.” ‘This way, I can cut off all ties with the Larks.’Alejandro lowered his head and tidied up his daughter’s hair, babbling about things that were unrelated to the topic at hand. “Her hair doesn’t seem to be very healthy. How come she didn’t inherit that from you? She doesn’t seem to be growing much with whatever she’s eating at the moment. She’s still so small…”Melanie sighed. ‘Is he trying to change the topic? Is he completely unwilling to talk about this matter at all?’ Melanie began to panic slightly. “Alejandro… Is it really impossible for us to even have a proper discussion? I don’t expect to be held above Tiffany in importance in your heart, but we’re a married couple after all, so can’t you… think in my place for once, every now and then?”Alejandro was startled for a moment, as his hands stopped. Then, he raised his head to look at her. “You’re still
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Chapter 1740 Sensitive Question
Melanie was not able to recall when she had ever said that. “When did I ever say that?! Don’t you feel disgusted at having a child with someone you don’t love?! I’m grateful enough that you’ve allowed me to give birth to Millie. Stop it… Let go of me!”Alejandro let out a sigh by Mealnie’s ear. “I don’t know whether it’s love or not either, but I… don’t want to leave…”Melanie’s arms lost their strength as she gave up struggling. ‘He doesn’t know if it’s love or not… But he doesn’t want to leave… Can’t he leave…?On the way home, Melanie’s head remained low as she held onto Millie, afraid that someone might be able to see whatever she was thinking. When she recalled what had just happened in the office, she still felt as if she were in a dream. From the moment she had left to meet Alejandro earlier, her mind had been in turmoil. However, she was still spacing out at that moment.‘Alejandro’s been gloomy for the past few days, yet now he’s all smiles and seems to be in a good mood.’
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Chapter 1741 A Mutually Reinforcing Relationship
Melanie suddenly laughed. “It’s fine, I understand what you meant. We… haven’t gotten a divorce. The divorce papers have been signed, but he ended up tearing them apart afterward. He seemed to have changed his mind when he found out that it wasn’t me who pushed you. I have no idea what’s going on in his mind. I even thought… that he wouldn’t let me off the hook even if he found out that it was my brother who’d done it.”Tiffany patted her chest as she heaved a sigh of relief. “That’s impossible! I think you should’ve told him the truth long ago. Alejandro isn’t that kind of person; he definitely wouldn’t have vented his anger on you if you weren’t a part of it. Furthermore, whatever that’s happened between me and him is long but buried in the past, so there’s no way he would seek revenge on my behalf! Although he’s now become Alejandro Smith, I still vaguely understand his temper from when he was still Ethan Connor. Since the both of you aren’t divorced, then you should live together
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Chapter 1742 Arianne’s Everyone’s Therapist
It was considered to be Millie’s first visit there, so she was a little shy. She felt curious and wanted to play when she saw the various items in the patio that seemed fun to play with, yet she was afraid to do so at the same time. It was not until Arianne had come out to welcome them and gotten Smore to bring Millie to play along that the latter became a little more courageous.From the moment Melanie entered Tremont Estate, Arianne could tell that she had visited her for a reason, so she asked Mary to brew some tea. Then, both she and Melanie sat by the tea table in the patio as they casually talked. “What’s the matter? I know that the situation within the Larks doesn’t look too good, so you must be feeling bad as well.”Melanie lowered her eyes. “Honestly… There’s nothing much for me to feel bad about. I am troubled by the amount of pressure my family is putting on me, but I can’t be bothered with how the Larks end up. Arianne, I still want to get a divorce.”Arianne’s eyes trem
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Chapter 1743 Alejandro Has No Propriety
Arianne was well aware of an old saying where you should not interfere with someone else’s lives. However, since she was also a woman, she was also well aware about how painful it would be to live with a man who did not love his other half forever. ‘Does Alejandro love Melanie? The answer is very obvious: most likely not. How lucky would Melanie have to be to receive a happy ending in a relationship that has been built up on benefits?’In the end, Arianne painstakingly advised, “Melanie, I’m sure you know Alejandro’s personality by now. If he really refuses to let you leave, you won’t be able to leave regardless. He'll make sure that you wouldn’t even be able to step foot out of the Capital. Why don’t you do this: have a proper discussion with him after the matter with the Larks has ended, all right? Also… He isn’t going after the Larks because of Tiffany. She has both me and Jackson supporting her, so there’s no need for him to be involved with her. Therefore, he should be doing it…
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