All Chapters of A Ruling Passion: Mr Tremont's Priceless Little Bride: Chapter 1761 - Chapter 1770
1898 Chapters
Chapter 1764 Inhumane
When the doctor told them the truth about the pills, both Arianne and Sylvain were shocked. ‘Those are actually antidepressants?! Robin had been fighting against depression, but no one even found out about it while she silently took her medications!’Sylvain’s hand trembled as he held the bottle. “I’m such an idiot… Why didn’t I know that she was sick…?”‘Was our relationship so straining on her that she’d been suffering from depression? If I hadn’t insisted on being with her, insisted on receiving blessings for a marriage that would never end well, and had instead given up much, much sooner, would things be different? It’s all because of me! I kept on pursuing her and now I’ve ended up becoming the reason for her death!’After leaving the hospital, Arianne had no idea what she should say at that point. ‘It all makes sense now. Robin jumped off the steeple because she was depressed.’Sylvain remained silent the entire journey, his thoughts unknown. Although Arianne felt really bad,
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Chapter 1765 Only Mom
“Thud, thud, thud.” Smore ran and stood in front of Arianne. “Mommy, Granny said that I can go to school now. Is that true? Is it?”Arianne raised her hand and patted the little boy’s head. “Yes, you’re going to school from next month onwards. You’ve turned three years old in the blink of an eye, why do I suddenly feel like I’m getting old…?”Mark rolled his eyes at her before getting up to head upstairs. “Hurry up and take a shower. You laid on the couch directly the moment you came home.”Arianne casually picked up a pillow and threw it at Mark. “What’s that sudden look of disgust? Has our relationship dulled? What happened to the time when you hugged me and called me “baby”? Do all men change their character as quickly as they take off their clothes?!”Mark’s quick reflexes helped him catch the oncoming pillow. He looked at Arianne with a startled look. “When have I ever hugged you… And called you “baby”? Who have you been learning all of this from?”Arianne hugged her son and
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Chapter 1766 Monster
When Ursula saw him, her eyes were startled for a moment as she sat upright out of a guilty conscience. “You… How did you get in here? Are you done with everything? I’m sure there are a lot of matters to handle at the Coxs’.”Sylvain was not furious because he had already vented all his helplessness and anger by shouting alone the night before. Instead, he walked towards Ursula and threw a debit card in front of her. “This is all the money I have with me that I can spare—take it. From now on, we’re no longer related, so don’t ever mention that I’m your son to anyone. I don’t have a mom like you.”Ursula glanced at the debit card on the coffee table and snickered. “Robin was the one who decided to die, so what does it have to do with me? Also, her father was the one who got a heart attack and died because he was all the while ill, yet you’re pinning that on me as well? If that’s the case, that family is really frail. If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have provoked them in the first p
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Chapter 1767 Goodbye, Sylvain
Before Sylvain left, he transferred the sole proprietor over his villa to Mrs. Cox so that she could help sell it and keep the money for herself. That way, even if Sylvain wasn’t in the country, she wouldn’t have any problems surviving if she ever landed in any trouble.It was not known where Ursula had gotten her hands on that information, but she forcefully stopped Sylvain while he was on his way to the airport by getting the car to stop by the roadside. However, instead of getting out of the car, Sylvain merely locked the car door and opened up his window just a little.After getting out of her own car, Ursula rushed towards Sylvain’s car and tried to open his car door. However, when she realized that she couldn’t, she slammed against the car. “Open up this door and get out right now!”Sylvain looked at her expressionlessly. “Don’t make me miss my flight. You have two minutes. Say whatever you have to, but nothing unnecessary because I don’t want to hear it.”Ursula was now fr
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Chapter 1768 The Rainbow After The Storm?
Not only did Ursula not move aside, but she actually took a few more steps forward. “I have every right to know about my son’s whereabouts, don’t I? I’m doing this out of concern for him. Is there a problem with that? Even if you have some bias against me, you can’t strip me off my rights. All you have to do is tell me and I’ll be out of your way. Otherwise, I’m sorry, but no one’s leaving here today!”When Arianne recalled the scene of Robin’s death, she became extremely angry. “How are you any different from a common scoundrel? Are you trying to find out where Sylvain is headed to continue tormenting him? You’ve already tortured him to this stage already, so what more do you want to do to him? Don’t you clearly know why he’s leaving you? Isn’t he doing it to avoid you? Can’t you leave him be already?!”Then, Mark grabbed onto Arianne. “What’s the point of talking to someone like her? I’ll call the security over, don’t worry about it.”When Ursula saw that Mark was really making th
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Chapter 1769 Bring Home The Baby
After finishing the processes required at the hospital, Tiffany was unable to stop as she paced around excitedly.In comparison, Jackson was overly calm as he sat on the bench by the corridor, completely silent.When Tiffany noticed that, she unhappily said, “How are you not even a little excited? Isn’t she your daughter? My goodness, am I the only person who’s excited here?”Jackson had another attack of his overly straightforward character right at that critical moment. “Who said you’re the only one who’s excited? Isn’t my mom excited as well? She wanted to come, but you insisted on her not coming in order to take care of Plato at home…”Tiffany was so angry that she rolled her eyes at him. “She’s your daughter, not your mom’s, so there’s no use if anyone else misses her when her own dad doesn’t! Try not getting her to call you dad if you can!”Jackson was unable to smooth talk his way out of the situation since his thoughts were filled with something else, so he remained silent
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Chapter 1770 Too Early To Judge
Summer took a deep breath and pushed Jackson. “You should go out first while I make them something to drink.”Just as Jackson turned around to open the kitchen door, he saw Tiffany standing right by it. Her eyes were completely red and she was slightly trembling.Jackson was startled for a moment. He reached out his hand to embrace her. “Tiffany…”Summer was shocked for a moment. “Tiffany? You… Did you hear everything?”Tiffany hid in Jackson’s embrace and wiped her tears. “Actually, you don’t have to hide the truth from me like that… I can handle it. So what if she won’t be smart? I’ll take care of her forever, it’s no big deal. But… We won’t be able to be in-laws with Ari anymore.”Jackson did not know what to say, so he could only console her by gently patting her back.Tiffany had gone to the kitchen with the intention of making some milk; her baby had not been by her side for so long that she did not have any breast milk to feed her at all. However, she did not expect to hea
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Chapter 1771 Hard As A Dead Duck’s Beak
Tiffany looked at Arianne and felt embittered. “If my daughter hadn’t had any problems, I would’ve really just given her to you. However, it’s a pity… that things didn’t turn out as expected. I’ll take care of her myself.”When she saw Tiffany’s reddened eyes, Arianne shot a glance at Jackson and knew in her heart that Tiffany knew about everything. “Tiffany, don’t say things like that. If they’re fated to be together, I don’t have any complaints, so why don’t we see how the kids develop? Mark and I still want to have a daughter as well, but it’s a pity that we won’t be able to do so in this life.”Smore was slightly disappointed. “Why? Why can’t Mommy give birth to a sister for me?”Arianne had no idea how she should explain it to him. “You go along and play with Plato and stop asking so many questions. Little kids shouldn’t interfere in adult matters.”Smore took Plato’s hand and headed outside to find Little Bean to play with after leaving with a “hmph”. When Tiffany looked at
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Chapter 1772 Mrs. Lark Calls Melanie To Ask For Money
Jackson could not control himself and laughed hysterically, causing everyone to shoot glances at him. Hence, he forcefully stifled his laughter. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t hold it in for a moment there. Please ignore me and continue…”That night, at Alejandro’s manor.Melanie paced around in her bedroom. She was waiting for Alejandro to return home. She kept on calling and texting him, but Alejandro replied to neither. It had been a few days since Melanie had seriously told him she wanted to have a divorce, yet he had no intention of showing up at all. She no longer wanted to delay the matter; she had steeled her heart for it.However, when she finally received a call, Melanie did not expected it to be from Mrs. Lark. ‘I suppose the only reason they’re calling me now is because they want money. They’ve been used to living extravagantly in the past, so now that the Larks have no more capital, they’re bound to fall short of money sooner or later. Therefore, they’ve now thrown everything o
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Chapter 1773 Down To Its Last Ember
As her eyes grazed her daughter’s profile, beads of tears fell from Melanie’s eyes. “Millie, my sweet girl… Will you blame your Mommy for leaving you and your Dad one day? Mommy’s sorry, but she just doesn’t think she will find happiness in her life here. I want to try another way, a different life. But know that your Mommy won’t go far from you, and all of my love is always for you. When Mommy finally finds her footing while she lives alone, when she finally has surplus money, I’ll come and try talking your Dad into releasing you into my care, okay? Mommy really wants to bring you with her; it’s just that there’s too many uncertainties…”Melissa’s little hand reached out to her mother’s cheek before wiping the tears away. “Mommy, what’s ‘happiness’?” she asked innocently. “Is it very big and important?”Melanie found herself grasping at air for an answer. Is happiness ever “big and important”? She did not know; heck, she did not even know what it meant to be happy—it was cryptic, al
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