All Chapters of Succubus in your Dreams: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
123 Chapters
Chapter 60
 He held himself better this time, though heat filled his eyes, pouring over my skin and curling low in my belly, drawing me tight with response. I turned myself, sinuous and sleek, peering up at him through a curtain of my hair, arching my back as I posed. He licked his lips again and I laughed, rolling a bit like a kitten in laundry, waiting for his direction.He drank me in again, as though burning me in his mind, and shuddered. The quality of his power changed, moved over my skin with a purpose, those unseen hands beginning a light tug at my hair, seeming to move my clothes. I sighed, sliding to the edge of the bed. He might be to shy to say it, but his intent was clear enough. Had I been feeling generous, I would comply, but something still bothered me about him. He was still trying to hide from me, and that drew my catty nature. I assumed a bored pose and raised a brow, banished anything but inquiry from my face. He frowned
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Chapter 61
 I was still a bit shaken, but didn't believe I was in any real danger, which might have been foolish, but didn't change the situation. I looked to the bed, wrinkled by my wallowing, and let it ground me. I then turned back to him and let heat fill my eyes. My body did still want him, and that was all I needed to think about. I made the mewing sound I had used to calm Rocko, and that turned the creature's head back, his eyes wide and puzzled. I stretched myself before him, rolling my body in a display of my own, showing muscles in places humans simply didn't have. Heat flared his eyes inhuman again and that almost growl spilled from his lips. He reached for me, but stopped himself, his hands working empty air, his power filling the room like a furnace. He wouldn't take that step, but his eyes begged me, raw with need, to come to him.I gave myself a moment, my breathing suddenly unsteady, and examined the wisdom of the situation I had put myself in. That he d
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Chapter 62
 Aithusa’s POVI did not know what I was going to say to Hannabelle when she came back but this was serious news for the business and even though I had told Adriel that I was going to be talking to my boss…Sorry!! You guys might get confused at this point of time. Jared Alvin, the author, his original name is Adriel, cool name huh!!He writes under pen name but he had implored me that his name be not told to anyone. And since he had promised that he was going to sign the new book personally and then give it to me, the first copy, I had agreed to keep it a secret. Hannabelle came in her office and looked at me and said,” I am not in a good mood, succubus, if there is something better that you have to say then you should be doing it now.”I gulped once. She was calling me succubus, that did not mean a good thing.
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Chapter 63
 Aithusa’s POVIn this job I've seen it over and over, a corpse is a corpse unless someone who loved them enters the room. That's when the atmosphere changes, when the clean up crew starts to feel the trauma. Mostly they deal with it later in macabre humour - the hit and run victim is "roadkill" and the stabbing victim is a "pin cushion." It isn't that they don't care, more that they have to find a way to do their job and still function as spouses and parents...I went directly to the crime scene as Mac had told me. He had said that this was no a scene that everyone could tolerate, so I had to be pretty strong enough internally to take on the scene and then begin my investigation. I already knew who or what had done this crime, and even though I had no lead on how they were on earth when they should be in the bowels of hell being torn apart for eternity by hell hounds. But I was not going to tell
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Chapter 64
 Tara was trudging home from yet another hard day at work. Once again wishing that she could have stayed at university for another few years and not entered the awful world of work. Why an English Literature graduate had to work in a bank was yet another mystery she couldn't understand, she wanted to be a writer but apparently no one was willing to buy a book from a nobody without any experience. Finally topping it all off it was freezing cold and damp as only the British winter weather could provide. Even wrapped in her thick, long coat she felt frozen through and thoroughly miserable.She was still nearly twenty minutes away from home and was beginning to wonder whether hypothermia or depression would kill her first when she saw the little side street which she walked past every day but never went down. It looked liked it skimmed around the centre of town probably saving minutes from her journey but she wasn't sure and so had never tried i
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Chapter 65
 Aithusa’s POVI watch them scurry in the approaching twilight; lively as a herd bent on an evening drink with the stink of nervousness in the updraft, teasing them softly with faint whiffs of danger as the night begins to drain the power of day. Observing from my balcony high above them, they do not see me watching through bored eyes, tired eyes, eyes that have seen too much and yet not enough. Eyes that once held the gift of innocence and youth but gave it away for a moment of revenge, eyes that no longer cry over the silly haunting of a love that never really was or mourn the loss of the soul they once framed. I am my own creation, that is to say, I am what I created. Jealousy is the bamboo of the emotional world, growing in leaps and bounds overnight, twisting and turning itself into a tangle of half-lied truths and honest lies. A wall of ill-content and self-induced delusions with no beginning and no end:
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Chapter 66
 Aithusa’s POVI slipped up above him and slipped his cock inside my waiting pussy, groaning at the feel of it. I had to admit he was a decent chose for a meal. Nine inches of beef begging to be eaten and my cunt gobbled him up eagerly. I rode him hard and fast, feeling him thrash and buck under me. I stopped as I felt him suddenly throb and grow hard; I wasn't ready to feed just yet. I pulled off of him and heard him groan in agony. Looking into his eyes, I saw he badly needed to cum and was suffering for it. Good.'Are you having a good time, my pet?' SCRATCH'Are you enjoying yourself, my pet?' SCRATCH'Do you need to cum, bitch? SCRATCH'Are you ready to die, my love?' SCRATCHHe lay whimpering helplessly as the blood trickled down his chest and on to the sheets. In another life he would need many stitches, but not in this one. I drew a finger across his wounds an
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Chapter 67
 Aithusa’s POVI had come back to Nevada since Hannabelle did not like me to be out of time for more than a few nights. She told me that she had lead on the succubus and incubus duo who had caused the bodies to burn up in that grotesque manner. I had informed Hannabelle that if she wanted me to work on disgusting sights like this then she needed to pay me. Full time…And strangely, she had agreed. It had not taken a lot of hassle to get her to agree what I wanted.I had told the vamps and Rook that I would be meeting Jared first and then I shall be taking him to meet the crew. And that too in the evening so that it looked like we were just hanging out like a group of friends. I did not want to spook him out at the first unofficial meeting that they were having. I wanted to know this man…the one who kept penetrating her thoughts even when I was with other men
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Chapter 68
 Aithusa’s POVI had never thought that I would be waiting for one date to arrive and then someone else would show up and I would leave with him. But I was good…I was comfortable with this man.“So what is your name?” I asked as we both got coffees and sat down on the park bench again.“I am Aiden. And you are?” he asked in the way that school boys would talk. I mean, not the nerds but the jocks. They think that they are so handsome and popular that no one can resist them and they also have this strange swagger about themselves which makes them irresistible.I had fed on guys like this before but talking or even being in close proximity for something normal like conversation was a big no. But I was in my human guise and what did it matter until he knew my real identity?“My name is Letic
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Chapter 69
 He recalled that when they were courting and had separated for the summer, time would slow to a trickle and those sunny weeks were an age. Now he would give anything to go back and find away to spend that time by her side, savouring those moments instead of wishing them away. As she lay dying in his arms time flooded through his fingers with no regard for his feelings. He wished he could just stop moving forwards and exist in that moment together. Not thinking. Not breathing. Just not apart. Then he lay next to her just to feel her body heat and bring his head close to hers.He read out the lines from his latest book in pin drop silence in the book store as every one was hearing to his voice with rapt attention.Aithusa was standing at the back and was making sure that she did not have to be bothered wi
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