All Chapters of Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle: Chapter 3201 - Chapter 3204
3204 Chapters
Chapter 3199 Someone With A Gun Got Away!
The moment he started yelling at the police, a bullet had already pierced through his head. The mercenary's eyes were widened. Before he could even take his last breath, Gale had already kicked the other two out of the car. Then, a gunshot rang out, and one of the mercenaries was taken down.The other one rolled over, but by the time he realized what was happening, Gale had already kicked the gun out of his hand and picked it up.Gale did not shoot. He only aimed the gun at the mercenary. He could not fire due to his current identity. He had no choice but to let the police handle it. Plus, they needed someone alive.Gale pointed at the mercenary with the gun, who dared not to move. Not only was Gale aiming at him, but the police officers, noticing that Gale had broken free from their control, were also pointing their guns at him. The mercenary could only surrender.Gunshots continued to echo. Gordan was engaged in a shootout with the remaining two mercenaries. One of them
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Chapter 3200 Shouldn't Have Taken Someone Else's Word For It
The wheels of the car driven by Gale had been removed by Rain. He had no choice but to leave on foot.As the police officer watched him leave from behind, he could not help but shake his head. “What a waste. With skills like that, he'd be a perfect fit at our precinct.”However, considering Gale was under Luke, he did not push further. The officer just shook his head and then directed the operations at the scene.Since there had been a gunfight, they needed to secure the area, find the bullets, and then write a report.It was quite a serious incident.Fortunately, there were no casualties on their side, and they did not let the suspect escape either.A few police officers were busy cordoning off the area to prevent vehicles from entering. Meanwhile, the escort team successfully brought Matysh to the courthouse's back entrance.A court officer came forward. He checked Matysh's identity and then escorted him inside. They had heard about the gunfight and were surprised Matysh was s
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Chapter 3201 Settled An Old Score
The assistant apologized sincerely. He knew he had made a mistake. If he had taken a moment to think things through, he would not have made such an error.He was frustrated as well. Even if the suspect was a foreign noble, using such despicable tactics to frame Walter was simply too much!There was a knock on the lounge door, and a voice came from outside, "Mr. Long, it's time for the court session.""Okay." Walter picked up the document bag, put his phone on silent, and walked out of the lounge. He entered the first criminal courtroom, took his seat at the plaintiff's lawyer's position, and waited for the session to begin.Before long, the defense lawyer and all court staff were in place, ready to start the proceedings.Matysh sat at the defendant's table with a grim expression on his face. He noticed that Marcos was also present. His expression grew even darker. Did he come here just to watch how these A City citizens were targeting him?Matysh was really annoyed. Ethan had
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Chapter 3202 All This Happened Because Of Me
If he had been able to shoot at that moment, he would have taken out those mercenaries in the first place. He was also in a good position for an attack at that time. Ultimately, Gordan's injury was partly his responsibility. If it were not for protecting him, Gordan would not have been exposed to the mercenaries.Gale sat there, replaying the scene over and over in his mind, still regretting not having fired. All the police officers were focused on his situation back then. If Gale had shot, it would have been difficult for Luke to explain things to the police.“It's all my fault!” muttered Gale, taking all the blame on himself.Rain knew he felt guilty and heaved a sigh. Luke watched the two of them, who were affected by Gordan's situation. He remained silent, knowing that Gordan's condition was still uncertain and all they could do was wait.Two hours later, the operating room door opened, and Johann came out. “The surgery was successful. Here's the bullet.” Johann held up
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