All Chapters of How To Survive Your Mate's Rejection: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
61 Chapters
Chapter 24: The Apron (Part-1)
The apron was a piece of clothing that was usually worn by a chef in the kitchen. It varies in shapes but had one thing in common, which was to protect its wearer from unwanted stains while they’re cooking. However, to spice up the intimate relationship between him and his mate, Drake Silvermoon had another creative idea on how to use that piece of clothing. ‘I think Noah will look so sexy in this…’ he thought while holding the black apron on his way to Noah’s bedroom. There was nobody insight today in the packhouse because Drake had asked everyone, including his beta, to go hunting in the Hampton.  He wanted to secure the entire house as his personal playground. Since he’s running out of time, he needed to make Noah submit to him before his parents return. *** After the terrible things t
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Chapter 24: The Apron (Part-2)
[WARNING: Mature content!] While Noah was cooking, Drake couldn't take his eyes from his naked soulmate. He enjoyed every single part of Noah’s bare-skin. Drake's eyes were now focusing on Noah’s white and perky behind. Not long after, Drake felt his pants were getting tighter, ‘Damn it! I can’t wait to fuck him but I don't want him to stop,’ he began to unzip his pants and fondle his dick slowly, ‘seeing him naked like this and cooking at the same time is such a rare chance…’ “What took you so long, Noah? It's almost 1 hour!” Drake yelled while masturbating secretly on the dining chair.  Noah could sense what Drake was doing, it made him sick to his stomach, “please wait a bit longer, Drake,” Noah said, while turning down the heat of the electric stove, s
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Chapter 25: The Inconvenient Truth
Before she was married, Lea Silvermoon was a well-known researcher in the field of lycanthropy. She knew almost anything within the field, including the relationship between a human and it’s inner-wolf. Her latest invention before she retired as a scientist was a drug that could make the inner wolf fall into a deep sleep. She thought her invention was quite useless outside the lab until she met Noah and his dangerous inner-wolf, Ruiz.  A few days ago, after she and her pack returned from the Black River, she decided to apply the drug on Noah. And soon after that, Noah’s inner-wolf fell into a deep slumber. ***     Presently, Lea Silvermoon was in the middle of a meeting with her father, Isaiah Scarlet, in his office in Washington, while waiting for the Elder trial to finish. She let her husband handle the trial alone because she believed that Thoma
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Chapter 26: The Other (Part-1)
In the divided world of werewolf’s society, every pack wanted to be the strongest. Weak pack couldn’t last long, because when they lost the war, the losing pack only left with two options, either to disband the pack and submit to their new leader or find another vacant land to rule. That’s why every pack valued a Luna with great power, so she could help her alpha to thrive.   Once they sat in their car, Thomas Silvermoon quickly asked the chauffeur to bring them to Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport immediately.  While their car was running, Thomas blurted out his disappointment toward his wife, “I told you not to mess with his wolf! What were you thinking?” He glared at Lea, blaming her on Noah’s misfortune.  “So you want our son to be mateless for the rest of his life?” she yelled back at him, thinking that she’s doing the right thing, &ld
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Chapter 26: The Other (Part-2)
Due to its obsessive nature, every alpha werewolf took the marking ritual very seriously. It's a sign of ownership, which his soulmate approved and willing to submit entirely. No wonder Duncan was getting anxious lately, as he knew his love rival had shown up, the other alpha who could snatch Noah from his grip anytime soon. But of course, since Ruiz had returned, the marking ritual now could go smoothly...    *** Later that morning, Noah woke up finding himself inside Drake’s room. He was relieved to know that his inner-wolf had returned and his wound had been healed.  ‘Now I’m a werewolf again…’ He’s so happy, which made him smile in glee, unaware that he’s still wrapped inside Drake’s arm.  By the time he realized that Drake was still hugging him, Noah quickly turned to his right, only to make h
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Chapter 26: The Other (Part-3)
  After the utter failure of Noah’s marking ritual, Thomas Silvermoon asked Toby to bring Noah back to his room. When he was left alone with his son, Thomas turned toward Drake and quickly punched him in the face. Pang! But Drake knew his father's wrath was the great price he must pay for having a short-term pleasure with Noah. “I heard everything from one of our packs, do you think you can keep your dirty secret from us?” Thomas snorted, “if you didn't rape him, he won’t try to commit suicide and he surely will submit to you a while ago…” Drake didn't reply, he was pondering his own mistake while gazing toward the floor. Pang! Another strong-blow landed on his cheek, it almost broke his jaw, “I trusted you, how come you break my trust easily, huh
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Chapter 26: The Other (Part-4)
 Most of the brides usually couldn't fall asleep the day before their wedding nights, because of the overwhelming happiness that burst in their chest. They couldn't wait for tomorrow to come…   Noah went to his closet and put every essential in his backpack in a hurry. Similar to most brides, Noah Cheong also couldn't sleep 8 hours before his wedding. But he had his own reason not to. He didn't forget to put his twin-silver daggers inside along with his grandma-hand-knitted-sweater.  You see, after reading the secret message on his napkins, Noah realized that this was his only chance to get away from the Silvermoon mansion before it’s too late. Noah was sitting in front of his door, getting ready for his run-away. 
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Chapter 26: The Other (Part-5)
 While riding his taxi to the JFK airport, Noah Cheong was brainstorming the best hiding place from The Silvermoon pack. He couldn't go to his grandmother's house in California, he knew they already did a background check about him through the employee database in the Silverplate restaurant. Noah let out a long sigh when he saw the fare indicator had reached $200. ‘We’re almost there, Ruiz, but I don't have a single clue about where our next destination is…’  His eyes then switched outside, wondering at the pitch-black sky ‘Maybe something will come up soon after we get there…’ While he was staring blankly at the sky, he could see a group of pigeons flying above his taxi. His heart grew restless as the birds were gradually increasing in number
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Chapter 27: The New Life (Part-1)
  After they arrived at Beaver County Airport, Pennsylvania; Wade Horton immediately brought Noah Cheong to his packhouse, in the rural areas, which were located 20 Km from Beaver Falls. While he’s driving his old truck, Wade couldn't help himself not to steal a glance at Noah. He’s too shy to start a conversation, but whenever their eyes met, his heart beat faster. Thump… ‘Should I say something to him?’ the twenty-year-old Football athlete asked himself while glancing at his heartthrob, ‘we barely talked during our flight, because he seemed to be tired… but I want to know him more!’       On the other hand, Noah, who sat on the passenger seat, smiled to see Wade kept staring at him, “Is there something’s wrong, Wade?” “Uhm&helli
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Chapter 27: The New Life (Part-2)
 Even though she was a werewolf, her human stepparents raised Martha Horton to become a pious Catholic woman. That’s why she applied the Lord’s teaching literally in her daily life. She even still regularly went to Sunday mass, disguising herself among human congregants.   While her human-half inclined to Christianity, her werewolf-part knew that the Moon Goddess couldn't be wrong, the goddess knew that Noah Cheong was the best for her son, Wade. And now, Martha tried to compromise the Lord’s teaching and learned to accept Noah as her ‘homosexual’ son-in-law. But of course, it wasn't easy… ***    Presently, the LOL trio was trying to get to know Noah a little bit better. Especially Lola, the fujoshi who favored male-to-male relationships over the straight ones. She couldn't stop pestering Wade and Noah with questions. 
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