All Chapters of The First Heir: Chapter 4821 - Chapter 4830
5245 Chapters
Chapter 4822
Denzel sent a guy in the fifth zone into the arena. This guy was watching the battle and was amazed at Philip's strength. Unexpectedly, he was scheduled to fight in the next round. He was very frightened and was just about to refuse when Denzel gave him a stern warning. In desperation, the practitioner had no choice but to bite the bullet and enter the field. He just hoped that Philip would spare his life instead of killing him in one move. Philip was thoughtful at the sight of this practitioner in the fifth zone. He thought that the last opponent would be very difficult to deal with, but it turned out to be a person with such a low level. Hence, Philip had some guesses about the organizers of the arena. They did not seem to be good people, but Philip did not want to force the issue. They were clearly trying to get into his good books now, but Philip was not that easy to please. He simply felt that they wanted to recoup some losses after they realized how powerful he wa
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Chapter 4823
Terence made a swiping motion across his neck, indicating his suggestion to get rid of Philip. Denzel looked at Terence unhappily. He did not expect this guy to be so stupid. “This young man has the ability and strength. We can't treat him like that. Instead, we should please him and try to recruit him.” Terence scowled darkly, not expecting to hear that. As a talent of the family, he was unhappy to see someone like Philip. Philip was clearly stronger than him. If Philip joined his family, Terence’s status would drop rapidly. The Harrod family did not value bloodline but individual strength. Core family members would naturally occupy an important position, but many powerful people could take up some important positions too. Only ten young family members would be selected from each generation, while others were made up of outsiders who could contribute to the family. There were many young members in Terence’s generation, and it was a tough competition to select ten peo
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Chapter 4824
Terence felt disdainful that his uncle valued Philip so much, but he quickly contained this emotion. He knew his uncle very well. He would be beaten severely if his uncle got angry with him. Denzel was indifferent to Terence’s promise. He knew that no one could refuse the invitation of the Harrod family. Philip was soon announced as the winner, and everyone cheered. They thought the past few battles were exciting. However, some people rejoiced while others despaired. The people who bet that Philip would lose were very upset. They had thought that the outcome was certain, but they lost miserably. Many people staked everything they had and lost it. Philip shrugged and returned to Fennel’s side. Fennel said with satisfaction, “You did very well. We made a lot of money.” Fennel had placed all his bets on Philip right from the start. In his opinion, Philip would never lose. Sure enough, Philip won every round and made him a great fortune. Since the fight was over, Te
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Chapter 4825
“It’s okay if you don’t know the Harrod family. I can tell you that we're one of the largest families in the reclusive practice world. Unlike other factions and families, we don’t place great importance on the bloodline. In our family, you can rise to the top as long as you're capable.” He laid out all his family's advantages methodically. In Terence's opinion, anyone would be excited to hear this, and no one would let go of this opportunity. Philip waved his hand nonchalantly. “Sorry, I’m not interested.” After saying this, he left with Fennel. He was a little tired from the fights and wanted to have a good meal. Terence was dumbfounded at Philip’s unfazed departure. He could not believe that Philip did not cherish this opportunity. “Wait! Stop!” Terence stood in Philip’s path in a panic, surprised by Philip’s outright rejection. “Are you serious? Do you understand what I’m telling you?” Terence was puzzled and angry over the rejection. He could not figure out why an
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Chapter 4826
Terence nodded and said, “I told him my identity, but he was very arrogant. He said he had never heard of us and even insulted us! The stoic guy next to him was no different. They think they’re very awesome just because they won a few fights!” Denzel was shocked that someone would say such a thing. “Damn it, he’s gone too far. Get someone to capture him. I want to see what gives him the right to say such things!” Terence smiled triumphantly at his uncle’s reaction. He knew that his plan was successful. No matter how angry Terence was, he could not do anything to Philip, especially with Philip's ability to fight beyond his level. However, it was different for Denzel, who was a pseudo other shore. Dealing with Philip would be easy for him. Even if Philip could fight beyond his level, he could not possibly fight at that level. Otherwise, other practitioners would have no chance to survive. Moreover, Denzel valued the family’s reputation highly. If he was informed that Philip
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Chapter 4827
The villagers always displayed a humble attitude toward practitioners. If they could catch a practitioner’s eye, maybe they would be given an opportunity. When Philip and Fennel entered the diner, the waiter quickly greeted them and served them courteously. “Your order is served!” The waiter served their food and backed away. He knew that practitioners did not like being disturbed by ordinary people. However, Philip stopped him when he was about to leave. “Buddy, can you tell us more about the current affairs of the practice world?” Philip handed a fine piece of jade to the waiter. He was very soft-spoken, obviously not a local. The waiter was surprised and flattered by Philip’s attitude. “You don’t have to do this, sir. I can tell you whatever you want to know!” Even if practitioners ate without paying, no one would dare to say a word. However, this practitioner wanted to give him something for asking a few questions! It was a miracle! A lowly villager like
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Chapter 4828
“The trail ends here. Go and find other information. If he dares to appear in the arena again, find someone to kill him,” Denzel instructed, ready to kill Philip. The guards of the Harrod family nodded and went looking for Philip’s whereabouts. After exploring the cave, Philip decided to follow Fennel to the arena again. He wanted some powerful opponents this time. The opponents who could be defeated easily made no difference to Philip at all. He could only benefit from the fight against powerful people. A pseudo other shore! Philip wanted to face someone of the pseudo other shore level. Fighting a half-step to the other shore was no problem for Philip now. Going one level up was the key to improving himself. Philip and Fennel returned the same way and happened to pass by the diner where they visited earlier. It did not look any different from before, but Philip smelled a hint of blood. He opened the diner door and saw a litter of corpses. The waiter and the cooks
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Chapter 4829
Everyone was dumbfounded and at a loss of how to react. Fennel looked at Philip with pride in his eyes. He knew that this good buddy of his had always been an extraordinary person. Whether it was the present or the future, Philip was a man who could stand at the top of the world and look down on everything. Even Philip had to admit that this world had changed. A guy who was a half-step to the other shore actually used a magic weapon to disguise himself as a pseudo other shore. Most importantly, he was so weak! Were all the people in the reclusive practice world so weak? Terence and Denzel stood up from their chairs in disbelief. They exchanged a glance as if they had seen something terrifying. Denzel's unwavering desire to kill Philip changed in an instant. Before this, he thought that Philip was too arrogant and that Philip's death meant nothing. However, he now thought that Philip had the capability to be so arrogant. If Denzel could fight beyond his level,
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Chapter 4830
If Philip was unwilling to obey Denzel, he would be killed! So what if Philip was strong enough to fight beyond his level? He definitely could not withstand being attacked by a group of powerful people! Denzel could deploy many powerful people to deal with Philip easily. Terence was relieved to hear that. He had been afraid that his uncle would force him to do something he did not want. With that solution in hand, Terence could simply tell Denzel that Philip was unwilling to comply. However, Terence still had to do what he had to do. He dejectedly arranged a few more fights for Philip just to see how strong he could be. Terence would approach Philip if he survived the next few rounds! Sure enough, Philip defeated his opponents one after another and soon reached the final round. However, Terence could tell that Philip was having a hard time. He beheaded his opponent with one swing of his sword in the first round, but it took him a while to defeat his opponent now.
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Chapter 4831
Philip’s interest was suddenly piqued by this guy’s reaction. “Do I know you? Why are you so angry with me? Did I steal your girlfriend or something?” Everyone laughed at Philip's remarks, and the practitioner fumed. “I staked everything I had that you’d lose, but you won against all odds and made me lose everything! My girlfriend dumped me because I’m broke now! This is all because of you!” He glared at Philip as if he wanted to swallow Philip in one gulp. “Gambling is a risky business. You should be careful when placing your bets!” Philip said nonchalantly. In his opinion, this guy was not right in the head. How could he blame Philip for placing the wrong bets? “I’m surprised that a practitioner of your level would be anxious about finding a wife,” Philip said casually. Since the other party was willing to give him time to recover his energy, he would not waste it. The opponent would not expect that Philip would take this opportunity to recover more than half of h
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