All Chapters of The First Heir: Chapter 5211 - Chapter 5220
5225 Chapters
Chapter 5212
Philip had no grudge against Jeff, so he was not bothered about the latter’s disguise. “Shopkeeper, I want your pills and weapons,” Jeff said anxiously. He was in a hurry. The Cod family was waiting for him to return to the inn. Granite pointed to the sign at the door. “I’m sorry, sir, we’re not open for business yet. Please come back in two hours.” Granite's words left Jeff in despair. Although he seemed to have his freedom, Emma was wary of him. Everyone kept an eye on him, so he had few opportunities to come here to buy things. “Don’t be so impatient, sir. Haste makes waste. If you come tomorrow, you'll be able to see a new product for sale. They're very rare in this world, so you can come by tomorrow if you’re interested.” Philip smiled. He could tell that this person was not short on funds. Outsiders were not aware of their business hours, so Philip was unfazed. “Can you tell me what it is?” Jeff was curious about the new product. These pills and weapons were mor
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Chapter 5213
Noelle was sent flying before she even realized what was going on. Even if Noelle did not face the opponent head-on, she could tell how strong it was. In a clash of the titans, they often only needed one strike to know how strong the opponent was without fighting to the death. “What?” Granite exclaimed, shocked that Noelle was no match for the beast. He knew how strong Noelle was because he once overestimated his ability and challenged her. As a result, she easily took him down in a few moves. Even after his strength had improved now, he had no way to defeat Noelle, which proved how powerful she was. If such a terrifying existence could not withstand the beast's attack, how strong could the beast be? “I sense that the beast isn’t very intelligent. It has been walking and stopping along the way, so it hasn’t even left the forest yet. If it were a fully mature beast, many cities would've been destroyed by now.” Noelle was worried. The strength of all the beasts in the fores
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Chapter 5214
Everyone discussed solemnly. They knew that the situation was serious but were helpless. At the same time, Philip announced the launch of a new product tomorrow. Everyone was in an uproar at the news. They were already excited enough with the pills and weapons, and some people even took their purchased items to bed. Everyone looked forward to the launch of the new product. The two notices on the board quickly attracted everyone's attention, including Alton. After hearing about it, he remained skeptical about Philip’s remarks. “I know that their store employee, Noelle, went out recently. That woman is very pretty.” Alton envied Philip for recruiting such a beautiful woman as a store attendant. If not for the fact that he could not touch Philip now, he would have taken Noelle under his wing. He doubted that Noelle was a powerful woman, so he subconsciously believed that Philip was lying about everything. “Don’t be fooled. That information is definitely fake. I’ve never hear
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Chapter 5215
“Oh no, I didn’t know they’d be selling something like this. I’m sure I didn't bring enough money!” “That’s right, I’m just here to buy a pill, but they launched such a treasure. I don't have enough money!” The people at the front of the line grumbled worriedly under their breaths. They knew that the ring would not be cheap, and some people wanted to ask if Philip was willing to put it on credit. The people lining up behind them were happy. “Don’t buy it if you don't have money. Leave it to us!” “Paupers should stop wasting their time here and give up all the good stuff!” Seeing that a fight was about to break out, Philip quickly stopped everyone. “Everyone, please be quiet. The first five people can register their information with me. If they can raise the money within half an hour, the item will be theirs.” The first five people in line breathed a sigh of relief at Philip’s words. They became excited and quickly gathered around to register their information. Jeff cl
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Chapter 5216
Philip only planned to run this promotion for three days. 15 rings should be more than enough. Oz strolled to the door of the store in disguise, not about to line up. He did not expect to see so many people queuing up at noon. It was very noisy as if everyone was complaining about something. “Shopkeeper, sell us more!” “That’s right, we want to have one too. We don’t mind paying more!” “Forget 30,000 energy stones, I’ll offer 100,000! Sell me one!” Everyone chattered, urging Philip to sell the storage ring. However, Philip ignored them. He sat aside and watched as Granite and the others got busy. These items were limited, so they could not blame him if they could not buy one. Oz approached curiously. He grabbed a passerby to find out what was going on. The passerby vividly described the incident to Oz. Oz was dumbfounded. “Are you sure about this? This store is selling those legendary storage rings? Is it a scam? Could it be an ordinary ring?” Oz simply could not beli
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Chapter 5217
Oz turned a blind eye and told Alton about the storage ring that he saw today. Alton was dumbfounded, his reaction exactly the same as Oz’s earlier. “Gosh, what are you saying? Are you sure you're not kidding me?” Alton was shocked and wondered why someone would sell a storage ring. He trusted Philip. Although Alton detested Philip, he had to admit that the store sold pretty good stuff. A scam was impossible, and reality proved that Philip had a storage ring! “Did they mention the transaction process?” Alton said in a panic, regretful that he had distanced himself from Philip. If he had maintained a good relationship with Philip, he would not have to go to great lengths to buy a storage ring from Philip now. He knew Philip would not sell him a storage ring that easily now. In that case, he could only find other means to get the ring. “I heard that they’ll only sell rings to the first five people every day, and it won’t go on for long. They probably want to build up thei
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Chapter 5218
Above all else, they did not have to worry about others eyeing their assets. All the treasures would be kept in the storage ring, so no one could get them easily. Oz was lost in his fantasies and wished he could get hold of a ring at once. Similarly, Alton was expectant and confident that he could easily get a storage ring with his abilities. Scarlet was envious and surprised to hear Philip selling such things. “Should I line up tomorrow? I want to get one too!” Scarlet said delicately, making furtive glances at Alton. Alton waved his hand and said, “Don't worry, I'll find someone to line up for you. I want to get hold of all the rings on hand anyway.” Alton knew that such a treasure would be highly sought after, so he had to make the first strike. “Does that idiot have any idea how valuable a storage ring is? Selling one for tens of thousands of energy stones is simply ridiculous!” Alton laughed at Philip. He could easily buy all the storage rings on sale with his weal
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Chapter 5219
“What force does Treasure House belong to? The ability to own storage rings and sell them at such a low price is simply a waste of resources!” “I say the pills and storage rings should be given to us. No one but the Cod family has the right to own these things!” “I think we should send someone to line up right now until they open for business tomorrow.” The members of the Cod family were ready to make a move. Even if they could not get everything, they wanted most of them. “I don’t think we can get them so easily. Many forces should be aware of this by now and will do the same. Don’t get your hopes up,” Jeff advised earnestly, certain that many people would line up. However, many people were upset by Jeff’s remark. “Hehe, I just knew that you were never on the Cod family’s side!” “Everyone is eager to buy the storage rings, but you’re just pouring cold water on us!” “Sure enough, someone with a different last name can never represent the Cod family!” Vance said angrily,
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Chapter 5220
After Noelle woke up at noon the next day, she leisurely opened the door for business again. This time, the queue extended from the entrance of Treasure House to the end of the street. “We want to buy a storage ring!” As soon as Noelle opened the door, everyone started shouting. Everyone wanted to get the ring, but the number was limited, and most of them knew they had missed the chance. However, they wanted to fight for it. What if Treasure House decided to sell unlimited quantities today? Noelle ignored them and invited the first five people in. They always stuck to the rules. Since they had agreed on five, they would only sell the rings to five people. These people were in disguise. Philip gave each of them a camouflage pill and told them to leave from the backdoor. It was normal for others to target them if they carried such a valuable item with them. Philip wanted to reduce this possibility. Of course, once they left this street, they had to fend for themselves.
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Chapter 5221
It appeared in this place by accident. Even the beast had no idea how it left its mother’s side and ended up in this ghastly place.… Meanwhile, Imperial City was in chaos. Although Imperial City was safest, too many people had flooded the city. The inns were full, and many people had to sleep on the streets. Moreover, the crime rate was increasing as if many people were taking advantage of the chaos to cause more destruction. Fernand Larson, the eldest young master of the Larson family, was caught in this mayhem. He knew that he would be held accountable at this rate. After he arrived at this city, he was held in high regard due to his outstanding ability and quickly became captain of the city’s defense army. After years of hard work, his position was unshakeable. If this incident had not happened, he would probably have become the commander of the city’s defense army. The current commander had been assigned to Guzo Forest to investigate the truth, and Fernand was for
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