All Chapters of Traveller Of Two Worlds: Chapter 2271 - Chapter 2275
2275 Chapters
Episode 2281
“750…that is magnificent…by the way, have they all been asked whether they wanted to work for us again or not?… I am worried that they might feel bitter about working for us again…after all…if they were to rebuke my offer…I understand them…”.“For that, they have all agreed…all 750 apprentices unanimously agreed to once again work for us…thanks to Mister Marlo convincing them…they readily agreed…all of them were harboring anger and vengeance towards the current Alemia Nation..and with us aiming to destroy the Alemia Nation…they all readily stepped forward for the task…”.(Holgun Iron Horn)“.…Oh…good grace…well…since they have agreed to come back to our fold…then let’s welcome them with open hands…. increase their salary, and also…make sure that once this war is over, they will all be entitled to one apartment each…”.“A Single apartment?…that is quite a reward, your Highness…Alright, I will make sure that the reward will be included in their contract…”.(Holgun Iron Horn)A raise and a
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Episode 2282
“[Colonel Aida Oneal will be the commander of the 2nd fleet, and I will be the commander of the 1st fleet…Sir…should I tell the ground troop to be transported with our vessel?…it seems much faster that way…]”.(Admiral Duchess Kolarova Qoon)“No….I want the ground troop to move on land, on their own….their role as they traverse the land to to comb the region at the same time….and thus eliminating any enemy or runaways at the same time…”.“[…But then..the progress will be slow…right?..]”.(Admiral Duchess Kolarova Qoon)“Yes…that is the point….the progress will be slowed down…but the upside is…we are cleaning everything that need cleaning…whilst also spread the demoralizing fear to our enemies ahead…”.A pronged attack, if we wanted to be more specific, it was 6 pronged attack to be exact. 2 attack is from the Navy, which functioned as long range attack and support fire, 2 from the Ground troop which will be lead by me and Bina, that act as the sweeper of the attacks and also the conques
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Episode 2283
As the Eastern and Southern Region of Alemia bursting with fervor of activities, the Western Region of Alemia or more known to the local as the Gust Territory, were also in the same state, although not in the same urgent manner, rather, what they were dealing with is an entirely different situation. Due to the 2 war that were currently ongoing inside Alemia Nation, the Civil War and the War with Aeternum, Gust Territory suddenly got swarmed by large influx of refugees, from the North and Central Alemia region. Thanks to this situation, at the border of Gust Territory and Central Alemia Region, there were a long trail of refugees starting from the Border Gate entering the region all the way to the edge of the territory.The line stretch for kilometers long, from afar it looks like a long thick tail of a giant snake, just seemingly looking endless. Be it the people just on foot, on their carriage, or on their horses, there were all kind of people stood in the line. But one thing that pu
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Episode 2284
“…….Target attempts to start a confrontation and cause havoc on the Border line….2 hostile target has been neutralized…Team 2 secured Baron Luke Jan Entourage now!…”.(Captain Eric)“Wha…what, is going on?…”.“[Entourage and Perimeter around the target has been secured, Sir..]”.(Aeternum Special Force Team 2 Soldiers)“Understood, Apprehend everyone inside the carriage and secure the carriage at once…..Baron Luke Jan, Lord of Luke City, Head of the Luke Family and the Lord of Luke Family Territory of the Northern Alemia Region..Correct?..”.(Captain Eric)“Y…yes…that’s me?…”.(Baron Luke Jan)“Good…you are under arrest, for the Charge of Treason against Alemia Region and Aeternum Government, Deserting from war, embezzlement, corruption and 25 other charges…Comply to the arrest, or you will be executed immediately..”.(Captain Eric)“What?…you can’t do this to me?…”.(Baron Luke Jan)“Nope..I CAN do this to you…and also your kind….I have power to do so…and I
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Episode 2285
“[…To all Captains located at the Border Gate and Wall…Prepare opening the Gate and let all the Refugees in at once….secure safety and security…in 6 hours…all Border Gate must be closed….At this moment, The Eastern and Southern Region forces, has advance…and we must prepare for war…This is General Lucas…Ladies and Gentlemen…be Prepared…the time of war has come…Over and out…]”.(Communication Radio)“What the…”.(Captain Eric)“Huh?…What happened, Captain?..”.(Knight Larry)Looking at the now startled Captain Eric, Knight Larry and Enderson felt a little bit unease. Captain Eric is a very laid back person and always smile no matter what the situation is, but right now before them, the Captain were akin to a statue as he listened to the Radio that were in his hand.“What the heck?!…why did they opened the gate fully?…and why the heck does everyone just up an running?..”.(Knight Enderson)Not enough with the weird situation with the sudden radio announcement and the stunned captain,
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