All Chapters of The Heir's Secret Obsession: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
84 Chapters
51 | Nostalgia
◇ KEL ◇ To my utter disadvantage, his simple greeting caused my heart to do backflips in my chest, and I almost cracked a smile. But, no―I wouldn't take it easy on him. I'd give him a dose of his own medicine first...maybe even leave him standing on my parents' front porch just for snubbing me the past weeks. So he was too busy to return my calls and reply to my texts, but not too busy to fly all the way out here just to bring me cake and a bouquet? "Glad you didn't forget," I muttered. The posy of tulips, roses, and sunflowers sat quietly on the pink cake box. Okay. So he hadn't forgotten my top three favorites. "Sorry I didn't catch the party." Miles handed me the flowers and held the cake box with one arm. Indeed he was hours late for my luncheon party, but at least he took the time to be here and bring me birthday gifts. I stopped pretending to be busy smelling the roses. I tilted my head to regard him.  Although the part
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53 | Girl, Disrupted
◇ KEL ◇   12:35AM In the quiet of my own room, the moment my brain just gave up and stopped processing the glossary terms in my new Pharmacology book, I heard my phone beep. New message?  I glanced at my nightstand clock. Well past midnight. Probably just Gaia, texting me goodnight. I had asked Gaia to come over again to keep me calm and semi-normal. Unfortunately, my best friend wanted me to deal with Miles on my own. "Just play his game," was Gaia's poor advice for me.  "And tell him you don't need him, or his filthy rich family and shady connections." Out of burning curiosity and anxiety, I  got up from my desk to check my phone. My heart jumped when I read his alias on the screen. Yep. I had to use aliases now—actually his request. "Still up?" his text read. "So now you feel like texting me?" For a long minute or two, I just stared at his message. The diminutive voices in my
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54 | Softie
◇ KEL ◇ Before I could leave him alone outside, to my shock, Miles just let himself into my bedroom. No questions asked.  I locked the door, sighing at the guy sitting on my bed now, the gun just resting beside his thigh. My small cat-shaped lamp drew shadows on his angular face. I wasn't the least bit scared of him, though.
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55 | Patto Col Diavolo
◇ KEL ◇ "Fuck." The guy pushed himself off of my limp body. Miles practically ran away from the bed after cussing out loud, panting and clenching his fist repeatedly. Perturbed by the sight, I flinched at his odd behavior while holding my breath. His reaction wasn't quite what I expected when he took me to bed, kissing me hard again and again till I could barely think straight. But now he wouldn't even look at me. "What?" I held back a frown and stayed incredibly still on the thick covers. The dimness hid most of his features as he sat on my bed. Miles stayed mum as he tried to get a grip on his emotions. For a moment, he remained hunched over on the edge of the covers. "What's wrong?" I murmured. Shame warmed up my neck and face―not because every inch of my nudity was exposed, or that he wore nothing but a look of exasperation on his face. What I found utterly embarrassing—mortifying—was the fact that I just let him have his way. I didn't even say no. Without compromise, I l
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56 | New Mission
◆ NICCOLO ◆    Syrah, Rostov, Russia   "Is it done?" I glanced up from my untouched glass of wine and stared at the man wearing an impeccably ironed suit and black tie.  If I didn't know any better, I'd say the guy just held a conference in some cold and stale boardroom in the metropolis. But I knew what the big boss kept his scarred hands busy with these days. Or at least I had some ideas.  "Scrubbed all the evidence. All copies and traces. You won't die in maximum security prison."   "What about Sofija?" the boss asked me next. "Give me two more weeks." I breathed a short sigh. He was impatient as much as I was tired of taking orders from him. But I had to pretend it didn't bother me. Or else he'd teach me another lesson involving a loaded gun, and some on-call henchman with a penchant for slaughtering total strangers using varying methods of torture. Early '60s Russian
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57 | Friend to Friend
◇  KEL ◇   JFK International Airport, New York  "Exams over?" "Yeah. For now." I glanced at the guy sitting next to me and put my seatbelt on, knowing Enzo prioritized safety now after what happened to him back in Umbria.    The car locks clicked. The tinted windows hid us from the outside world as his chauffeur drove out of the university's parking area. "We'll be back in four days, maybe three," Enzo said while hiking his sleeves up to his elbows. His black jeans and plain sweater looked quite underwhelming compared to the Italian three-piece suits he donned on a regular basis. He seemed much more approachable with this casual getup, though.  "If things go smoothly." If things go smoothly?  Did that mean there was a good chance this offhand trip to Serbia wouldn't end in our expected turnout?  I would be risking my life for this trip. Well, in a sense. I
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58 | A Venture Undertaken
◆ MILES ◆ It took me a while, but now I finally had the guts to tell my parents why I couldn't make their plans a reality.  Their plans for my future, specifically. The last time we had a lengthy discussion, I presented a couple of arguments to both of them...and Mykaela topped the list. But therein lies the problem:  she refused to acknowledge it.  Out of spite?  I couldn't tell yet. All I knew for sure, at this point, I would do anything for her. Anything to keep her safe. I abhorred violence.  But one of these days I might just find myself murdering a mob of lowlife thugs just to keep her and her family safe. She didn't have to go through this kind of trouble. Mykaela didn't deserve a life like mine. Her future should be hers to decide for.  If it meant I had to hide, forget, or lie about how I felt for her,  I would.  I would do anything to keep her out of my family's mess. Yet she seemed obl
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59 | In The Lurch
◆ MILES ◆ 12:09AM   "Found them?" I flumped myself on the sofa and didn't care for my impatient tone. It wasn't like I owed it to Niccolo to be polite. Niceness had left my common sense the second I found out Mykaela met up with Lorenzio again. Which was also why Niccolo came over.
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60 | Autocratic Authority
◇ KEL ◇    "Sorry that got loud," Enzo said with a small smile that didn't reach his pale blue-green eyes. In bright natural lighting, the green specks stood out more. But now that the cabin lights were dimmed, they looked a darker shade of blue.  His beautiful eyes held my attention while I tried to put on a pleasant reaction. "You okay?" He sat beside me again. "Yeah. You?" "Nap for a few hours. I'll get you a blanket. Want a bigger pillow?" "Thanks. I'm good," I lied, flinging a glance to the other corner where his skinhead bodyguard sat and threw me gluey stares from time to time. With a loaded gun strapped to his side, too.  "That guy's kinda scaring me, though." "Who?" Enzo glanced around to check out what bothered me, and then chuckled softly. "Sorry. New recruit. One of the younger guys." "So...does your brother know we're borrowing his plane?" "Don't worry about it."  Enzo
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