All Chapters of Lurking In The Dark - Book 1: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
67 Chapters
I rose carefully and let my gaze wander carefully through the garden. Everything seemed normal, but the red spot at my feet spoke a completely different language. Something was wrong, it was like a vibration in the air that I could feel in my bones. And when I remembered that no one had opened the front door, I got a really bad feeling.By now it would have made the most sense to let Reese know, but there didn't seem to be any proles in this garden. And if I was wrong about the stain, then I should feel his condescension again and I didn't want that. I wanted to prove that I wasn't worthless baggage, that I was good for something and that he had to see that it wouldn't be a waste of time to accept me as a real intern.I hesitated for a moment, but then I gave myself a jerk and went deeper into the garden. I would just take a quick look around and maybe take a look through the window into the house. Then I would certainly have more knowledge to present to Reese.
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My jaw dropped smoothly. "What do you care about my bust size? I'm not asking about the length of your… "Okay, the fact that I was blushing now didn't speak for me. "You know," I muttered softly into my non-existent beard, hoping he hadn't understood."You are welcome to pretend, I have no reason to be ashamed of myself, on the contrary and hey, while we're on the subject," he half turned to me and completely ignored the traffic, which was in me caused some panic. "If you feel like a number, you can certainly talk about it. I don't have to look at you. "Well tell me what was going on in his head? "Do you still have them all? How did you get the idea that I would get into bed with something like you? I've never seen that before and if you think that I need it so much that I… ”I fell silent when suddenly something became clear to me. "You don't mean that at all, you just want to disgust me." Stubbornly, I crossed my arms over my chest. “But you
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Mr. Miehe looked back and forth between us, somewhat confused, and finally got stuck with me. “Even if the young man didn't express himself very politely, he is right. Venator is not a job for a young lady. ""Quite my speech," Reese pushed afterwards.Great, I really needed that now. Were there still men anywhere who did not have a misogynous streak? I had had to do enough of all this nonsense to myself in the academy for the past two years. Didn't that have to end at some point? I actually thought I would live in an emancipated society. “The head of the Venator's Guild is a woman. She's even a master. ”I looked provocatively at Reese. "Does she know your misogynistic attitude?"His eyes narrowed a little. "Jilin knows many things about me." With these cryptic words, he turned back to Mr. Miehe. "Before I start looking for the Proles, I have one more question."Me ? Didn't he mean us ? If he thought he could just outrun me, he'd cut himself. I would stick to
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Okay, don't make any mistakes now. "Hey, hello, I'm from the Venators' Guild." I pulled out my temporary ID, as I had seen it at Reese, and continued talking. "We were reported ... so a prole was spotted around here and now I wanted to ask ..."When the woman let out a sharp scream, not only did the card drop out of my hand in shock, I also whirled around, assuming that it would ... I had no idea what assumption, I just did it. Then the door was slammed and the locks quickly closed.I looked at the door, looked at the street, let my gaze wander cautiously over the area, but there was nothing, except a maliciously grinning Reese who was just on the way to the neighbor across the street. I ignored him and wondered what could have frightened the woman so much that she made my eardrums ring? But there was nothing, everything was quiet as it should be.I crouched down for my ID and frowned when a thought occurred to me. Had I perhaps so frightened? She already seemed ve
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Dog? What kind of dog? Huh? "I do not understand."She stepped up to me a little, looked around in all directions, only to then lean forward confidentially. I automatically came towards her a little, because she was a whole head shorter than me. "The dog, he barked," she whispered mysteriously to me and whoosh, she was back in the house and the door closed. And I stood there as ordered and not picked up.That just couldn't be true! Did only crazy people live in this area? Has it always been like that? Or was I just given the happiness of these extraordinary people? Three bankruptcies in a row. That was really unbelievable!Since there was nothing left to hold me here, I left the property with a sullen grumble and tried my luck at the next house. I swore to myself that if any crazy people lived here again, this time it would be the one to pull the gun.I entered the garden suspiciously. At first glance everything seemed normal here. But that was the case with
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Thoughtfully I turned away and left the kennel. It was time to let Reese know. I was curious what he had to contribute to the whole thing. Maybe he had already found out something.But memorizing it turned out to be harder than anyone could have believed. The street was empty and I couldn't find it in the other houses either. For a moment I was afraid that he had just run away, but that would be strange because his car was still parked on the side of the road and he would certainly not leave it behind.I took a few steps down the street. Actually a very nice area. Well-kept, clean, wealthy. The leaves of the trees on the roadside shimmered in the most beautiful autumn colors and masked what had happened just a few doors down in a kennel.I told myself to focus my thoughts on the essentials again and let my gaze slide from door to door. The guy had to be somewhere. I craned my neck, looked left and right and was already thinking about whether I should just call out
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This cold and heartless I worked hard for myself." He selected a number and put the cell phone to his ear. "And now I would like to speak to the police in peace, so for a change it would be nice if you just shut up."That was ... my jaw dropped smoothly. For a change? I had kept my words to a minimum the whole time! If it had been up to me, I would have asked a lot more questions and exchanged ideas with him. After all, I was here to learn something!I got to my feet, grumbling, and left the garden. I was on the verge of freaking out and since that would certainly not help our relationship, it was time to calm down a bit. But that wasn't even possible in his presence. At some point today I would explode.No you will not. You will pull yourself together and get through this. As soon as he realizes that he cannot get rid of you and that you do not respond to his provocations, he will let his spiteful manner be.Hopefully.Sullen, I stepped onto the sidewa
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Work in peace
I pressed my lips together tightly at the sight. It wasn't like I expected gratitude, but that bordered on bullying."Is what?" He asked extremely condescendingly.I forbade myself to sniff at him, just gave a small "no" from me and started again to collect the garbage from the footwell. At least it wasn't as gross as the old one. The wet wipes not only helped me to clean my hands, but also the dashboard, but when he provocatively threw another plastic wrap of his sandwiches into the footwell, I almost slapped the wet wipes in his face.Take it easy. He just wants you to freak out and give it all up. Don't let him provoke you.I closed my eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. Then I picked up the sandwich wrap with the other garbage on my seat and went back to wiping the ashtray."Are you obsessed with cleanliness or something?" He asked me and bit off another piece of bread."No, I just don't like sitting in the dirt." I gathered up all the r
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Funny dog
"I won't." And there he could stand upside down."Oh no?" He turned the engine off and leaned back to look directly at me with those dark eyes. "And you mean to tell me that you are not stupid? You want to stay on a course that has no future for you? ”He let out a disparaging snort."I can do it as well as you men," I insisted on my attitude.“Yes, no, that's clear. We are all wrong and you are the very best and you will show us all. God knows how many women I've seen come and go who have died because ... oh do what you want, I don't care. If you really want to die, do it. But don't do it in my presence, because then I'll get really mad. "That was just too much. I pushed open the car door and got out quickly. I took a lot and put up with even more, but with that stupid saying he had crossed a line. You didn't make stupid sayings about death, it just went too far and if I didn't keep my distance now, I would lose my composure.Without looking back, I ma
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Move out
Everything happened so fast. The collision, the impact on the ground and then that drooling snout right in front of my face that I was only able to keep away from me with great difficulty. It was only thanks to my trained skills that the punch was on the muzzle and he pulled his head back a little, but I still couldn't get the weapons in my work bag.At that moment I felt the pain on my hip, the claws digging painfully into my skin and tearing it open. "Ahhh!"Then the shot rang out.The proles winced, half turned away from me to growl at something.I didn't even think about what I was doing. Suddenly the serrated knife was in my hand and I just rammed it in the side right into his heart.He yelped, jumped away from me, ripping the knife out of his own body, but the serrated blade did not voluntarily give up the tissue. The proles practically tore their own hearts out, stumbled another half meter and then collapsed bleeding. The eyes in which the a
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