All Chapters of The Yoruba Demons: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
300 Chapters
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty; Love-Hate
Previously…FemiI knew Ama was silently hyperventilating. She had been making some very telling comments once in a while about me putting myself in line of fire. I wasn't upset. It just showed how selfless she really was. She wanted to be the only one that was having an issue which I got but I wasn't going to sit on the sidelines and watch he deteriorate. She genuinely understood how crucial it was now but it still was biting her. I could see and feel it.I was going to get some food for Ama and myself. There was going to be a lot of tests taken right before the transplant and also we would be losing blood. We needed a lot of energy for that. Luckily they could find transfusable blood for the both of us. Radike also offered hers. Our blood type was very rare, I wondered what this would mean for our children given the fact that Ama and I were both O negative.I got us some chicken, chips and burgers. I also got some pasta in case any of us were interested. It was nerve wracking going
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty One; With all My Heart.
Previously…Femi."Um, I bought the food already. I just got into a mild altercation with Kola." I told her."Haba, where did you see Kola?" She asked."I went to look for him in the office." I told her."Wait wait wait don't tell me it was because of his aproko yesterday that you went to fight the man..." she said.I chuckled "well..." I trailed off.She burst out laughing. "What the actual hell Femi. So you left me starving to go and fight. If misplaced priorities was a person" she said and started laughing again."I know I just wanted to get things off my chest because he had very strict instructions not to tell you" I said while smiling at Ama's roasting."Well I mean I get it but all the same... anyways cheer up. I know he got under your skin again." She asked."Yeah. Even the devil doesn't work as hard as Kola in that regard." I said and yawned. "Hey, okay look just come back here and we'll eat and you'll be fine alright?" She said with a cheeky smile."Okay babe. I love you" I
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Two; Prayer
Previously…Ama.I didn’t know what to expect because I never told him that I needed anything. Femi was also known for blowing a lot of money on expensive things. I still had some of the bags he bought from Polo Avenue, never used. Just there in my closet.I started opening but stopped and smiled “Femi what’s in here?” I asked and he laughed “Babe just open it.”“Okay..” I said and took the box out of the bag. All the while I was silently hoping that this man hadn’t gone to blow excess money on something I didn’t need. He was fond of that but I didn’t tell him because I didn’t want to sound annoying or mean or ungrateful because I wasn’t. I really loved all his gifts.There were two boxes in the bag. A big rectangular one and a small rectangular one as well. I brought the small one out and my jaw dropped. My heart raced even faster as I saw what was on the box.The Apple iPhone 13 pro. What?!!!“Oh baby…” I covered my mouth when I saw it.“You like??” He asked.I blushed and my eyes s
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Three; In depth
Previously…AmaHe kissed my forehead, my nose and then my lips. The kiss felt like it should never end. The last kiss we would share before we wouldn’t see each other for a while.We pulled away and put our foreheads together. His palm cupped my neck and I held onto that arm for dear life.“This is devastating” I said.“It’s only for a while baby. I’ll be back. You know i will. And we will see each other again.” He said.Suddenly there was a knock on the door making us break contact. “Mr Femi, they are asking for you.” He looked at me with a sadness in his brown eyes. “This is not goodbye.” He said. His voice broke. He sounded like he was about to cry.“I know” my voice broke as a tear fell from my eye.He kissed me again and we broke contacts. Our hands separated from each other. It felt like a movie.He left the room with one last look at me. Immediately he left the room. I put the nice gifts away and brought a pillow to my face. I screamed all the devastation and anger I was feel
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Four; Sever Pains
Previously…Kola.Tunde was here. Apparently we both came late for the surgery because none of us had the bright idea to ask Femi what time it was scheduled for."When do you think he will wake up?" Tunde asked me.I shook my head looking at Femi. "Doctor said any moment now. The sedative they gave him was very strong as they said so let's see""Ama is also still knocked out bad. They said she would probably take longer to wake up since she's the one they had to change out kidneys for." Tunde said.Honestly I could care less about Ama in this case. "You know yeah, I have never asked you what you think about the situation with Femi and Ama. You know, Femi giving her his kidney. Wasn't it weird to you?" I asked him.I still wasn't a fan of this whole thing. The only thing I wanted now was for my brother to wake up and start his recovery process. No woman would ever make me do this, except it was my mom."Well, it wasn't." Tunde said."What?" I exclaimed in shock. I thought he felt the s
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Five; Not a Child.
Previously…Femi.They didn't seem to notice that I was awake because they were busy yapping on about Kola's obsession with Ama and I. It was funny and I had to hold myself from laughing.I slowly began to gain consciousness of my body and every sensation. I was a wreck. The pain I felt in my side was so great and searing. I had never felt such pain in my life before. They must have not given me pain relievers yet.I huffed in pain before finally trying to open my eyes.Tunde probably noticed and alerted Kola and he rushed to get the doctor.I opened my eyes finally and my eyes adjusted to the light "Tunes..." my voice came out very stressed. I cleared my throat.He rushed to my side and told me to relax "Chill bro the doctor is coming okay? How do you feel?" He asked with so much concern."I'm in severe pain.." I croaked out. There was no way I could have been ready for this kind of pain."The doctors are coming bro don't worry.." he said trying to comfort me. It was nice to see that
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Six; To See My Love
Previously....Femi.The doctor sighed "I wish I could help you sir but you have to be on bed rest for some days, you also have to stray physiotherapy before you can be able to move around even in a wheelchair. So sir please, stay out until we give you a go to move around." The doctor said and I nodded.I didn't like it but it was not like I could get up and move by myself and Tunde was not going to budge so I had to do this on my own. That meant listening to the bloody Doctor."How do you feel now?" Kola asked."Better. I can literally feel the stitches though. Very uncomfortable.""I'm just glad this whole thing is almost over." Tunde said."Yeah.. it's not over till Ama wakes up. Meanwhile I need some water if you.. don't mind." I asked. My throat was dry and parched. I was being fed and hydrated by the tubes but the fact that I was not drinking anything made my throat suffer."Mom and dad were here earlier. They had to go home because it was getting late. Mom is being dramatic as
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Seven; Answers
Previously…Femi."Yeah she's gold." Tunde said. It was nice to talked about our mother like this so that we would remind ourselves how much she loved us even though she was very embarrassing."Anyways we're glad you're finally awake." Kola said."Yeah thanks. Can't wait to be back on my feet. I might as well lose my ripped body in here." I said and we laughed."Nah you won't. It's too ripped. Don't worry Ama won't complain about a little diminishing." Tunde said.I cheesed "I can't wait to see her. I mean... that's the whole point of all this." "Yeah you'll see her soon. Once she wakes up though the Doctor will tell us so don't you worry. The surgery didn't last too long and they didn't complain of any complication so she should wake soon." Kola said."I can't wait man.. I can't wait."——-Femi.It had been a few days since I had woken up. Three to be exact. It wasn't easy living and breathing without seeing Ama.I was putting my back into my physiotherapy just so that I could see m
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Eight; Sneaky Secrets
Previously...Femi.Kola had said he would stay at they door and wait for me. I rolled my wheelchair closer to the bed. It was hard. As I started seeing glimpses of her. Her leg, hand. I felt defeated and helpless. "Hey Femi." Matthew said as I came closer.I looked at Matthew and nodded at his greeting. I didn't want to talk about anything with him for now. I just wanted to take in Ama. My love.She looked pale, like the blood had washed away from her face. It was like a stab in my heart. "What is this?" I whispered without knowing. I was deeply frustrated. I was so angry. I felt like everything we had done was going down the drain."Femi, you need to have faith. She'll wake up. I know she will." Matthew said looking longingly at her. He missed her. It was obvious. I did too. "I'm just..." I wiped my mouth. "I'm just thinking. Is this what we would get after everything?""She's a fighter. She will come back. She'll wake up. There's no way she will give up now." He said. He seemed v
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Nine; Replacements?
Previously…Femi.“Sir, you are the first person I’m telling this. I haven’t even told her brother.” He said.“What do you mean by that? Who gave you the right to hide this stuff. I’m not paying you to pamper my mental health Doctor.” I snapped at him. I didn’t know what it was but I braced myself because I knew it was bad.“Apologies sir.” The doctor said.“Well, start talking??” I said.“During the surgery, there was a small issue. Well not that small but an issue non the less. She was having blood clots at first but we took care of that very quickly and then once we planted the kidney, her body started rejecting it. The surgery went on for hours on end as we tried to administer every treatment in the book to make sure her body begins to accept the kidney but it didn’t work sir.” He said.My heart began to race. What was the meaning of this? We hit another brick wall again. I sighed and pinched my nose. “So what? You couldn’t do it and then you sewed her up and put her on life suppo
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