All Chapters of The Yoruba Demons: Chapter 281 - Chapter 290
300 Chapters
Previously…Ama.“Hello Mr Fapson. Good day.” Shawn spoke with his business voice. I fought the urge to laugh.“Shawn how are you?” He asked.“I’m fine and Dandy, and you sir?” He asked.“I am fine. Recovered fully by God’s grace. Shawn what is this I’m hearing about you firing Amarachi because of picture abi Kini wọn sọ pe paapaa jẹ? (what did they say it even was?)” he said.“Sir, I’m really sorry. I know she’s your daughter in law now and you’re probably super pissed but I want you to know that it was not my doing at all.” He said with panic in his voice. I wondered what hold that Femi’s nfather had on him because I always thought he was just someone that worked with Tuwomi. He was not someone that spoke like this no matter who it was, except with Radike. He was a pool of goo with her but even then, he still carried his charisma and confidence.“Okay, so now here is what I want you to do. You’re bringing her on as the project manager for that Lays project, do you understand me? Ho
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Previously…Femi.“It’s to get the license for our company to start predicting Lays in Nigeria for Nigerians in order to reduce the cost and make money in the process.” Ama said.“Oh I’ll give that to you. It is really brilliant. How did you get this idea?” Kola asked.“I was watching Big Brother US and …” Ama started but Kola cut her off.“Oh Taylor with the Lays? I loved her. I watched it. Anyways that’s a fantastic idea. Sometimes some of my friends that love it but it in a pack of forty for fifteen dollars just so they can have it until their next travel. That and the fact that them using that same fifteen dollars to buy Lays here wouldn’t be up to that forty packs.” Kola said.“Wow you might just be my ordained gay best friend.” Ama said in a joke and Kola sat up speedily.“I reject it in the mighty name of Jesus! Which yeye gay. Because I watched that darned show.” Kola almost screamed.“Sorry sorry sorry sir.” Ama said unenthusiastically and then giggled. She was such a menace.
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"Let him be playing now. Anyway Ama l, welcome back. Tell me when you can resume. I know you're recovering and all." Shawn said."In a weeks time. I need to prepare myself first before coming back." Ama said. It made sense. She had to arrange herself well and get new clothes that fit the standard of her new position. I was going to let her go crazy on my debit card for that."That's perfectly fine. I'll see you then." Shawn told her."Ehen Shawn oya answer me because there was absolutely no way I was going to let this slide without asking you. So what is going on between you and my good sis Radike?" I asked him."You're not serious brother. Why are you asking me that? You know what's going on. We are getting to know each other and that's that." I said."Are you sure because what I saw isn't just getting to know each other. It has graduated more, far more than that." I said. I know I was being a gossip and a mosey person but I wanted to know what was really going on."See I'll talk to
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Previously…Ama."So yeah their relationship was great and went on for years with no one the wiser until recently when he started telling her about marriage. She was super excited that he was talking to marriage to her but then she found out through the blogs that he was getting married to some politician's daughter and you know he is really popular and she is as well. So basically he didn't even think to tell her or talk to her about it and when she saw the news, she confronted him about it and all he had to say was, my mum made me do it, they sid it was to strengthen the company and bla bla bla. sounding like a broken record." I saod. i was getting pissed all over again."He is such a pussy. He is legit a grown man who should be married with kids by now. Why are his parents still controlling him and using that tired excuse to blackmail him. They don't need no politician to help the business. Gone are those days. If the politician isn't willing to partner with you by all fucking mean
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Previously…Ama.It seemed as though Femi was thoroughly pissed about this and was going on and on about it. I got it. I too was very angry and pissed about it when i heard it the first time."Anyway Radike has Shawn now, I hope it is going well." I said."Me too babe. Radike is such a nice person. Shebi you know she was trying to give you her kidney that period. She didnt even think twice about it. If not that she failed the serum test. It would have been her and not me." Femi said.This was news to me. I had never been told that Radike tried to give me a kidney. I did not even know that she tried."wow that piece of information seems to have been withheld from me. I feel so blessed to have met her." I said. I was so glad that Radike was my friend because i was sure that she loved me and i loved her too.At this point we had gotten back to the house and were in the parking lot.Femi looked at me after turning off the ignition."How was the night for you?" he said smiling sweetly at m
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Previously...Now they were bringing colorism into it. Typical Twitter users. I had dated not just dark skinned women but light skins as well. It was just that I had never dated someone who was mixed race before. Ama even, was not exactly mixed. Her grandmother from her father's side was Indian so her father was the mixed one. She was quarter Indian but the genes were very prominent in her, not so much in her brother. That was why she looked mixed. But I had never been colorist or wanted dark skinned women to feel pain. My mother was dark skinned. I was dark skinned as well. I didn't derive joy in doing that to dark skinned women. Most of the light skins I dated however didn't come out to bash me or recount the experience. They just took whatever I gave them and moved on. But the dark skinned ones knew that they would get Internet sympathy and decided to put it online. Dark skinned black women got the most sympathy online and managed to attach anything they went through to the way the
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Previously. Femi."You look very gorgeous. Love the fit." I said and stood up."Thank you babe." She said as I held her waist."So what was taking so much of your attention like that?" She asked again.I chuckled. "Yeah I was surfing Instagram and Twitter for what people were now saying about us. I haven't check in a long while." I said."Hm, and um what we're they sayin" I asked."The usual. Some were saying I'm not genuine. But this time I found people defending us which is very good.” I said.“Hm okay sha me I don’t look for those things again. The last time I did it I was kidnapped.” Ama said. I chuckled lightly. I didn’t even know if that was a joke or not. I remembered how she was fuming so much that she left and was kidnapped. Was not a good memory at all.“Okay that’s a good one. People are defending us now. That’s a signs that we are doing something right at least.” I said.“I’ll check it when I’m ready. I don’t want to vex. Even though there’s people defending us there’s s
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Previously…Ama.“Good morning Ama. I thought you stopped working with us.” A lady said. I hated her guts when I used to work here before. Her name was Hadiza.“Morning Hadiza. I think you will learn soon enough. I have a meeting with the board now so excuse me.” I said and I caught her surprise before I walked away.She used to pick on me when I was the executive assistant to Mr Shawn. She was his clerk. The person that wrote down everything he wanted and made documents out of them. She worked under me sometimes and I reckoned she was jealous of the important role I played and was rivaling me because of that. However I have gotten a promotion and she wasn’t aware. It was time to show her who is the boss around here.———-Femi.Getting to the office was so emotional for me. I had not seen this place in a while and coming back here was a highlight for me. I entered and some people expressed surprise to see me. “Good morning sir. Welcome back” they said at intervals. I was nodding and
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Femi.It was very strange to see Radike sitting and talking to Kola for the first time in a long time. I thought they were done with each other for good. Radike didn't even want to touch him with a nine inch pole. But now they are doing up best friends."Good morning guys" I said and Kola came up to hug me."How are you bro? Feels like forever since I saw you last," Kola said."I was at the house some days ago man. Sorry, I know you can't live without me." I teased.Kola chuckled. "If I don't deck you right now" he said and eyed me. I laughed."You're not a serious person." I said,I looked past him. "Didi what's up" I asked Radike. She seemed lost in whatever she was looking at."I'm fine. How are you and how is Ama?" She asked."Fine and Great actually, today is her first day as a project manager. I hope it's going well." I said sincerely from my heart. Ama had been hyperventilating for the past week and was frantically reading blog posts about project management. It was funny but c
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Ama.I walked into the board room and it turned out that the executives hadn't even come yet. I looked at the time and saw that it wasn't time for the meeting yet. I sighed. I was too used to being to early to things. One person that was there though that made me happy was Tola my friend. He had been calling and visiting all this while that i was sick and when i was kidnapped he was also there for me. I appreciated him so much."There's my baby girl..." he said with a huge smile on his face when he saw me. He came up to me and hugged me. "I missed you boy." I said."I missed you too pretty girl. Wow you look really good my girl gosh" He gushed over what i was wearing. Femi had given me his debit card to go crazy on and i would have preferred not to but he insisted and i still knew that if i had spent less than what he expected, I knew that Femi would freak out and say that i should start digging his gold. I tried as much as possible to spend as much i could. I went to the most luxury
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