Semua Bab Let Me Be Your Knight : Bab 121 - Bab 130
428 Bab
Chapter 121- The Name Of Destruction
Kunal, RK, and Mr. Sondhi were sitting in a car that did not have the number plate. Kunal was driving very fast on a deserted way. After driving a while, they saw three to four vehicles, which were also running fast.Mr. Sondhi saw the cars and said "It's their cars."Kunal heard it, fastest the car, and shouted "Freeze on your seats, I'm going to knock on their cars." RK and Mr. Sondhi drowned themselves in their seats and nodded. As they nodded... "Bamm!!"Their car severely knocked out one of Randhwa's vehicle which was running in the last behind the other three cars.The vehicle that was hit by their car got off the road and ran down on the field, it turned upside down many times and then stopped with a loud noise and its roof was down and the wheels were up.That vehicle completely blew away, the glass of the car's
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Chapter 122- Perhaps It's Calls Karma
Hearing RK's words Manish Shah became mute.He was anguished by the death of his girlfriend and child and wanted to avenge their deaths, but... He betrayed others for money and with that money, he made his family happy but he forgot... Forgot that along with the money, he gave his family enemies as well. After the betrayal, he not only gained money, but he also gained a lot of enemies, who could swallow his family at any time and it happened that they swallowed his family... They killed his family and set fire to his heart...Like him, RK or Shivam's heart was also burning in revenge, he also wanted to take revenge and he was taking it...Shivam had taken revenge on him in the same way Manish Shah had betrayed him and his family. 14 years ago he told Randhwa about the Singh family and they killed the Singh family... And today 14 years later Shivam told Randhwa abou
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Chapter 123- Kevin Got An Investor
Seeing Manish Shah's shocking expression, Mr. Sondhi sneered and left.He locked the room, there were few people were standing, he said to them "That man is disgusting, he offered me a lot of money to help him to escape from here." Hearing it they all sneered too. One of them said "He really thinks he will buy us for money. Such a disgusting man. Seeing him makes me horrendous."Another man said "I have the same feeling. And seeing Randhwa and his companions, my blood started boiling. I also want to see all of them suffering like this man.""We are not here for money, we are here to clean our family's name, which they had stained 14 years ago." Another man said with anger.Mr. Sondhi nodded "I know how you guys must be feeling, but we can't act recklessly to get our revenge..." He said solemnly "We have just started taking revenge. Mr. Kumar and Mr. Khan are trying their best that you don't fa
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Chapter 124- To Start Their Job
The Tiny House...In the early morning Arjun and Jenny woke up, but Kevin and Sohu were still sleeping. first, they did Yoga, then their morning exercise, and after that training.After that, Arjun cut the all raw mangoes for pickles with a mango cutter and Jenny removed their thin layer from the mango's seed which was looks like paper.Until they finished cutting the mango, the sun came out and started spreading its heat all over. They took the mangoes and put them on the roof to dry a bit.Then they came down, Jenny took the bath and went to the kitchen to make breakfast while Arjun did laundry and cleaning. He was Vise President and also currently project manager, he was managing Rana Group's all project and most of the affairs, but now he was doing, house chores, like washing, cleaning, and cooking. If his subordinate saw him right now that how
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Chapter 125- The Rumors Girlfriend
Kumar Group...Entering the high and luxurious building, sohu opened wide her mouth, Jenny also looked around with curiosity, the last time when she came here she didn't pay attention to its beautiful interior due to her anger."Wow!" Sohu seemed excited "I feel as if I have not come to work in a company, but I have come to visit a grand hotel." Jenny seemed to agree with her "I have the same feeling.""When I first came here, I felt the same," Kevin told them with a grin.When they have happily appreciated the Kumar Group, they were unaware of those people who were working in the office lobby. Those employees were all talking and looking at Jenny and also making gestures."Isn't it the same girl who came that day and made the grand ruckus here?" One female front desk receptionist said.After here her, another receptionist who seemed in her mid-twenty looked a
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Chapter 126- Coffee! Coffee!!!
Hearing his shocking voice, Jenny frowned. Aadil picked up the receiver from his intercom and called someone,  as the call was connected he roared "Kunal why did you send her to my office?!"  [She will be your assistant for a few days from now.] Kunal replied to him calmly. "What! Where is my assistant, what happened to him? Where is he?!" Aadil started questioning and acting like a madman. [He has gone on a business trip. If you want to ask anything, then ask RK because he has arranged everything.] Kunal told him. "I will definitely ask him." He said and roughly put the receiver. Then he gave a displeasure look to Jenny and got up from his seat and rushed out from his office.  With large strides, he went to RK's office and slammed open his office door. He dashed in and shouted "RK what are you up to send her to in my..." His remains vo
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Chapter127- Rumors Ongoing...
Five fingers mark on both cheeks and bruised nose, but it was good that it was not swollen. Seeing it, he remembered that when she was slapping him, he did not realize at all, but now looking at the face, it seemed that how much anger and force she had used while slapping him.Now he could not go outside the office with this face. He gritted his teeth cover a towel around his waist and went out.He went to his desk and picked up the receiver and called someone, then said "My office needs cleaning, send someone to clean up here."Then he picked up his phone, then dialed his assistant's number and made a call to him.When the call was connected, without hearing from the other side's response he roared "I do not know where you are at the moment and what you are doing! But listen to me carefully if you do not come to the office tomorrow then you never need to come here again, send your registration letter to my office!!
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Chapter 128- Taller And Shorter...
When Sohu returned to President's office, RK was working on the computer and while checking the files. There were heaps of files on his table which she had given to him before her lunch break, those were still there and he was still checking them.She went to him "Mr. President I'm back." She told him politely.RK diverted his gaze from the computer to her and looked at her.Seeing her so obedient, he remembered her older form, when she first came to Singh villa and used to do everything by asking her mother or telling her everything. Back then she was very obedient.Her politeness increased her innocence and seeing it his expression softened."Sir, do you need any help?" She asked nervously.He nodded "Put these files back from where you were brought. I have checked these."She politely nodded, she picking up the file and went to the book self which was on the righ
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Chapter 129- The Heavy Bookshelf
Seeing the blue cover file which was placed high and out of her reach, Sohu became anxious. The bookshelf was twelve ft tall and the file was kept on nine ft above, while she was only five ft three inches. She pursed her lips and looked back at RK who was looking at his computer.  Although he was looking at the computer his mind was far away from it, he was thinking about the conversation with Arjun. He threatened him, he knew very well that he was the President of Kumar Group, yet he gave him such a big threat.  RK knew that there was the support of a very big man behind them but who was that man, he didn't know about it yet.  But it seemed Arjun knew very well about his back up that's why he dared to give him such a threat. He was constantly thinking about it but he could not find anything from it.  Seeing hi
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Chapter130- Want To Quit Her Job
After talking with Kumar Group's president, Arjun was thinking about him and his words.His words were convincing but yet his heart uneasy.  There's was a knock on his office door, then it opened and Jai Kaur entered, he saw him asked"Hey, what are you thinking?" He pulled a chair in from of him and sat on it, then put a thick file on his table which was between them.Arjun saw him and slowly parted his lips "The High school students who do not have any talent to take over the office, would you like to make them your assistant?" "What are you talking about?" Jai Kaur showed a confused look."I'm asking you that if someone doesn't have any talent would you hire her or him as your assistant... Just as temporary assistant?""High school students without talent..." Jai Kaur rubbed his chin as he was in deep thinking, then he said instantly "Definitely not,
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