Semua Bab Broken Love: Bab 91 - Bab 100
149 Bab
When David dropped the call, Samantha asked him why did he call the cops? David said the moment they're been waiting for is here."What did you mean by that" Samantha asked David and moved closer to him"I call the cops so that they can arrest Daniel because right now if the cops did not kill Daniel they will send him back to jail with strong evidence and his family reputation will be finally destroyed just as I wish!""Evidence? what are you talking about?""The body of Lia is at the back of that car, just watch how this will turn out Samantha."David laughed and turn on the TV to watch the news in case if Daniel was caught.****************************Daniel was driving on the highway when he heard the sound of a police siren, he tried to whine up the front car glass but it not working then Daniel speed off. The police car was tailing him.Daniel looked at the side mirror and he sees how the police car was speeding behind him then he said t
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Dead Truth
"I'm sorry sir you can't come in," One of the securities in the Governor's office said to David "But why? I'm here to see the ex-governor or has he left so quickly? you know what? go and tell him that his adopted son David is here to see him I'm sure he will let me in just go""But I'm sorry sir even we, are not allowed to enter sir maybe you should go and wait for him at home""Don't worry I will wait for him here""Okay, sir."David waits beside his car outside the governor's office while waiting he brings out his phone and sent a text message to someone not up to some minutes, reporters arrived telling the security that they want to speak with the governor.David moved closer to the reporters and tell them that guess governor is not ready to speak with anybody for now because of what happened and one of the reporters asked David maybe he knows the reason why Governor did not want to talk."Let me say what happened I mean the impeachment was sud
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Ella went back inside the prison and started crying thinking maybe what David said about Daniel being killed was real, She was lying down on her bed and the lady's leader came around.She asked Ella to get up right now because she has not complete washing the clothes they gave her not knowing that Ella was crying, the leader turned back and wanted to leave but she sees Ella did not follow her then the leader moved closer to her. And tried to hit Ella on her head, the leader heard how Ella was crying secretly and she sat beside Ella's bed then asked what happened? who visited her? or is it her lawyer? If it's her lawyer, Ella better forgets about it because the murder case is not easy to solve so it better Ella accepts her staying here instead of crying because crying won't solve anything. Ella get up and said the person that visited her said Daniel was shot dead."Who is Daniel? your brother or friend?""The governor's son""Oooh look at this one, you
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Corpse Found
David watch the video, he was injecting himself in front of the CCTV camera then open his clothes to see maybe the peeling skin has come back to normal immediately David watched it.He asked Samantha to call the person that sent the video and tell him to burn down the event centre without any traces or evidence of him remaining there and also the person should look for some people and pay them off to testify that it was Daniel Davis that burn down the event centre.David tells the guys around him that they should also keep a close eye around the area because some pest has been sneaking around and if they see any suspicious person in the vicinity those guards should kill the person and dispose of their body where nobody will find them. David angrily went back inside and Samantha do as he instructed that she should call the guard to burn down the event centre.*********************************Governor did not bother to go home he was in one of his hideouts h
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The next day Daniel get to the main city, his still wearing his bloody clothe holding the pack of food Ma'am Teressa gave him, people were staring at him and he stopped a cab like a free man and gave the cab man address to Ella's residence.Those that sees Daniel started calling the cops to inform them about him even the cab man was looking at him and he asked Daniel that, is he not the ex-Governor son? Daniel look so shocked and said, ex-Governor? ooh sorry I'm not."I'm not from a wealthy family, I came from one community we sell fish you can patronize us" Daniel smiles and tell the cab man "Ooh okay that good but you look exactly like the governor's son that killed his wife and sister then escaped from the prison, his such a terrible person!""Wife? have not even got married yet I'm sure that person must be terrible indeed just stop me here it fine."The cab man asked Daniel for money and Daniel begged him that he has no money with him because some peopl
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Firefighters and the cops get to the event center, few people were hurt but not nobody dies. After the fire has been quench and a reporter was giving news about how that place got burnt.Because the investigation is still going on to know what caused the fire. One of the cops cites Daniel's prison clothe then he moved closer to it and used stick to draw it closer, the reporter asked the cameraman to video the clothe and they promised to give an update about it once investigation has been done on it. When the guard called Samantha, she was seated close to David as the guard called her and she told him that Santos has burned down the event center, David said fine then Samantha picks up the TV remote and on the television.The news was casting that Lia's corpse will be released to her family because so many tests have been done on it and it reveals that Lia wasn't murdered, there is no sign of any injury neither is there any internal injury also. She died naturally.
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Daniel was dressing up with Alfred clothes inside the living room the T-shirt is too tight for Daniel because he has wider chest than Alfred, also the long trouser was tight and short for Daniel but he forced it. Daniel was trying to pull down the shirt when Alfred walked in from outside and he stops, look at Daniel from head to toe then asked whose clothes is that? because it looks like he's the one that owns them. Daniel did not say anything and he kept mute.Alfred moved closer to Daniel and check the clothes very well then say; I said it this is my clothes! and he asked Daniel why did he put on his clothes and did Daniel know how much the clothes cost and how he get money to buy them? Mary heard the noise from outside then she comes in, asked what happened? Alfred told Mary to look at Daniel. Mary also look at him then asked him where did he get the clothes from? and besides the clothes look like Alfred's favorite clothes."I'm sure Lia's body will be bury
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Samantha move closer to Mrs. Davis and said unbelievable! why will she do that? when it was her son that should be the one to be arrested and not David! besides, they both came here just to pay their last respect to Lia! So why arresting David? what is the meaning of all this? gosh! Mrs. Davis looks at Samantha in the eye and said a piece of advice for her, it better she shut her mouth up or she will follow her low-budget boyfriend so it better she chooses one right now! "Hmmmmmmm! I can't believe this!" Samantha turns back and heads to where their car was parked, she drive and followed David up.When the cops get to the station with David, he keeps on saying what is the meaning of this? you guys have no right to arrest me, I only go there just to pay their daughter respect, and besides, I shouldn't be the one to be arrested! it their son you should arrest not me! One of the police officers says but those people said you're causing trouble for them so you should sta
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"Wow, you amazed me Samantha, okay call those bunch of useless guards for me."Samantha stood up and went to the garden their guards were busy drinking and playing cards. "Ooh goodness look at you guys! you're all bunch of useless people! if not for me your boss would have sack you today, now listen! your boss is calling all of you and you guys better meet up to his demand this time around, or else just forget about your job!""We're sorry ma'am."Samantha roll her eyes ball as all the guards rushed to where David was when they got there, David tells them that all of them should fish out Daniel Davis, and this time around once they sees him they should kill him instantly and anybody that manages to do it will be rewarded with 10million so it better for them not to fail this time around or else they will be dead meat! "But you don't have to pay them now David," Samantha said immediately all the guards left David's presence."I know, I'm not giving any
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When David and Samantha got home one of his guards said he got information about where Daniel was hiding when he got shot and the name of that community is Patagas. The woman that helped him is called Mrs.Teresa.David asked the guards what is he going to use the information for since it doesn't produce or prove where Daniel is? the guard said Daniel can't be staying with Ella's friends so it possible that he might have gone back to the community since nobody suspects him hiding there.David tells the guard to prepare the car they're going there together, Samantha asked David why will he follow them? David said because those people might be hiding Daniel and will refuse to bring him out."Okay no problem but please don't hurt anyone there once you get there""What! did that come from your mouth? and when did you begin to grow conscience!""I'm sorry David don't get me wrong""Enough! and don't you ever say that again! and mind you, you're coming w
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