All Chapters of Teach Me How To Love: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
142 Chapters
60: In Love (Part 1)
*** THE YEAR 2019 The last line played as Jane stood up from the ground and face the running Stan towards her. She sniffed as she said goodbye to Danny on the other end of the line. Stan and Jane stared at each other's eyes for a long time. Stan stared at the tears in her eyes as Jane wiped them so fast. She swallowed constantly as Stan furrowed his eyebrows towards him. Danny was so confused with the way his nanny hanged up the line and how she was being troublesome in a matter of minutes. Stan huffed some air and glanced at his wristwatch as Jane put her hands behind her back. The wind flowed her long skirt over his legs and her hair was taken aback from her shoulders while she looked down through her feet. "It was already 2 o'clock in the morning, aren't you cold here just talking over your phone for almost a
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61: In Love (Part 2)
***THE YEAR 2019 Marian relaxed her fingers through the counter and she smiled when the cashier gave the two cups of frappuccino. She smiled as she turned her back and picked up the tray. Justin stood up from his seat as he saw Danny's father by the door with his pants on and his long sleeves were big on him. Marian's smile vanished from his sight as she saw Danny's father by the door. She held the paper container that was holding the two cups of the frappuccinos in her hands as she saw that Paul Sy stopped at the door. She pursed her lips as she heard Lewis Capaldi's song on the radios of the shop. The barista on the other side was preparing something over the stove as Marian heard that it was brewing something by the fire. She swallowed and stepped up the steps without the smile that was crossing her face. Justin widened h
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62: Reunited (Part 1)
*** THE YEAR 2019 "Don't be confused about what am I saying, I know your mother for a long time," Paul nodded at him as Justin opened his mouth slightly to say something. Marian looked at them for a second and she smiled as she saw that they were now talking. Paul nodded at him and said, "I know him ever since she was a teenager, I hope it doesn't surprise you when I say it about like that." Justin glanced at him with astonishment as they both smiled at each other. Justin was still confused and then he can't control himself from asking, "Why did you know my mother for a long time?" Paul beamed a little when they finally reached
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63: Reunited (Part 2)
*** THE YEAR 2019 "I don't want to call you Paul anymore, Mr. Sy. It's not the same as it is the last time we talked this long," Jane stated the obvious as Paul was nodding his head and expects himself from hurting so much by hearing that. He smiled sadly towards her and he didn't know what to say anymore because of how Jane's face was so angry. "Look, I came here to say something to you about what happened last time we talked as friends---" "I don't want to hear it anymore, please. I am letting you go at that time, didn't you do the same thing when you left me under the rain for Carleigh with a proper goodbye?" Jane asked as Paul swallowed and widened his eyes when Jane said it. He looked down at his feet as he came to realize what he did from that day forward.
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64: Closures and Broken Promises (Part 1)
*** THE YEAR 1992 Jane wore the necklace that Paul gave to her the day they had their first anniversary and she smiled as she saw how beautiful it is. She had been wondering how they had been doing this for the past year that happened between them, they had been wandering along the bay for a few hours to maintain their status for the same time. Jane smiled at her reflection by the mirror as her father called out from the living room of their hut. She was glad to hear that she was not alone this time, and they settled everything by that time. Jane called out, "Yes, Dad! Coming out right now!" Jane was still in her first year in the university as a freshman and she was still working hard to gain these achievements up until she can become a professional. She stuffed in the notebooks she prepared for the night and put them on her backpack gently. She wal
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65: Closures and Broken Promises (Part 2)
*** THE YEAR 1992 The car stopped by the street as they both were halted by the door. Paul widened his eyes when someone climbed outside of the car and they were both stunned at their places as Jane realized that it was his father. She swallowed as she unclasped her hands from his but Paul gripped it much more tightly. A bodyguard came out from the cars and stood behind Paul's father. Paul clenched his jaw as it stopped right in front of him and slowly glanced towards Jane, who was standing still, and holding his hand while Paul was still gripping it tightly. Paul's father glimpsed at their entwined hands and said, "So you were going out with someone who was living in the woods?" Jane gritted her teeth silently as Paul's father looked up at her from head to toe and she can't help but feel aggravated by that look. Jane unclasped her hand fr
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66: The Love I Have For You (Part 1)
*** THE YEAR 1992 The song also played over the radios as Paul clenched his jaw and grit his teeth as his father straightened his coat over his chest. He brushed his hand over the weal on his cheek as Paul's tears elevated over his eyelids and it was on the verge of falling over from his eyes down his cheeks. Jane watched as Paul struggled to control them and it made her eyes teary too from what she was seeing. He clenched his jaw as the tears were on the lids of his eyes as he knuckled his fists on his sides. He doesn't know how to utter a word again but he managed to finally say something. "Are you that happy that I am finally living inside the nightmare I don't even want?" Paul managed to ask as he unclasped the knuckle on his fists and the tears escaped from his eyes while Jane was watching from the side. Jane turned her stance towards him as he utters some
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67: The Love I Have For You (Part 2)
*** THE YEAR 1992 The song resonated over the street while they both exchanged their heated glances and the thunder cracked over the horizon. They both swallowed as Jordan pointed his finger towards his face and said, "You better not insult my family or the luck you have will run out without anyone realizing." "What did you just say over me earlier? That my attitude was much stinkier than the mud?! Do you even know what you are talking about?!" "Yeah! I know who I am talking to, you dirty scumbag!" Jordan shouted that made Jane ran over his side and grabbed a hold of his arm. Paul's father fumed at his place and shouted over the confines of the street. He glared right through his son, who was standing a few feet away from Jane's father, and shouted right at his son.&nb
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68: The Difference Between You and Me (Part 1)
*** THE YEAR 1992 "I am in love with him just as much as he did. We are in love with each other, and even though I knew that was separating in a matter of two years, I will still love him. You are different from him, you are no comparable to him, because he was the one who took care of himself when you are busy with your business, and he loves himself more than anything. So please, mister, change that attitude of yours so that you can feel something that your heart really wants," Jane concluded as she listened to the song while a lot of tears escaped right through from her eyes. She felt the weakness on her knees and she glimpsed towards Paul's father again and saw that he was knuckling his fists. 
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69: The Difference Between You and Me (Part 2)
*** THE YEAR 1992 Jane turned around the corner as the tears fell down from her cheeks while seeing a lot of university students who were scrambling in and about from the university. She quickly fell down from the corner as she looked the other way and remembered how hard it was to finally saw his father so furious with how she lives. Paul stood by the bench outside as the song of Lionel Richie was still evident through the radios. He placed his hands by the bag that was slung over him and leaned on the wall behind him. He swallowed constantly as the rain finally poured down from heaven and he was glad that it was finally raining. Jane sobbed silently as the students stare at her while still looking at the metal railings that barricaded their university from the highway. She was crying and heard the bell rung from the staircase as the song from the guardhouse still resonated over the
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