All Chapters of The Mafia Bosses Broken Queen: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
153 Chapters
Davina’s POV
I was sitting in my favorite cafe waiting for Reighly to show up. I looked at my watch and realized that I still had half an hour until she would show. I knew that dad had a couple of his guys here somewhere making sure nothing happened to me. I know Burton wanted to be here too but if one of Landon’s guys was watching then he would be recognized. I looked at my phone again and noticed that Burton had to text me for what seemed like the hundredth time. I smiled at it cause it made me feel good that he was concerned but at that same time I was getting annoyed with him as well. I think the other guys were getting irritated with how crazy he was acting as well. “Well, this is a surprise,” Reighly said.I looked up and smiled at her. I know she was not expecting me to be pregnant. I barely had a bump but it was big enough to be noticed. I swear if Burton didn’t stop rubbing it I was gonna cut his fucking hands-off. I am glad that he is excited about this baby but he has lost his
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Darryn's POV
Davina came back from the meeting with Reighly right after lunch. I was not surprised when she walked in followed by Burton. I knew he was worried about her being at that cafe by herself. I knew Reighly would not do anything to her. Plus I knew Uncle Nick had at least two of his guys there watching her and Reighly while they talked. I was anxious to know what they talked about. However, before she told us what they discussed she ate. I let her because there was no way I was going to stand between a pregnant woman and her food. I wasn’t that stupid. I think we have all figured out what not to do and what not to say by this point. I know a few of us have slipped up and say something before we use our brains but we have gotten a lot better. Although Camden said something that pissed Breayna the other day and she threw a knife at him. Luckily he was able to move out of the way fast enough.“He deserved it.” Breayna snarks.“He might have but you can’t be throwing sharp objects
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Felipe's POV
I have stayed out of most of this for as long as I have known Darryn and Brett. I knew who Darryn’s family was and what they were involved in. I have never cared about it either. I watched all through highschool as Reighly threw herself desperately at Darryn. He never showed her any interest but he was nice to her because she was Davina’s friend. I was fucking nervous as hell the first time Darryn had me meet his family in ninth grade. I was so afraid they were going to say something to him and then they would do something to me. I was wrong. Darryn’s family welcomed me with open arms. They even gave my mother a steady job. I was so thankful when they did that for my mother. I knew the moment that Darryn laid his eyes on Kaycie that day that he was gone. I could also tell that she was very taken by him but she was scared out of her mind for some reason. When Brett’s cousin Todd told us what had happened I just about lost my mind. I thought Darryn was going to hunt the basta
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Mikal's POV
Davina’s friend Reighly arrived at ten in the morning. I could tell a few of the guys were very tense about this. Felipe explained the situation to us and what happened with Kaycie. Camden, Kristian, and I were irritated by this girl. How dare she say shit like that to Kaycie. The three of us haven’t known Kaycie long but we love her like a sister. She has to be the sweetest girl I have ever met. I think it’s great how she can put Darryn in his place. He hit me in the arm when I told him this. Which made Kaycie slap his arm, which made me laugh. He tried to hit me again but I backed up and ran. It was a vicious circle. We were all sitting there looking at Righly and her friend Luke. Well, maybe I was looking at Luke a bit more than I should.“Ok, Reighly why don’t you start at the beginning,” Kade says.“Ok, I can do that,” Reighly says.She begins to tell us everything that has happened since Jared called her up and asked if she knew a girl named Kaycie. She tells us h
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Burton's POV
I had just pulled into the garage when I heard another vehicle pull into the driveway. I climb out of my car, shut the door, and walk out to see who just pulled up. When I walk around the car I find Reighly standing there shaking and crying. It has been three days since she was up here telling us everything and handing over all those recordings. I walk over to her and hug her. She looks very upset. “What’s wrong?” I ask.She starts sobbing and grabs onto my shirt. Shit, I am not sure how to handle this. I am not good with girls crying. I can handle an emotional Davina but not this. I open the front door and walk her in. Sitting there in the living room is Alex and Kade. They look at me and I shrug my shoulders. “What is going on?” Alex asks.We sit her down on the couch and Kade gets her some water and tissues. Aled gives me a glare as if I caused this. I might be an ass but I don’t make girls start sobbing on purpose. “I have no idea. She pulled up right after me a
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Kaycie's POV
I was sitting with Reighly that night. She had calmed down but her eyes were still very red and puffy from all the crying that she had done. I can’t believe that her cousin would let Landon set fire to her house. That family obviously has some issues. The two of us had actually sat and talked most of the afternoon and we had cleared the air between us. I can understand how she could be obsessed with Darryn. He is ridiculously sexy. She told me that Luke has helped her get over Darryn. I told her not to worry about it. I know Darryn is still hesitant to have her around but after our talk, I am not worried anymore. She is actually really nice and easy to talk to. I help Eryn set her up in one of the extra bedrooms for the night. Luckily she had all her important electronics and stuff in her car. She keeps all of her important things in her office at work or at Luke’s house. She says that she didn’t trust Jared lately and thought it would be better this way. I told her that was
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Gio's POV (Mikal's Dad)
I heard the fire trucks fly by my new restaurant about an hour after Burton had left. I knew that Davina’s house was in the area they were headed to. I started hoping that those assholes that were causing all this trouble had not set her house on fire. Then again if they did then they get to deal not only with my nephews but also my brother Nick. I knew that would not go well. Davina is Nick and Amellya’s only child and the only girl born. She was definitely special and spoiled. He would make them pay if they had set fire to her house. I hear two more fire trucks drive by and I start to worry. I pull out my phone to call Nick when he walks into the building.“What the hell is going on?” I ask.“Reighly’s house is on fire.” He says.Oh yes, Reighly, Davina’s friend since middle school. I chuckle, she has had a crush on Darryn for years now. She is also the one that said something that made Kaycie walk off into the forest. Whatever she said caused Kaycie to stop eating and s
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Alex's POV
We all knew about Reighly. They had told us what she had done when Kaycie first moved here. They told us about the incident in the club and what had happened at the bar b cue that day. When they told us it did anger us. We had all come to care for Kaycie a lot especially after learning about what her ex had done to her. So when it was mentioned that Davina should talk to Reighly since she and Jared are related I was surprised. I figured that they wanted to wash their hands of her. When Davina came back from talking with Reighly and wanted her to come here to tell us what she knew I could tell that Darryn wanted nothing to do with that idea. “Are you ok?” Reighly asks me.“Yeah, I should be the one asking you that question,” I tell her. It has been two days since she found her house trashed and that fucking note threatening her. She showed up here sobbing and scared out of her mind. Then we all had a front-row seat as we watched her house burn down on tv. She was sobbing i
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Kristian's POV
Aaron, Camden, and I were sitting at a table in our favorite cafe. We were outside since it was starting to be nicer during the day. It will be nice when the weather starts to warm up and we can get out of the house more. I think the women are sick of being cooped up inside because of the cold weather. It doesn’t bother Davina, Sammy, Mariah, and Reighly that much. They all grew up here and are used to the cold in the wintertime. The other women grew up in a warmer climate and are not used to it being quite this cold in the winter. All of their complaints being a dead give away. That and they have decided to vanish for a few days here and there to a warmer climate. Yeah, that didn’t go over so well with a few of the guys. “No fucking way.” I hear Camden say.Aaron and I look at him. My brother is weird but this is strange even for him. He looks at us then nods his head. The two of us follow the direction his head nods in and there standing across the street is Jared. Thi
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Nick's POV (Davina's Dad)
When Richard came to me and told me that he had followed Jared around most of the day I was both surprised and pissed. He explained that he was eating at the cafe and Camden, Kristian and Aaron were also there. Apparently, Camden noticed that Jared was standing across the street. I guess Aaron was trying to keep from being noticed. That made perfect sense. From what Richard told me Jared didn’t see any of them and kept walking down the street like everything was normal. Camden just happened to run into him in the cafe and told him that they had seen Jared. Richard wasted no time and started tailing him. “He didn’t do much. He just kept walking into and out of different stores. The only store he bought anything it was a store that sells stuff for babies and children.” Richard says. “That is weird. I have no idea what that is about.” I tell him. Richard gives me his goodbyes and leaves. I am grateful that he was able to follow Jared but unfortunately we didn’t learn anyth
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