All Chapters of Revenge of the Hideous Lady: Chapter 2381 - Chapter 2390
2513 Chapters
Chapter 2382
But now, Lynette Batton and Leon Batton were already old enough for kindergarten.“Time does fly,” Xyla Quest sighed.Stanley Batton tilted his head while gazing tenderly at his wife and kids. “Yeah, it does.”“You two have to be good at kindergarten, okay?” she told them as she gently ruffled their hair. “Don’t say too much about our family, especially not who your parents are, understood?“It's for your safety,” she added.The twins instantly nodded. They were clever and obedient despite their tender age. They would act as their mother had instructed.Fortunately, they had never rebelled against her and always took anything she said to heart.Their obedience made her heart melt once again. “You’re such good kids.”Stanley looked at them tenderly. “Daddy and Mommy are only doing this for your good. You’ll understand once you are older.”Lynette blinked. “I understand it's for our protection. We’ll do whatever you tell us to, Daddy and Mommy, knowing you only have our best i
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Chapter 2383
Every time Lynette Batton made an unreasonable request, Leon Batton would be annoyed and cold to her.But then, he would give in instantly whenever she made a sad face because he adored his little sister way too much.“Keep an eye on your little sister, Leon. She can only have three mouthfuls,” Xyla Quest told her son.That was the limit she had set because Lynette’s stomach was relatively weaker.Leon nodded before addressing his sister. “Let’s go. Come with me.”His tone sounded firm and irrefutable, prompting Lynette to follow behind him to the door. “When you’re done with dessert, bring your sister upstairs with you and get ready for bed, all right?”“Got it,” he answered without turning his head and led Lynette away.Their nannies left one after another as the kids grew up, so Xyla had hired four new nannies.Apart from taking care of the children’s food and daily activities, they were also responsible for cooking and cleaning the house.Xyla and Stanley had gotten much
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Chapter 2384
After Lynette Batton fell asleep, Leon Baton carefully placed her head on her pillow. Then, he picked up another one for himself and settled down next to his sister.It was peaceful and quiet outside the window.The warm summer night had a sky full of stars accompanied by the sound of singing cicadas. Fireflies danced in clusters now and then. It was a wonderful sight to behold.The twins slept soundly in their warm and luxurious room.Everything seemed so serene.Xyla Quest and Stanley Batton checked in on them later that evening and witnessed this scene.They couldn’t help but smile in contentment as they sat by their bed to watch them for a while.They felt blessed to have such amazing kids who seldom caused trouble or worried them needlessly.***Leon and Lynette were accepted into the prestigious Phaeton Kindergarten soon after Xyla signed them up.The children also had brand-new identities as a cover story to protect their privacy. Their parents were supposed to be th
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Chapter 2385
Leon Batton, especially, took great care of his little sister, Lynette Batton.He practically acted like a protective father in the classroom and didn't let anything happen to her.Lynette was the kind of person who could cry easily, but his presence there ensured that she was on her best behavior the entire time. Xyla Quest and Stanley Batton knew that their son gave her a sense of security.They jumped up happily when the kids entered the house and walked toward them eagerly.They had missed them, especially today, even though Xyla and Stanley were frequently away at work during the day,Perhaps, it was because of their first day at kindergarten.At the door, Xyla and Stanley picked up Lynette and Leon respectively, making them smile.They looked very adorable in their very first set of uniforms.Their uniforms looked good. Leon wore a white shirt with a black tie and vest, while Lynette had on a white shirt with a black tie and skirt. She also wore a fitting vest with whit
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Chapter 2386
If Lynette Batton was too young to understand, then was Leon Batton old enough, considering they were both twins?He was born only slightly earlier than his little sister.Xyla Quest chuckled with a helpless gaze at her son. “You’re speaking as if you’re much older.”“I may not be a lot older, I’m still her older brother. I have to be the mature one,” Leon replied.Stanley Batton nodded before looking at his daughter. “From now on, you mustn’t let anyone kiss you other than Daddy, Mommy, Leon, our close friends, and relatives, understood?“Especially not boys,” he hastily added with a stern expression.Lynette didn’t understand why her father said that, but she still nodded obediently.“Okay, I’ll remember that,” she agreed before tugging at her brother's hand. “Leon, don’t be angry. I understand now.”“Silly girl. You need to learn how to protect yourself sometimes,” he advised her. His words made him sound even more mature, not like that was surprising to his parents. She
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Chapter 2387
Xyla Quest had no regrets other than not being able to repay her parents for bringing her up.She enjoyed days like these though she'd found herself wishing that her parents were around to be a part of her happy life.She instantly hugged Stanley Batton as she began to feel emotional at the thought.“Honey, I have a sudden craving for the steamed egg and shrimp dish you've cooked before,” she told him.“Okay, I’ll cook that dish for you right away,” he replied instantly before heading into the kitchen.Xyla settled down on the couch and began munching on snacks that her husband had bought for the kids.However, neither Lynette Batton nor Leon Batton was fond of them, so she ended up the one who ate them the most often.***Time went by so quickly that it stopped for no one.In the blink of an eye, Lynette and Leon were now six.They seemed much more mature than before and even more obedient.The children were growing well.Likewise, Xyla and Stanley’s companies also continu
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Chapter 2388
Meanwhile, Lynette Batton kept her head down as she wept in the office of Phaeton Kindergarten’s principal.Leon Batton stood in front of her protectively while a group of adults surrounded them. The principal, three teachers, both parents of the boy in question, and the royal family's bodyguards were in the office.There were glaring at the twins with cold, harsh looks.Meanwhile, the arrogant boy with whom they had a conflict sat on a nearby chair as he glowered at Leon defiantly.Soon, their nanny, Shanice, walked in and hastily pulled the twins behind her in a protective stance.“Hey kids, aren’t you going to apologize? Do you want to be kicked out?" the boy's father sneered menacingly before issuing more threats.“Mark my words. If you don’t apologize, not only will I see to it that you're both kicked out, but your parents will also be in big trouble.“I won’t let anyone in your family off the hook,” he yelled as he pointed his forefinger at them.Leon returned his angry
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Chapter 2389
The principal’s words came as a shock to Leon Batton.At that point, he finally understood how fake the principal and these adults were.He grew angrier, his small fists clenched by his sides.“Why should I apologize? They’re the ones bullying us," Leon stated indignantly, pointing his finger at the other family. "I doubt Lynette and I will stay here for long if this is the kind of favoritism Phaeton Kindergarten offers.”After saying that, he directly ran up to the other boy’s father, removing his tiny leather shoe before launching it at his face.For a 6-year-old child, Leon was very swift and accurate, moving like the wind. The shoe had already connected with his face by the time he could react. Everyone was stunned to see his nose was badly injured.At the very least, nobody expected that a kid like Leon would have the courage to do such a thing.The man was now livid after being assaulted by a shoe. He immediately raised his hand and slapped Leon with his full strength,
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Chapter 2390
The man’s wife also began to speak then, but Leon Batton ignored her, silently waiting for someone from his family to arrive.“What’s the matter? Aren’t you going to say anything? Are you afraid? I’ll give you one last chance. Kneel and apologize. After that, go ahead and lick my son’s shoe. Perhaps I'll spare some of your family members who would be arriving later," the man added.His words grew harsher each time he spoke, intentionally challenging Leon and Lynette Batton’s limits.Lynette began to laugh as well, gazing at the adult bully with slightly reddened eyes. “If you’re smart, you should kneel and apologize to us instead. Then, when my family arrives, I will consider asking them to forgive you.“This opportunity won’t come knocking twice. I promise you will regret it later,” she added.“Exactly,” her brother interjected.Their words seemed to amuse the man further as he started laughing helplessly. “Haha! You sure are brave. Are you trying to intimidate me? Did you reall
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Chapter 2391
Xyla Quest peered at the silent adults around her and asked calmly, "Who hit my son?”Meanwhile, her bodyguards had made their way to the office’s entrance and stood neatly in a row. Their fully black attire was intimidating to the others, making them feel suffocated.The boy's father stammered. “I-it w-was me. I’m s-sorry, Ms. Quest. I was ignorant. I didn’t know these two were your children. If I had known, I wouldn’t have done it.”She ignored him. “Which hand did you hit him with?”He took a deep breath. “M-my right h-hand.”Her frown deepened. “Got it. Someone will be here to claim your hand later.”He paled in fear at her words. Trembling like a leaf, he gazed at her pleadingly. “I'm sorry, Ms. Quest. I’m truly sorry.”Xyla scoffed. “If apologizing worked, then why do we need the police?”He knew it was over for him.He hastily went down on his knees as he peered at Xyla, Lynette Batton, and Leon Batton. “I’m truly sorry. Please forgive me!”The twins merely glared at h
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