บททั้งหมดของ Mr CEO, I Will Do Anything For My Baby: บทที่ 91 - บทที่ 100
I want to have fun with them
Mel was in shock as she continued to stare at the photos.She didn't care much about the other woman tied to a chair unconscious.The influence the doctor had on her was greater than that of chairman Charles' wife.Seeing the man made her feel like she had gone back to when she was still consume by fear at the thought of the man's face.She knew already that it was her who believed the man to be some kind of god, probably because of the drug he used on her, because after studying about the drug, she understood her situation quite well.
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Finally killed him
Inside a wide storage room, the doctor could be seen tied to a chair at the center of the room.His expression was nonchalant like he wasn't aware of his situation.Mel felt her anger rise more and more as she was now face to face with her nightmares.She felt herself clenching her fist so tight that it hurts, but she doesn't care.Apparently someone cares. Bryce's hand gently held her own and she softened up immediately.
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I don't want to die
"Mur…. murderer." Chairman Charles Wife stammered, her body shivering in fright.Yes! She was a worse human being, that would go to the extent of hurting a little boy, but she hasn't personally killed a human being with her own hands.She has ordered for someone to be beaten, for someone's business to be ruined, goal to be crushed.Maybe someone has killed themselves because of the suffering she inflicted on them, but she hasn't killed anyone with her own hand or order for someone to be killed.In short, Collins is the first person she hated so much and would
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Safe from now
The changes chairman Charles' wife promised herself wasn't because she stopped hating Mel, but because she was a very smart woman.She wouldn't have manipulated her husband so much and remained innocent on the outside if she wasn't skilled enough, but she knew when to stop.First, Bryce is a formidable enemy.She could see the love in his eyes for Mel while he held her unconscious body.It scares her, because she wasn't following up on Mel's situation to realize that things have turned this way.
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Make love to me, Bryce. Fuck me
When Mel opened her eyes, she was back in her room, with Bryce sitting on a chair next to her bed.He was sleeping, resting his head to the back rest.His face is so calm and beautiful. He was the finest man she had ever laid her eyes on.Everything about him is just beautiful.She knew he must be worried she would wake up traumatized that she killed someone, but that wouldn't happen.In fact, she didn't even regret it. She felt at ease like a heavy burden was lifted fro
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I want to please you
Bryce hissed as the word rolled off her tongue.His chest heaved as she stared into his eyes, before her gaze move down to his lips.Fuck! She cannot believe she wanted this man so much, even though they aren't in a relationship.Being this close with him only fueled the fire of the lust in her at the moment.He was already as hard as a rock and she could feel him poking her core.
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Tell me how I make you feel, with words
Bryce was shocked at what he caused, because the woman in front of her acted without restraint at all.At this rate, he doubted he would only please her and not make love to her like she wanted.Damn it!He asked to be frustrated and she was so damn skilled at frustrating a man.She removed the remainder of her clothes super slowly and freaking seductively, her hands making light touches on her own skin and it enchanted him, cause he couldn't control himself and just let his eyes follow her every movement like a puppy will follow his master around.
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Snatched each other's soul
"How do you feel?" He asked in a husky tone.Mel has moaned, screamed and orgasm for the third time in a day, under this guy's torture.He had used his long slender fingers to fuck her and oh dear, when his mouth took over, she nearly went crazy."So good!""F*ck! Bryce! Feel so good.""God! Ha! Please go easy." She screamed her heart out in pleasure, yet he was like a beast.
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"Who did this to you!" Chairman Charles roared loudly, making the nurses in the ward nearly jumped in fright.He was shocked to be notified that his wife was admitted at the hospital, with bruises on her.And on getting there, he saw her face swollen with obvious finger print marks on both cheeks.He was near exhaustion with Mel's issue and all his plan to get Mel secretly abducted was being sabotage.It was like some people were monitoring his every move, but no matter what trick he used to lure out the people in the shadow, nothing came up.
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Flirting/display of affection
"Oh my God!" Amy exclaimed in shock.Mel just smiled it off, while she continued to sort the documents on her desk.Amy jumped down from Mel's table like a rabbit and Mel was startled when her face was suddenly cupped in Amy's hands, making her look up into her eyes."Tell me, did you feel butterflies?" Amy asked curiously.Mel rolled her eyes and shook Amy's hand away."Duh! You're talking like it's my first time having sex and moreover, we didn't go all the way." Mel s
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