All Chapters of CALENDULA: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
202 Chapters
Part, One Hundred Ninety - Ask Apologize
"Apologize and admit your mistake, because then you just saved a relationship."   *** Reya meets his husband to ask to apologize immediately, she realized that her attitude was wrong because had made the man jealous just because she was curious about her husband's feelings. Especially during the marriage, she never saw his husband feel jealous so yesterday intended to make the man jealous, which resulted in Luis feeling annoyed with his wife.   Not because she doubted her husband's feelings, no! But because it was on purpose only to satisfy her curiosity about her husband, and after knowing the truth she felt guilty. Slowly, she hugged her husband from behind. "Luis..." he called softly, making the man look at his wife. "Are you still annoyed with me?!" she asked to ensure, she wouldn't be relieved if not yet apologized.  
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Part, One Hundred Ninety One - Preparation for Childbirth
"We need to be disappointed to know happiness because pain makes us stronger."   ***   This month is the last month she becomes a pregnant woman because, after 9 months of pregnancy, she will finally give birth in a few days according to the doctor's prediction. However, they have informed all of his family so that they can attend on the day of his birth, because he wants everyone to attend so that they can witness the birth of their first child.   Luis returned to his wife while carrying a small suitcase, they were preparing clothes that they would take to the hospital because it was impossible while in the hospital they did not change their clothes so they brought several pairs of clothes. Slowly, he sat next to his wife who was folding several pairs of clothes to be put in the suitcase.   "I'm scared,
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Part, One Hundred Ninety Two - Childbirth
"In the end, love teaches humans to accept other humans as they are and as much as possible to give the best for those they love." ***   Everyone had prepared what items to take to the hospital because one day before giving birth they had already chosen to stay at the hospital so that they would not be in trouble when it was time to give birth. So, today they will all go to the hospital according to the advice that the doctor has given for the good of the pregnant woman herself.   Their car is in the middle between Luis and Reya's parents' car so that their respective families can anticipate the journey to reach their destination safely. Even though there are no enemies anymore, as parents they are still worried about the whereabouts of their respective children so they agree to monitor the journey of the car.   In the c
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Part One Hundred Ninety Three - Welcome to the World
"Having a child is not because it's time, but because it's mentally and emotionally ready." ***   After cleaning up the condition of the newborn, a nurse was walking while holding a handsome baby boy to be handed over to his family who had been waiting in the hospital room. Slowly, she knocked on the door in front of her while walking inside making herself the center of attention for holding a baby.   "Congratulations on the birth of your son!" said the nurse while giving a baby to Reya.   Reya took her child gently from the nurse's hands, this was the second time she had held her son. Her face was so much like her husband's, as Luis had said, just only her son's lips resembled hers. The rest controls her husband, she prays that her child will grow up to be a man who is responsible for all d
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Part One Hundred Ninety Four - Can't Sleep
The woman was still trying to put her son to sleep while holding her, gently patting his son's ass to make her feel more comfortable in his arms. It's been almost 20 minutes, his son still hasn't closed his eyes making him feel a little tired, usually, Troye would fall asleep quickly but this time son doesn't seem to want to sleep.   Slowly, she put his son on the bed because Troye might be able to sleep when was laid down. "Come on baby... Sleep! It's night now, see your father has entered dreamland," said Reya, talking to his son who only played with his fingers.   "Already drinking milk, let's sleep, okay?!" she continued telling her son who was busy drinking his milk from the bottle.   After the bottled milk was finished, his son laughed to himself because was busy playing with his fingers again. Reya sighed resignedly, she was sure his son would not sleep until morning if it was like now, as a result, she also would
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Part, One Hundred Ninety Five - Working Together
"You will never get which perfect if you are never grateful for what you have now."*** "Good morning, honey!" The deep voice greeted the woman beside her who had just opened her eyes. "Good morning, too!" replied the woman while getting up from the bed. Then she walked over to the baby crib to check on his son's condition. The handsome baby still sleeps in the same room, only in different beds so that as parents they can sleep comfortably without feeling afraid something happened to their son. Slowly, she picked up his son when the baby started crying because must be feeling thirsty. "Mommy's child is thirsty yeah..." Reya said, inviting his son to speak, although there was no response from the baby himself because he couldn't speak yet. "Why are you crying?" she asked in surprise when heard the soun
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Part, One Hundred Ninety Six - Learning to Walk
"Educate a child as well as possible, later when the child grows up, the child will doing example of what is recorded in his memory."***2 years later... "Come on, walk towards Daddy..." said the man while spreading his arms to tell his son who was still standing without any help. While his wife was beside her husband. The woman smiled staring at her son. "You can do it, let's try it... Walk towards Mommy!" she said reassured his son. Then slowly, the little child started walking. Even though he can't walk fast, the 2-year-old kid still tries. And when managed to approach one of his parents, the handsome baby laughed while hugging his father when managed to walk towards the man. "Smarts kid!" Luis praised his son while rubbing the top of Troye's head. 
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Part, One Hundred Ninety Seven - Something Suspicious
"Keep doing good, even if you are not treated well."*** "Earlier we met handsome uncle," said a 5-year-old little boy innocently telling his father who was lying beside him. Luis frowned upon hearing his son's statement, who is now 5 years old, his son is fluent in speech so that every day will always tell his parents anything. And this time, he stared at his son curiously because his statement made him start to think negatively. "That handsome uncle brought a little boy when he met me and Mom!" Troye continued to explain honestly, making Luis glance at his wife as if asking for an explanation regarding his son's statement. "If Daddy doesn't believe me, just ask Mom!" he said assured Luis flatly. Reya chuckled softly as her husband gave her a piercing glare, she hadn't done anything wrong so there was no need to be af
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Part, One Hundred Ninety Eight - Second Child
Luis immediately ran to hug his wife, they would have another child. He was looking forward to all of that. Especially after Troye is growing up, they want to give Troye a sister so that his first child is not lonely and has a friend. Even before they decided to get married, they had planned to have 3 or 4 children to make the house crowded.   Luis stared at his wife's face still couldn't believe the reality now. "Am I dreaming?" he asked widening his eyes to be sure.   Reya shook her head slowly, wiping the tears that had started to roll down her husband's face. "I'm not dreaming, right?" the man repeated his question.   Reya chuckled softly while hugging her husband back. "No, Luis! Everything wasn't a dream," she said to the man in front of her, making Luis cry even more.   "Thanks for everything, Lisya!" Luis stared at his wife's face with a sincere smile, the only simple words he could say for n
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Part, One Hundred Ninety Nine - Gather Together With Family
"Believe me, God smiles when see we've is happy."   ***   All of their son's equipment that they will bring has been prepared, and the three of them walked out of the house to quickly get into the car. For the next few days, their first son asked to be taken to his grandma and grandpa's main mansion because he wanted to spend vacation time with them. Moreover, in the mansion, the children from Reifo were already there so Troye wouldn't feel lonely.   In the car, the boy is feeling happy because he will be reunited with his family from his father, Troye continued to tell his parents excitedly. He sat in the back alone as he wished. "Will anyone rival my good looks in the mansion, father?" he asked confidently.   Reya chuckled softly at his son's question, Troye looks like his husband who has a high level o
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