All Chapters of I Make My Own Happy Ending: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
102 Chapters
She started by telling him about her mother.Alisa told him how her mother had disappeared—and had been presumed dead, though they never found the body—when she was five years old. She told him about the naiad and the island, how she survived, and how she came to think that maybe what happened to her mother was her fault.Alisa told him how she thought that she could have unconsciously been using her Gift and that she killed her.“Not that I like repeating myself, but that’s bullshit. And you know it,” Jester told her bluntly. “Your mother did what any mother would have done. You didn’t force her to risk her life.”“How would you know that?” she asked sharply. “How would anyone know that? You weren’t there, but I was. You don’t know how powerful my Gift can be if I don’t control it—”“Oh, I think everyone on this floor is aware of how powerful you
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“…Are you being serious right now?” demanded Jester.“If I am?”“That’s absurd!”“It is, isn’t it?” the old lady said. Then she cackled loudly, and Jester felt like an idiot for believing her, even if it was just for a moment.“It is quite a ridiculous notion. To think that the well-being of all three worlds would depend on the love between two people. It’s like a romance novel.”“It’s not a funny joke, Commander.”“Oh, let an old lady have her fun. In such troubled times, we can’t forget to have a laugh now and then.”Jester just sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Try not to drag other people into your jokes, please.” He glanced at the time, did some quick calculations in his mind. He decided it would be a good opportunity to excuse himself. “If there’s nothing urgent you want from me, C
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Freya couldn’t have been more shocked if I had taken out a laser gun and hit her between the eyes. Before she could comment though, I hurriedly explained.“Oh, don’t look so horrified. Think of it as an undercover operation,” I said, smiling winningly at her—it works on everyone, except Jester (believe me, I have tried). “Besides, you’re not the only one who’ll be there. It’s going to be fun!”She glared at me. “Who else is coming?”“Well, everyone. Except the doctor and Diane.”“…even the Vice-Commander? He’ll have to dress up all fancy, too?”My cheeks turned red as my imagination went into overdrive. A grin split my face as I saw an image in my head of Jester Lee with his hair swept back, wearing a black tuxedo, offering me his arm as my escort…“Oh, yes. Definitely. Absolutely,” I answered Freya. I will use any
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Traffic was bad for a weekday night. Alisa searched for a better route on the display on her dash, and she didn’t answer right away. Maybe she was gathering her thoughts, and Freya wondered if what she had asked was something a little too personal. Maybe she shouldn’t pry—“I think the answer to your question…isn’t just one thing. I had a pretty hard time growing up because of my Gift and my family. Don’t get me wrong—I am very much the spoiled little princess you think I am,” said Alisa with a small smile. “I grew up with plenty of love. I have a great relationship with my dad and siblings and even our extended family. But it wasn’t always like that. When my Gift was discovered, and the details were disclosed, people began to treat me…differently. Among the Vegas, there are quite a few of the Gifted. But I’m the only one who was ever included among the TWMO’s Most Dangerous, and that became
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Jester knew he said something very wrong before he even got the last word out. Alisa’s gaze turned hard, and her lips pressed together.“Are you telling me what to do?” she asked, in a tone that clearly indicated that the only correct answer would be ‘no’.So, Jester said, “No.” Then he added, “I’m just saying you should be more careful. Simply leaving the HQ puts you at risk. We don’t know who the spy is inside the AG, much less who could be a threat to you outside.”“I don’t see what the problem is. The Commander gave me permission, and Freya was with me.”“Still. If it’s not necessary for you to go out, then you shouldn’t. If there’s something you need that the HQ can’t provide, then have your PA bring it over, or send someone else to—"“It was necessary,” said Alisa. “I went to House Zagreb for my fitting&mda
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“What many people do not know,” Jester continued, and the way he spoke caught my attention, made me curious. He brought up a short video clip that had my mouth dropping to the floor. “Is that Anomalies are not naturally created. They are…manufactured. Well, the ones in Gaia, at the beginning, were.”The video was crisp and clear, and though there was no sound, it wasn’t hard to imagine the grisly noise accompanying those vicious claws and teeth. It was a horde of lizard-like Anomalies rampaging through something that looked like a city street (though it didn’t resemble any city I knew, but then, all the smoke and chaos made it difficult to be sure). They clashed against silver leopard-like creatures and huge black bears in an all-out brawl. One odd thing was that the Anomalies seemed to be wearing some sort of collar, and they had black patterns on their bodies that reminded me very much of the symbols of the Border System Grandpa Al
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I like the sea.It was a place my mother loved, so I’ve always thought it was special.Dad told us they first met on a beach in the Wildlands. Something about a malfunctioning Portal and a mutated piglet that stole Mom’s clothes while she was bathing. Mom had mistaken Dad for the thief. “I thought I could face anything,” I remember Dad saying, smiling fondly and a little sadly at the memory, “until that moment. I didn’t know whether I should be glad she was aiming for my head and not…some other vital body part.”They managed to clear up the misunderstanding, though, and two years later they married each other on the very same shore where my mother almost killed him. Dad spent millions on that wedding—since the island is in the Wildlands, you can own it as long as you can sustain it. It’s more of a safety issue than anything, really. Aside from the fact that Breaches are fifty percent more likely to for
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I am so happy I could cry.Well, okay, I did cry—just a little. And Jester was so cute making a joke out of it while wiping away my tears.It all feels so unreal. I never expected that Jester and I would reconcile this way.I didn’t think he’d run after me at all. And in the slightest chance that he did, all I was expecting was another apology at best, and getting scolded for walking out in the middle of a meeting at worst.The way that Jester spoke about his past and his identity had sounded like he was trying to build an insurmountable wall between us. Like he was making himself into some untouchable creature that I shouldn’t even consider approaching, because we were too different and I could never measure up to his lofty standards. I’m sure he wanted me to think of him that way, so that I would give up and leave him alone.I admit that it hurt. After spending so much time with him, after putting in so much effort t
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Stepping into the Lee’s apartment always makes me think of cozy Sunday mornings. I could easily picture them all in the kitchen, the brothers sitting on the counter, with their mother heaping pancakes and bacon and eggs on their plates. If I were part of the scene, I’d be making coffee (I know I can at least whip up a decent cup). The TV would be tuned into some morning talk show, and we’d talk about our plans for the day—maybe Jester and I could go for a lunch date, and Ms. Lee would go out with her friends, and Rigel would stay home and play holo-games all day.Could I hope for something that normal and carefree in the future? More importantly, would a future like that be possible once we stop the Coven and get through the Wane?“Sorry to intrude, Ms Lee,” I said, when Jester’s mother ushered us inside. She had an apron over her pajamas, and I realized that ordinary folk would have gone to bed already. I remember from the cas
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26.2 SON OF A GOD 2
This must be what Jester meant when he said that I should think about what I was getting into by dating him.I suppose, for most people, learning that your boyfriend’s father was some evil overlord who was responsible for the universe-altering disaster that had caused so much carnage that six hundred-odd years into the future, everyone is still suffering from the consequences, would be sensible grounds for breaking up with him. And Jester is expecting—or hoping?—I would choose to do that. Probably for some reason like it being safer for me or some similar shit.Yeah, fat chance.I became his girlfriend barely three hours ago. I’m not letting go so easily.I told him as much.“Alisa,” he said, giving me one of his signature scowls. It’s been getting easier for me to decipher what those minute changes in his scowling face mean—to the usual observer, they would all look the same, but for someone who&rsqu
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