All Chapters of Forceful Marriage: Young Master's Mute Wife: Chapter 1651 - Chapter 1660
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Chapter 1652
Blake was unwilling to give up. "You really don't regret it?"Jessica curled her lips and said with a smile, "Ignorant people and those who don't like us will only dig up those things and chew them when they see our wedding. Only the people you care about are sincere blessings."Blake looked at her indifferent face and was silent. Even if he wanted to erase everything with a wedding, what existed in other people's memories could not be erased.He was not afraid of what others' words, but as Jessica said, they did not like to be in the limelight. They just be promoted by the things, so there was no need to be in the limelight themselves."I'll listen to my wife." Blake held Jessica's hand intimately.They hadn't gotten their marriage certificate yet, but Blake had changed the way he addressed her. He insisted on calling her wife, so Miss Susan happily changed the way he addressed her.In the end, they decided not to hold a grand wedding, but a warm wedding would be held in the Fer
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Chapter 1653
The Mid-Autumn Festival came as planned. The air was filled with the strong fragrance of osmanthus flowers.In such a fragrance, the motorcade for picking up brides set off from Zhen Yuan and slowly headed for the Ferguson Mansion. No one knew who this motorcade was. They only knew that the car was very shining. The pair of Chinese dolls in wedding clothes in front of the car were very cute.Although it was a low-key wedding, the layout of the Ferguson mansion was still gorgeous and romantic.Gingko trees in the corner of the courtyard were golden. When the autumn wind blew, leaves fell one by one.Gingko trees were a symbol of longevity. At this wedding, they also played the role of being together forever.Under the gazes of the guests, a pair of newly-married couple came in slowly surrounded by flowers in the tennis court. Under the witness of everyone, the groom lifted the bride's red veil. The emcee said a lot of good words. Blake only remembered one sentence—satisfied.In fr
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Chapter 1654
In a room on the second floor, Jessica changed her dress and makeup.Feng Qingyang , Yan Ling and Lan Li were talking with her inside. They were bridesmaids and would go out to drink with them later.Lan Li was not used to wearing high heels. Sitting at the end of the bed, she rubbed her calf and complained, "The shoes chose by Mo Feitong are so bad. My feet hurt."Feng Qingyang did not look at her snow-white calves, but at the wedding bed under her ass, saying with a smile, "Jessica gave birth to a son. Since you are blessed with auspicious luck, you will also have a son in the future."In ancient times, there was a tradition of pressing the bed. A white and fat little child needed to sit on the wedding bed and press the bed, meaning that she would give birth to a son. Feng Qingyang said to Lian Li, who was not familiar with it, and Lan Li's face turned red.She quickly stood up and carefully smoothed out the wrinkled tail of the bed. "I want to have a daughter."Feng Qingyang t
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Chapter 1655
After standing steadily on the platform, Lian Liang bows to the man in front of him and thanks: "Thank you, uncle."Her voice was soft and tender, and her big black eyes were bright and clear. Her pink and white face was like a milk mask, which was so soft that let people want to pinch it.Pei Xian looked at the young lady who had only reached his waist.For a little girl of her age, being frightened and dirtying her clothes would make her panic and cry directly. However, the calmness of the little girl in front of him slightly surprised him.Pei Xian was interested in this little girl. He looked at the tray in her hand and asked, "Where are you going?"Lian Liang takes a look at the platform on the 3rd floor and replies: "My friend is up there."Pei Xian nodded. He knew that Winson had a very good friend. Mo Feitong always said that she was Winson's child bride?"What's your name?""Lian Liang."Lian Liang takes a look at the tray in Pei Xian's hand. When the cup was overturn
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Chapter 1656
"Uh-huh..." Mo Feitong cleared his throat. "Um, let's go down. Young Master Ferguson will drunk."Pei Xian turned his head and narrowed his eyes to look at Mo Feitong.Mo Feitong's clumsy excuse had allowed him to see through it in an instant.Pei Xian had drunk quite a bit earlier, but his alcohol tolerance had been trained after he broke up with Jane.He was not drunk, but he was still very smart.Winson often went to Mo Feitong's manor to play, and Winson was very close to the little girl. The two of them were almost inseparable. If he remembered correctly, not long ago, they went to Mo Feitong's deserted island to camp and the little girl went with them.Mo Feitong's nerves were thick. However, his performance just now had already explained the problem...Pei Xian clenched his fists and his jaw tightened. Who was that little girl?Mo Feitong felt his gaze turn sharp and scratched the back of his head. Without waiting for Pei Xian to say anything, he walked downstairs first
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Chapter 1657
On the third floor, Pei Xian looked at the photos that Winson had copied on the computer. He looked calm as he scanned them one by one, but his fingers tightened around the mouse.Winson only felt that he was a little strange. Uncle Pei was not the kind of person who envied others just because he didn't go out to play. Besides, the time they called him over, he didn't come. Why did he seem angry?Moreover, today was her parents' wedding day. Everyone was looking at their wedding photos, so why did he come to see their camping photos?However, Winson didn't think too much about it. They had already seen the wedding photos, but Uncle Pei might have lost interest long ago.Winson went downstairs to look for Lian Liang. Pei Xian tilted his head slightly and saw Winson go downstairs with his arm on the armrest. He took out his mobile phone, and sent several photos to his mobile phone...The wedding banquet lasted until nine o'clock in the evening before guests gradually dispersed.Eve
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Chapter 1658
Blake loved Jessica and didn't care whether she had really slept with Thomas or not. However, when he heard what she said, he was so excited that he almost went crazy.Jessica was traumatized by the matter, and he was also affected.Both of them had no control over themselves, and Jessica suffered more because of him. How could he have the right to mind it? He had always felt guilty. Now when he heard her words, the shadow hidden in the deepest part of his heart disappeared in an instant.He was happier that Jessica was his woman from beginning to end, only his...The man drowned in ecstasy kept tossing and turning. He didn't feel tired and kept having sex with her. Jessica suffered a lot because she was tortured so much that her hands and feet went soft. In the end, she didn't even know how to sleep.On one side, the bridal chamber was brightly lit, and on the other side, it was shrouded in dark clouds.Mo Feitong ran away under the influence of alcohol. Pei Xian returned to his
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Chapter 1659
Blake was not in the mood to chat with Pei Xian. He frowned and asked, "What are you doing here?"Pei Xian strolled to the couch and sat down. There was a cardboard box lying in the corner, and it was opened. He picked up the scarf and played with it, saying casually, "I took a fancy to a novel and want to make it into a TV series, but I need some money."He looked at Blake as if he were a cash machine.The Peis was rich, but Old Pei wasn't interested in the film industry back then, so he didn't want to get involved in it. Pei Xian wanted to do his own business, so he had no choice but to use his own connections.With such a rich man as Blake, the first person that came to Pei Xian's mind was him.Blake lit a cigarette and took a puff. Along with the smoke came two cold words, "No money."Of course, Pei Xian didn't believe it and said with a smile, "Not much. Your bonus from the last competition is enough."Blake glanced at him indifferently. When he saw the scarf in Pei Xian's
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Chapter 1660
She hadn't felt pain all over her body for a few years, and it was even worse than before. She didn't want to move a second time.The bell was still ringing. Jessica shook her head as if she wanted to block the annoying ringtone from her ear.The man behind her woke up as well. An arm reached out from under the thin blanket, grabbed the phone on the bedside table, and hung up without looking at it.He hugged the woman again and moved closer to her neck. There were a few clear fingerprints and kiss marks on her shoulders.He glanced at it and was very satisfied with his masterpiece. He lowered his head and kissed it, and the hand under the quilt became restless again.Jessica snorted and begged softly, "I don't want it..."Blake didn't want to really toss her. He hadn't touched her for such a long time. He had overreacted last night. He coaxed her in a low voice, "I won't do it again."He massaged her waist, and her delicate and smooth skin made him fond of her so much that he be
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Chapter 1661
However, after knowing Jane for a few years, he was more aware of everything about her than they were. Yesterday, even Lian Liang was invited to the wedding banquet.Blake sat down and said bluntly, "I don't know. I haven't asked for confirmation."Pei Xian frowned slightly and looked at him suspiciously. Blake repeated, "I really don't know. I don't have the right to ask her."He and Jane were just friends, and because of Jane's breakup with Pei Xian, the relationship between them had lowered. He wasn't in the position to inquire about other people's private matters, not to mention such a secret matter.Pei Xian's breath became heavier as his chest heaved up and down.He asked, "Then, why didn't you tell me?"Blake glanced at him and said indifferently, "I reminded you. Otherwise, you wouldn't have investigated, would you?"He had reminded Pei Xian, Joe, and Jane that they had secrets. It was he who had reminded Pei Xian that if he did not let go of her completely, he would not
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