All Chapters of Forceful Marriage: Young Master's Mute Wife: Chapter 1681 - Chapter 1690
1790 Chapters
Chapter 1682
The direction of the entertainment industry was very fast. Without a backer, even the most popular star would fall like a shooting star. There was not even a splash in the blink of an eye.She shook her head and said, "Think about it yourself."After that, she left. When she walked to the door, she added, "If the ’power is not back on, the temperature will drop again. Cover yourself with the quilt and don't affect tomorrow's shooting."Yan Ling did not respond to her. She just sat down in the quilt and wrapped all the quilts around herself.The temperature was still dropping, so she pasted all the warm babies on her body and felt warm.Of course, she knew all that Jiang Shu had said.She picked up the phone and pressed the unlock button. The screen lit up with a click, lighting up a little in the dark. Her knotted heart relaxed a lot.She found Pei Xian's number, and her fingers hung on the dial button... She didn't call him even when her fingers were cold.Since she had agreed
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Chapter 1683
The girl raised her nose proudly. If there was a tail behind her, it would be up in the sky."I took a fancy to you, so I asked you to come to my house to do homework."She glanced at Winson, crossed her arms and said to Lian Liang, "I know you. You transferred from the First Elementary School.""Your father is a taxi driver. You can go to school here because of Winson's father. Am I right?""How about you accompany me in my homework and I pay you a salary?"The girl's family was powerful. Her mother was a board member of the school board, so she even knew about her background.She looked at Lian Liang sarcastically. The word "poor" was almost written on her face.The little girl's main target was actually Winson. If Lian Liang went, Winson would also go. At that time, she would play with Winson, and the poor girl would have nothing to do with it.She had invited Winson to celebrate her birthday, but he hadn't gone. Later, she learned that this girl who had been transferred to
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Chapter 1684
Since Lian Liang had not said anything, she ate very slowly.Winson began to talk about his experiences at that time. He generously shared his experiences in his heart, and finally said, "Lian Liang, are we still good friends?"Lian Liang bit his lower lip, lowered his head and said in a low voice: "I don't know if she's ...""I saw her coming... She kept peeking at me and even gave me things..."Although the child was still young, Lian Liang was smart and knew her family background. She came to see her secretly and gave her gifts for no reason. What was the reason?Lian Liang's voice was slightly choked with emotion. She said angrily, "She doesn't want me, and I don't want her either... Who cares if she comes or not? She'd better not disturb me again!"For any child, even if she grew up in a good environment later, the abandoned fact had left an indelible scar in her heart.Winson glanced at her and cut a piece of wonton into two. He knew that it was Lian Liang's words in a fit
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Chapter 1685
The next day, after school, Winson asked the driver to go to the First Elementary School.The driver didn't understand why he went back to the First Elementary School, but he was the young master, so of course, he could only be obedient.Seeing that it was not the way back to the mansion, Lian Liang frowned and looked at Winson, saying, "Winson, where are you going?"Winson touched his schoolbag and said, "I promised Wang Xiaoming that I would give Wasp to him."Lian Liang breathes heavily: "Don't go."She knew that Winson was lying to her.Winson took out his schoolbag and poked its head out, saying, "Really, I promised him. Look, look."Lian Liang frowned. The car had entered the scope of the First Elementary School. On the street was a familiar shop, a milk tea shop, a fried chicken shop, and a stationery shop...She turned to look out of the window and slowly clenched her fists around her sleeves. Her eyes seemed to be searching for something.Suddenly, her eyes narrowed a
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Chapter 1686
Winson felt that instead of guessing by herself, it was better to ask directly.If she were Lian Liang's mother, why didn't she come to Hengguang Elementary School and continue to stay in First Elementary School?Or was it really just fate?Lian Liang remains silent. She herself is not so sure either. She shakes her head: "No."Winson glanced at her and saw that she had clenched her fingers so tightly that they were red. He said, "Lian Liang, you actually want to know about your parents, don't you?"She wanted to know who her parents were and why they didn't want her.Lian Liang's eyes turned red, and her tears fell on her fingers. She clenched her fists and shouted, "No! I don't want to know at all! I have my own parents. Don't talk nonsense!"Winson was shocked and said helplessly, "I... I said something wrong. Don't cry..."Winson was very afraid that the girl would cry, and this time he made Lian Liang cry. He scratched his head and cheeks. Finally, he asked the driver to s
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Chapter 1687
For Blake, everyone had their own path, and he would respect Jane's wishes....After Jane saw Lian Liang's figure in the First Elementary School, she couldn't calm down for a long time. However, she left the road before the group of students finished gathering. She didn't deliberately wait there, nor did she look at Lian Liang greedily.Just one glance was enough.She drove to a newly bought apartment.The apartment was located in a small district with a good environment. The security there was good, and the greenery was well-designed. The property management was also managed by decent companies.She stood in the room for a while.She bought the apartment through a loan. Because it was a good place, the down payment alone cost her many years of savings.In the past, she was a doctor, so she had the provident fund to pay the loan. Now that she had been fired, she had to find a way to pay back the monthly loan.Jane came here to remind herself that she had to find a job quickl
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Chapter 1688
Not long after, Housekeeper Anping sent her with the check.Jane saw the signature on the cheque and asked, "Blake is back?"Housekeeper Anping nodded and said with a smile, "It's such a coincidence, Miss Qiao. Mr. Ferguson returned at noon today."Jane pinched the cheque silently and put it away. "Thank you."Jane and Zhang Yeting agreed to meet at a Western restaurant. After said goodbye to the housekeeper, she arrived here ten-odd minutes later.Western restaurants were very high-end. The environment was elegant and dark. It was a good place for couples to date.Jane's face was cold as she followed the waiter to a compartment. "Miss, this way please."Zhang Yeting sat there, dressed in a dark blue, handmade suit, looking noble. When he heard footsteps, he turned around and a trace of delight flitted across his eyes."Jane, you're here." He stood up and pulled a chair away.Jane glanced at him coldly. After sitting down, Zhang Yeting also returned to his seat. He ordered the
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Chapter 1689
As for Zhang Yeting, even if Jane didn't move, he seemed to be exceptionally satisfied after eating with her.He cut the beef into small pieces and held a knife and fork with his slender fingers. His gentle and handsome face made him look exceptionally elegant.Zhang Yeting finished cutting a plate of steak in front of him. He exchanged his steak with Jane's and began to cut again.He said, "You should have received a call from the hospital. They won't fire you. By the way, I've told the police. Don't worry, no one will disturb you anymore."There was no reply from Jane.Zhang Yeting glanced at her again and said, "My assistant told the police that I wasn't blame you for the time being. At that time, I woke up with no strength and asked him to do things, but he misunderstood what I meant.""...""Jane, I won't hurt you again. Believe me, I won't use the word 'blame' as leverage against you.""..."Jane hadn't spoken the entire time, so it had become Zhang Yeting muttering to h
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Chapter 1690
Zhang Yeting took out a small, red, velvet box. He pressed lightly with his fingers and the box opened with a click. Inside was a diamond ring shining brilliantly with pink light. The diamond was very big, and it sparkled with bits of light."Marry me and let me take care of you."His eyes were fixed upon Jane. Jane, on the other hand, felt a piercing pain coming from her eyes.Diamonds were the purest gems in the world.But what did he do to her?Jane slapped the diamond ring away and both the box and the diamond ring fell to the ground.Zhang Yeting ignored the massive diamond ring and only wanted to keep Jane here. He wasn't willing to let her go, so Jane struggled, "Zhang Yeting, if you don't want to die under my hands, then let me go!"At this moment, Jane was suddenly pulled aside by a very strong force. She felt as if her left arm was clamped by a big pincer. Her body was pulled along with the force. Her right wrist, which was grabbed by Zhang Yeting, was also pulled out
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Chapter 1691
"Besides, Jane and I know each other. At this time, it's even more impossible for me to turn a blind eye to it."It was unknown which sentence Pei Xian spoke provoked Zhang Yeting, but his face completely fell, his fingers clenching one by one.Pei Xian noticed his clenched fingers and looked around. He said coldly, "Mr. Zhang, maybe you should find another chance."This sentence could be interpreted as "If you want to fight, then please come back next time. If you want to talk to Jane, then please come back next time." Regardless of Zhang Yeting's understanding, he wanted to leave with Jane the moment he finished speaking.He placed his palm on Jane's back. He seemed to be pushing her forward, but at the same time, he was also protecting her from being disturbed.Jane could feel his broad palm touching her back, which made her feel sour in her heart.She didn't know that this restaurant belonged to Pei Xian, he had set it up after they broke up. She didn't know much about him, a
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