All Chapters of Hunters: The Prequel: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
921 Chapters
The Others Part II
 Kahn had spoken to Luis a few weeks ago on the topic of Rosa’s feelings. After Kahn had spoken to Luis, the talented Celestial happily left the capital on a mission that was supposed to keep him away for at least two years. Kahn had opened up to his father on the conclusion of their discussion. The older Celestial was ecstatic that his daughter was finally feeling something for a member of the opposite sex. And he was over the moon when he was informed by Kahn that this person was Luis, a genius acknowledged by all; someone who was a talented member of the Celestial race’s younger generation. Kahn then informed his father of his plan to get Rosa to realise her feelings, and the older Celestial was more than happy to oblige. Kahn had never seen his father so giddy before. Unlike before, Luis wasn’t sending Rosa any letters to inform her of his wellbeing. The two were responsible for constantly bringing Luis up once i
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Captain Zakai Part I
“Fall back now” a tall man adorned with tight leather armor commanded as he gritted his teeth in frustration! He looked at his assailants in anger. Several of his men had been cut down by the three people in black who stood nonchalantly in their place. Out of the twelve men he came with, only three of them remained; however, they were riddled with injuries.“What should we do captain” one of his men asked? The man asking the question had his brows furrowed in pain as he held his left arm. There were three large holes, each with a diameter of two centimeters, on his arm. The skin around the holes were charred. Even though he was addressing his captain his eyes were glued to the source of his injury - the black gun that was in the possession of one of their attackers.“We must find a way to tell the King what is happening” the captain gritted his teeth in dismay. Even though he was
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Captain Zakai Part II
Captain Zakai crossed his arms to receive the incoming blow. He was forced back about seven meters from the powerful fist, and his arms were numb. After his breakthrough, he was able to perceive things at a much clearer level. He realized that his opponents had far more inner energy than he did, and they were stronger than him by quite a distance. If he was facing only one of the two, he would have a chance. But it was almost impossible for him to handle both opponents at the same time. Besides, their leader was giving off a much stronger aura. Captain Zakai knew now more than ever, that he and his men were in big trouble.“This armor is pretty sturdy” the mumbled to himself. Although his opponent was stronger than him, the blow didn’t even dent the earth armor that he wore. The only problem was that it took a large amount of inner energy to block that attack. It was an impressive ability. As long as he had sufficient inne
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Abelard Smith Part I
Abelard looked at the sorry figures of his father’s men - well, his men. They all had varying degrees of injuries. One of them had three large holes in his arm and was bleeding profusely. If not for his strong vitality acquired from years of serving the empire as a soldier, he would be dead. It didn’t take a genius to locate the source of his injuries. Abelard looked at the man holding tightly onto the gun even under the insane pressure.“I’d get to you in a minute” Abelard remarked coldly as he increased the pressure on the gun master, forcing the killer onto his belly.The second soldier was bruised all over. His suit was tattered and the color of the skin was telling. There were purple patches everywhere, and his mid-section was reddened in some areas. These were injuries sustained from powerful blows. The blows weren’t penetrative and sharp enough to break the skin, but they w
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Abelard Smith Part II
“How did you breakthrough” Abe asked? His intention was to ask Captain Zakai the very same question, but the older gentleman had passed out after receiving the vitality pill. Abe would have to ask him later. Besides, Captain Zakai’s aura was unstable. It fluctuated between the peak of the mortal realm and the 1st stage of the above-mortal realm, signifying that his breakthrough was recent. But the men in front of him were in the mid stages of the above-mortal realm. They would be better sources of information.“We received Master’s power. And our strength increased dramatically as a result” the earth wielder submissively stated. He was terrified of his master. But his master wasn’t here now, and they were definitely going to die. It would be better to die quickly, than to face the full wrath of a ruthless prince.“When did you receive your Master’s ble
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Abelard Fights Part I
“What an annoying bunch” Abelard remarked coldly as he gazed upon the mutilated bodies of the men who had tortured his father’s soldiers. Their bodies were damaged and broken beyond repair, making them unrecognizable to anyone who knew them before. They had fearful expressions on their faces; it served as proof that their deaths were not quick and painless.Abelard tore his gaze away from the ‘dirty’ corpses. Even he was reluctant to appreciate the work of his hands. He faced his father’s men with a wry smile on his face. The two soldiers who had watched him grow in the palace all these years had cautious looks on their faces. The slight trembling of their bodies when they were subjected to his gaze didn’t go unnoticed. Maybe if it was a few days before he wouldn’t have realized it, but as a scholar such a detail didn’t escape his enhanced perception.Abelard did
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Abelard Fights Part II
“It’s here” three men stopped right before a giant structure. The structure that bared their way was a large earth dome.“Are you certain” one of the men asked? He had a mole at the corner of his mouth and he spoke with a slur. He stood in the middle, and posed the question to the man on his right.The man on the right nodded. He had a huge nose that occupied most of the space on his face. He pointed confidently at the earth dome to show that it was the target of their search.“He can’t be wrong. The devices master gave us are always accurate. This is where their auras disappeared.” The words came from the last member of the trio; and the only lady in the group. She wasn’t spectacularly beautiful, but she was still very pretty. She was confident that the device that their master had given them couldn’t be wrong.
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Abelard Fights Part III
NAME: AbeAGE: 11HEALTH POINTS: 2800/2800BLOODLINE: Blood WyvernBLOODLINE RANK: Rank 9 (locked)RACE: Zandorian (100%)LEVEL: Above-Mortal Stage 6 (Level 33.45)POWER LEVEL: 160,000WIELDER TYPE: Dual Wielder (Energy Wielder; Scholar)
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Abelard Fights Part IV
Abelard frowned as he gazed at nothing in particular. Something had drawn his attention. He could feel two robust auras heading his way. “Great. It’s like an elimination match.” He grumbled as he summoned the armor he had just put away. He was cloaked in the black combat suit in next to no time. The auras were approaching quickly. Clearly the newcomers had set out immediately one of their men died. In this case it was the woman who kicked the bucket first. However there were only two people coming. Abelard assumed that this was the last batch. After all, they couldn’t keep sending people to their deaths.“Let’s get this over with before Mane gets here” Abelard stretched in the combat suit as he prepared for battle. The incoming auras were stronger than the auras of those he had just killed. He didn’t need his impressive brain to tell him that those coming were definitely stronger. He wouldn’t be able to deal with them simp
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Abelard Fights Part V
“Strange fellow” one of the new entries commented as he dusted himself. The other who was just getting up agreed with his partner’s assessment, “Yes”. They could feel the energy of the young boy. It was only at the 6th level of the above-mortal realm; yet he had dealt with profound realmers and even killed them. Although they were mostly unharmed by the earth mines, they felt the power of the sneaky little trap. If they were a bit slower to protect themselves or even a few levels weaker, they would have been done in. “Don’t underestimate him” one of the men warned. The other only nodded his head in response. There was no way he would underestimate someone who was so tricky.There was no visible change around Abe after he activated his glow, but that was only on the outside. He could feel his connection to the earth elements grow stronger than it was before. They felt like family. It was almost as if he could pull them
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