All Chapters of Not all who wander are lost: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
18 Chapters
1: Prologue.
The Larson family... No doubt the most influential family in California. A family of really important people. The mayor, District attorney, owner of a really successful company, lawyers... This family seems to have it all. Casey, an insanely handsome jock, with a killer smile, well toned muscular body and regrettably really beautiful eyes... Surely he's as good as he seems... NOT! Being the Mayor's nephew gives him an edge... An advantage over everybody else. He's favoured by teachers, admired by his peers, loved by his family... Well most of his family. Casey has it all! He can do whatever he wants in that school and get away with it. All he has to do is flash the principal his million dollar smile and he's off the hook. They all fall for it. Even I almost fell for it. But behind that charming smile and beautiful eyes... Behind that strong charismatic personality... Behind
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2: Start of the summer.
Sarah's P.O.V... The bell rang  and one could easily hear the excited screams coming from outside. Mr. Lennard's voice was easily drown by everyone in class as they all gathered their stuff. It was finally the beginning of our summer vacation, and nobody was in the mood to listen to what Mr. Lennard was actually blabbering about. I'm glad he realized it, cause he simply rolled his eyes and left the classroom. I tried as fast as I could to stash away all my books in my bag. But the faster I tried to put them away, the faster they fell and scattered on the floor. With my trembling hands, I could hardly grip anything... I felt pathetic... This is pathetic. Argh! Why do I have to be so fearful of them? God I hate myself for feeling this way! This was taking me longer than I had anticipated. But I bet I'd be done with this already if only these dumb book
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3: An awkward dinner.
       a few weeks later... Sarah. It's been around three weeks since we closed school... Or was it Four? I'm not really sure anymore. All I know is that unfortunately, school resumes in two days. Which is a bummer cause I'm still wearing a cast from what casey and his jerky friends did to me. Those idiots broke my arm. When they realized my arm was injured, they took advantage of the situation and directed all blows to my already injured arm. So here I am, badly hurt, nursing my aching arm, all because of them... And they don't give a damn! Though I guess I'm kinda happy that I have this injury, because thanks to my cast, I don't wash dishes at the restaurant I work at. I'm simply given the 'not-so-complicated' tasks... Serving tables. As long as the trays aren't heavy, I can manage it. The doctor said they're going to t
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4: She's being him.
Connie.              *13 years ago *I quickly ran up the stairs with Sarah trailing behind me, and all the way, she kept on giggling. “Sarah, you're going to get us caught!” “Sorry,” she whispered and giggled again. I had no idea what she found so funny, but clearly she wasn't getting the whole concept of hiding. “8...9...10! Ready or not, here I come!”  Casey finished counting. Well that's just great! I haven't even found a hiding spot yet. I got to the very top of the staircase, and I simply opted to hide in the hallways.. In plain sight! Pretending to be a lamp... They do that in cartoons and it works! Casey would never suspect it. It was the last place he would look... Probably because I was hiding
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5: Drop the ego.
I stretched my hands towards the bedside table, simply feeling around for my ringing phone. Whoever was calling me at this time of the night had better have a good explanation... Like, they're being chased by a serial killer or their house is on fire. Cause if it's not, I'm going to strangle whoever is on the other line! I finally grabbed my phone and answered it without even bothering to check who the caller was. "To call me at this time... Whatever this time is... This had better be important!" I whisper yelled through the phone. The last thing I needed was to wake up the entire house. "It's only one fifteen," Brian's voice rang through the phone. Argh!
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6: Pride or dignity.
Brian. “Call her again!” Casey yelled at me for like the millionth time. “I already told you, she's not answerin___” “Call her again!” If only Casey knew how annoying he is when drank. So annoying I felt like literally drowning him in his drink.But I just did what he asked. I called Connie again, and just like the last seven times, she didn't pick up. “Nothing... Again! And don't make me call her again cause I won't, ” “I'm not going to wait for her anymore!” “What, you're going to walk all the time their place?”
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my apologies...[not an update]
Hey everyone, Love here, This isn't a story update. I just simply saw the need to apologize after not updating my book for like...months? My deepest and sincerest apologies. I just had a lot on my plate. Trying to balance school and my writing career is kinda hard... but I think now I'm getting the hang of it. On Tuesday, I'll release five more chapters, and two more on Thursday. Afterwards, well, its Christmas, so I'll go on a break. My next update will probably be after new on third or something. I'll try... keyward...try, to to write like two chapters more before I leave for boarding school on 4th of January. I'm really sorry about this guys...from the bottom of my heart. And if you're reading this, then thank you so much for your support... and patience with me. You have every right to be mad at me... and I'm not going to give excuses... I'm sincerely sorry. And I hope that dear reader, will find
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7: He's an angel...
Connie. After what happened last night, I couldn't get a wink of sleep. The images of yesterday's events just kept on playing over and over in my head... Tormenting me... Not allowing me to get even an ounce of sleep. I felt... Ashamed, and mad at myself. All the self defense classes I took didn't help me at all. I almost got abused, I got beaten up, and I couldn't do anything about it.I tried, but I was more scared of hurting him than I was of him hurting me! For the first time, I was actually envious of the drunk state Casey was in. I mean sure, he'll wake up with one hell of a hangover, but at least he managed to get some sleep in the first place... A lot of it actually. I spent the entire
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8: ...Is he an angel?...
Sarah.I stood up as Casey was entering the living room, but Connie held my arm firmly but gently, pulling me to sit back down.“I know you don't get along with Cee,” she whispered softly in my ear, “And you don't have to... But can't you at least finish what's on your plate first before leaving?”“I really have to get going. I'll be late to___”“Relax Sarah... He wouldn't try anything stupid when I'm here... At least just finish the juice first, then you can leave,”She was right. I don't think Casey would attempt to hurt me when Connie is around... He wouldn't dare... Would he?
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9: Nope! He's definitely the devil!
Sarah.Well this is just great! Now I'm left here alone with Casey. Not the best or most comfortable situations... Trust me!The air was tense, very much so, I felt suffocated. And I could have sworn I constantly felt Casey's eyes on me... Watching me... And sure enough, when I sneaked a sideway glance at him, I caught him staring.Now I'm not good at reading people, but I'm pretty sure he looked really mad right now! So I went back to staring at my plate... Anything to avoid direct eye contact with him.“I have no idea why you keep on coming here,” he said in an unusually calm and collected tone... The calm before the storm.
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