All Chapters of Late Loving You: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
169 Chapters
Who Is It?
"Oh my... is this grandpa's most handsome grandson?" Jimmy immediately hugged his grandson. He was very happy because after so long he was finally able to meet the grandson he loved so much.In the end, Yuna and Chico went home. And Jimmy just hugged Chico tightly.Yuna who saw that was clearly happy. After a long time not coming home he was able to gather with his family again. Even though he actually felt a bit sad. Because still Chico doesn't know who the real father is. He doesn't understand that Fero is his father."Chico misses Grandpa. And also Uncle Jimmy," said Chico who immediately hugged Jimmy and Malvin in turn. Chico's face was clearly visible with happiness.Maybe this was the first time he felt like he had a family. Because in fact. So far, Chico lives alone with his mother. There was never anyone else. And now he feels like he has a complete family. It was clear that Chico was so very happy.Chico felt that at this momen
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Still Hopping Yuna
"What are you doing here? I told you. Don't ever come again. No one will accept you here!"Malvin acted indifferently as if he didn't care about Fero who was currently in front of him. It really shows that the man never liked and never wanted to accept the presence of his former best friend.Looks great. If at this time. Malvin never knew Fero, for whatever reason. Malvin would only think of Fero as a stranger whose existence he never needed again, right. No matter how hard Fero tried to get closer, he would never ignore it. His hatred was so great."Why refuse the investment I gave you? Malvin. We are friends. You used to help me a lot. I owe you a lot. Now you need help. Why can't I help? You hate me that much?" Fero felt very hurt. Malvin hated himself so much and the hatred seemed unstoppable. Even the help he gave was actually rejected by Malvin. It was as if the man wanted to emphasize that he would never accept Fero's help for any reason. Because th
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Meet Again
"Chico... we've bought a lot of stuff? What else do you want to buy? We have to go home dear," Yuna said so softly.It's been an hour since. Chico has been around the mall and in the end he had to allow himself to continue following in the footsteps of Chico who didn't want to stop. Just keep walking and looking for the toy he wants. Yuna herself never knew. What kind of toys would the boy want to buy? So far, it seems that Chico doesn't like anything. No wonder Yuna continues to wonder, because Chico is not clear what she wants to buy."Mama... I want to buy a fighter plane. Chico doesn't have it yet. Tomorrow is Chico's first day of school here. Chico wants to take it to school later. It will be really fun. If I can manage to buy it. Come on Mama, help Chico to find the car."Just keep walking in front of Yuna. Chico seemed to have no fatigue at all. He just kept walking and ignored all the prohibitions said by his mother. He wanted to find the toy
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Because Fero
Malvin kept feeling angry and unsettled since he kept looking at the watch he was wearing as if he was waiting for something. But what he was waiting for could not be obtained. And of course it made him feel impatient.Her long legs have been just pacing around aimlessly. It was as if he wanted the person he had been waiting for so long to come. Of course Jimmy who saw Malvin at this moment was very surprised. He didn't understand why Malvin was so upset. It was as if something big was about to happen."What are you really thinking Malvin. Why do you feel so uneasy? Father who saw you like that also felt dizzy and very upset. Who are you waiting for?" Can't stand the behavior of his own son. With so sure Jimmy finally asked to make sure what his son was doing. To have to do something so hectic.Can't it be done if Malvin just sits down and doesn't walk around like a laundry iron.Obviously, Malvin, who heard his father's protest, just sat next
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Please, Comeback To Me
"How are you?" asked Fero, trying hard to hold back tears. He really couldn't hide the happiness he was feeling right now. Yuna was in front of him and the current Yuna was really real.After a long time he and Yuna never met and now they are reunited again. Although basically Fero really wanted to hug Yuna so tightly. It was just that at this moment he felt clumsy and uneasy. If he suddenly hugged Yuna. Also... actually Fero's heart is not calm. When he heard Chico call Yuna as Mama.Fero really hopes that the child is not Yuna's child. Because he couldn't forgive himself. If true. Chico is Yuna's son.Because if Chico is Yuna's child. Doesn't that mean, Yuna is married?Especially if you look at it. Chico's age ranges from six to seven years. It means. After going abroad. Yuna immediately married and had children.Fero's heart ached. He couldn't accept all that if the truth was like that. It felt like Fero wanted to scream
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Will Do Justru That
Yuna could only be silent when Fero again had to ask about the personal life he was living. It's clear that Yuna doesn't like it. Because for Yuna. More and more Fero knows about his domestic life. Then there will be more and more that Fero will do to him.One of the things that Yuna fears the most is that Fero will eventually find out if Chico has been her child all this time. Of course, Yuna couldn't do that.Because whatever happened. Yuna will cover up any possibility that Fero knows the truth. Until then.No wonder Yuna is so careful."Yes. I got married after moving abroad. I found someone who was compatible with me. We only had a short relationship and we finally decided to get married. After that not long after that I finally got pregnant. I continued my life well!"Even though he actually just lied with what he just said. But still at the moment. Yuna held her heart from crying. He couldn't show Fero that deep down
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Not Married
Yuna was still silent in her room. The meeting with Fero earlier was enough to make his heart hardened. There are many things that suddenly really disturb his mind and make him sad.Today Fero looks different. Not like the Fero he had known before. There are so many differences that Fero is currently doing. One of them is that Fero looks so in love with himself and always looks at Yuna without ever wanting to part. To make Yuna feel very awkward. Especially the words from Fero just now. Where he said he would snatch Yuna from her husband's hands. This of course made Yuna very surprised.Meanwhile, Malvin, who saw Yuna, kept getting angry, looking so worried and in a hurry to meet Yuna. He was afraid that at this moment there were many things Yuna was thinking about."Why do you look so gloomy? Did something happen? Just tell me if there is something that makes you feel uncomfortable," Malvin knew that at this moment his younger brother was sad
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Hisap Mind
Mira saw Fero crying in his room and things like this were too many times for Mira to see. Since Yuna decided to leave. Almost every night Fero always cries and regrets the mistakes he has made. So far, Fero has never wanted to love someone else and the only thing Fero hopes is to get back into a relationship with Yuna. Even though Mira knows, that will never happen. Because he believes that Yuna already has a new life. Life without Fero in it. The regret that Fero has. It has no meaning anymore."Fero. . Come on... you have to get up and forget about Yuna. There's no need to think about her anymore. It's all over and let it go!"According to Mira. Fero doesn't have to be sad and self-destructive like now. Because why would he cry for something that would never be his. For Mira, she didn't need to do that.Fero shook his head so hard. Maybe he had been crying every day. But the wound he was currently receiving was the most painful. Until he was
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Forever Love You
"Fero... wait for me. Wait for Fero. Listen to me. I want to talk. Why did you leave me? Fero!" Cassandra kept screaming until her throat hurt. But all of that was not heard by Fero even if only a little. The man went on and didn't care even if it was just a little bit with Cassandra.According to Fero, things like this are common. It's been seven years. Cassandra continues to chase after him and Cassandra he never considered. Since Yuna left her life. Fero doesn't care about anyone. The man far prefers not to care and be indifferent to everything that is said by Cassandra. Because according to him it is not very important. For him to care about Cassandra, the person who had ruined her life. Even if Cassandra cries blood once and is about to kill herself. It will never matter."I'll kill myself if you don't stop. I'll really end my life. I'm not joking Fero. I already have a knife. And I'll cut my veins if you don't want to stop. I'll be very angry!"
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Don't Have Husband
"Good morning my future wife?" said Fero with a very wide smile. Her radiant face couldn't be hidden from Fero's face at this moment.Actually Yuna herself did not understand why it was still this early. But Fero is already at his house. And I don't know, Yuna regretted being kind enough to open the door. And the one who came turned out to be Fero. Next time Yuna won't want to open the door again. Moreover, the one who came was Fero. It was really disgusting. Yuna would never want to meet Fero for a long time. He better hide if Fero will come.What's more, what did he say? Future wife? Yuna felt like throwing up when she heard the words that she just thought were too far-fetched.Since when did they plan to get married?Yes indeed Yuna had hoped to be able to marry Fero but that was a long time ago when she was still so stupid and in the end she had to be forced to leave Fero because Fero was never able to love her.
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