All Chapters of Late Loving You: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
169 Chapters
61. Dave Feelings
"Why is your face so pale? I think you've just been sucked in by a vampire? Terrible!"Malvin was about to come and drag Yuna out of Fero's room and take her home. But not until he did that. Yuna got into Malvin's car and sat quietly. But from all that, there is something that looks very different on Yuna's face. The girl was very pale and looked so tired as if she had just run hundreds of kilometers.Yuna's face was clearly printed on her face. Malvin obviously felt sorry for his little sister. Because before he left Fero's room earlier. Yuna still looks fine."It's okay. Maybe I'm just tired from doing a lot of college assignments. Just drive the car. I want to go home soon!"Yuna obviously feels very tired because of hours of sex with Fero. The man seemed never tired and never satisfied to make love. If only Yuna had not quickly left Fero's room. surely Fero would still force hers to stay and keep trying to touch hers.Luckily, Yuna was able to
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62. Move Abroad
Yuna could only be silent after hearing what Dave said. Dave's statement is not surprising. Because Yuna has known for a long time that Dave loves her. But until now she also couldn't believe it like Dave openly said his love. because so far as far as Yuna Dave knows, he never wants to express his love.But now, Dave has crossed that line and immediately confessed his love. Of course Yuna was unable to answer it. Yuna's feelings for Dave are nothing more than the feelings of a friend. and never more than that."Dave... you know I already think of you as my own brother. And our relationship can never be more than that. Sorry if I hurt you. But I really can't return your love feelings. understand... that we can't be more than friends."Yuna knew that what she just said must have really hurt Dave. The man who had been so kind to her all this time just looked down and was very sad.To be honest, at this moment, Yuna's guilt just got bigger.He shouldn'
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63. Goodbye Dave
"So Dave saw you yesterday? It's just the two of you? Yuna... how can you let him be close to you. Gosh... I can't accept this I'll give him a reckoning. So as not to keep chasing my future wife!"Fero was very angry when he heard that Dave met Yuna in secret yesterday. So far he has never accepted and never liked it when Dave was close to his future wife. Because according to Fero, Dave could jeopardize his relationship with Yuna.still remember clearly in Fero's mind. If Dave deliberately wanted to snatch Yuna from his life. And Fero of course will not allow that."Stssss... Fero, listen to me first! Don't keep getting angry like this!" Yuna warned by placing her index finger on Fero's lips.Her future husband will never stop talking if Yuna doesn't keep her mouth shut.Every time he heard Dave's name, Fero's emotions immediately rose. It was as if the man was out of control. Just look at this moment. Fero's face was immediately bent.Se w
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64. Not The Prettiest
"Good morning madam... I am Mr. Malvin's messenger who was assigned to pick up Mrs.'s car. Mr. Malvin said he would have agreed!" said a man who at this time came and told Cassandra of the purpose of her coming.At least at this time there were about Three to five men wearing black uniforms. Which Cassandra believes to be Malvin's subordinate.Cassandra knows very well that her future husband is very rich and has many servants. So he was not surprised that just to take the car, Malvin sent a lot of people.Sometimes Cassandra can't wait to be the wife of Malvin. It's sure to be a lot of fun.That's what Cassandra thinks at this moment."Hmm... my future husband has already told you that you will take the car! Here are the keys and the car is in the garage!" Cassandra said proudly. She threw the car keys at one of the men in front of him then pointed to the left where his garage was currently located.Cassandra taste, it's great to be rich. S
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65. Decide Cassandra
"You said you'd break up with that woman? But where? The proof, you're going to buy her a car and also say you still love her? You're lying! Never loved me and still love her."A woman who is currently in Malvin's arms immediately pushes Malvin away. she feels very angry because Malvin is still in touch with his ex-lover. Their relationship is still going well. Where as yesterday when Malvin declared his love the girl had promised to leave his lover. But it turned out to be all a lie.With a very annoyed face. the woman immediately left in front of Malvin. But Malvin then pulled the woman's hand."Viona... listen first. Don't be angry, honey. This is not what you think. I'm not really going to buy her a car, let alone love her. oh my dear... why would I love a woman who doesn't have a heart like Cassandra? I told you, I pretended to love hers to take revenge. Because that woman named Cassandra has hurt my sister. Trust me Viona. I will not betray you. I only lov
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66. Cake Treats
"Just buy whatever you want right. Today I will treat you. Eat until satisfied!" Cassandra crossed her legs proudly. Currently she feels that she is the richest person among her other friends. and she really believed that at this time all hers friends would be jealous because they saw her luxurious life at this time.With great pride, Cassandra showed off the diamonds she is currently wearing as well as the expensive handbags and branded shoes she is currently wearing.all the items she has are limited edition items. Where in this world not many have."Cassandra... you are very kind. I'm sure that you were an angel from heaven, right? Besides being beautiful, you are also kind!" said Cassandra's friend with great praise.all of Cassandra's friends are currently fighting each other in giving compliments to Cassandra, they are sycophants and hope that they can benefit from praising Cassandra. It was clear that Cassandra, who heard that, was very happy.
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67. Ending Cassandra Story
"But sorry madam... your card can't be used, our machine refuses it. Is there another card?" said the cake shop assistant cautiously. The card that is currently handed over by Cassandra cannot be accessed at all. the machine refused and said that the card could not be used and had been blocked. So she asked for a new card for Cassandra to use to pay.Hear the words of the shop's service. Cassandra immediately frowned. She can't believe that the black card she has can't be used. Given that the card is unlimited and may run out of money.But then Cassandra didn't want to waste time. She thought, maybe the machine was damaged so she couldn't access the black card she had. Cassandra doesn't want to bother, besides, she has a lot of black cards, so it won't be a problem."Just use this one!" Cassandra replied, giving the shop assistant a new card, then taking the old one.Cassandra is currently really annoyed with Yuna. if the girl did not ask to be paid for f
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68. Ending Cassandra Story Part II
Cassandra walked quickly towards the house. She was really angry today because she had successively been humiliated by Yuna and her friends.The first, Yuna called herself a bitch. then then asked hers to pay for all the cakes she bought at will. and after that all her friends also quipped at each other and said that she was a liar and just bragging about all the words from Cassandra about that she is currently very rich.Obviously, she does not accept and will prove to everyone. And all she had to do now was meet Malvin.Cassandra's lover, there has been no news for several days and besides that too. The car that Malvin promised did not come. and in fact, all the car collections in her house have been taken by Malvin's people, who told them that Malvin ordered them. She said, all will be replaced with a new car. But somehow all that there is no evidence until now.and so at this point, Cassandra is going home to pick up her old car. And will go to Malvin
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69. Malvin Toys
"Dad... I've come to bring you cake!" Yuna came with several paper bags in her right and left hands. She walked happily as she approached her father.Jimmy was seen smiling when his favorite girl came."Wow... what is the wind that makes this most beautiful girl of your father come at lunch time? Is the sun going to rise from the west soon? To the point where you prefer to come here rather than come and meet Fero? shiver!" Jimmy said pretending to show the hairs on his neck that stood on end.It feels very good to know that Yuna approached him at the office. As far as Jimmy, Yuna was only busy with Fero and never cared about the others.So, Jimmy was a little surprised when Yuna came."Dad... why are you talking like that? It seems that Yuna doesn't love Dad? Even though Yuna has always loved Dad! And I love you! Look... I even brought you Dad's favorite cake!" Yuna answered with pursed lips.Yuna has always been spoiled for her father. like
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Cassandra Broken Heart
The sound of sighs and groans echoed each other. Malvin casually continued fondling even to the point of speeding up his game with his lover.Malvin didn't care even though at this moment from the front there was a commotion between Cindy and an unknown woman."Malvin... looks like Cindy is having a fight with someone? Who? Is there a problem?" Viona asked Malvin. Because even though the sound of sighs is very loud. But still the noise of the commotion was very clear.but Malvin was indifferent to Viona's question and more concerned with the pleasure he was currently getting. Other than that he doesn't care."It's Viona. Don't mind the commotion. It's not important! because the most important thing is that at this time we must celebrate our re-established relationship. So leave it alone if they want to fuss! I wouldn't care!" said Malvin who didn't care at all.Right now he was too happy, because finally Viona wanted to get back together with him.
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