All Chapters of The Hybrid Princess: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
36 Chapters
 After Kelly agreed to James plan, Annalise called her uncle and grandparents to make the arrangements, after explaining everything and letting them know the plans they agreed, little did she expect to get a lecture about how dangerous Damien is from her grandparents, but she listened and didn't argue because they where right after all. Then all three of them head to the office where the meeting was taking place.    In the office was Caleb, Kevin, Colin, Shawn, Alpha Xander and his men, they where sitting there waiting on Annalise, Kelly and James to join the meet. When Annalise entered she greeted the men and took a seat next to Caleb, but Caleb being Caleb, pulled her on to his lap causing James to roll his eyes at them. 
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    Annalise stormed into her room slamming the door shut, she was furious, she have been around her family for months, now and they choose now to tell her about her inheritance, she was pacing around the room trying to figure out what's going on. She had a lot of questions on her mind. First, why didn't they tell her its not like she will take the money from the pack if they needed it, she was just happy her parents left something for her. Second, was her father killed because of money or was it because he was an alpha, Third who the hell sell someone else property. This could be the reason for the pack having a mole, she haven't thought about it in months but now with this kind on money in play it could change things.   &
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    After leaving the packhouse and running away from Austin, Annalise ran to the stream and stayed there until the sun came up. She had a lot of thinking to do, her feeling for Austin, her family and most importantly Caleb, he has been nothing but faithful, supportive and caring. As the sun got higher Annalise started running back to the house. She shifted and was about to change when she saw Austin running into the forest. She shifted back into her wolf and took her clothes in her mouth before following him. She knew from the path he took he was heading to the meeting point, where she was supposed to meet her uncle, however, she took the next way and reached before him. She quickly shifted, changed, masked her scent and climbed the tree, where she c
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    Sitting in the castle office, the vampire king and queen were busy planning a surprise birthday party for Annalise, to make up for all the birthday's they missed. They where currently checking the color theme when suddenly they felt it, a powerful shift in the magical atmosphere, something big just happened. They both fell, holding each other riding out the magical pull.     Once they felt better, the vampire king picked up his phone and called the witch that worked for them, after a couple rings, she picked up,
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 The minute Annalise was asleep she was transported to the forest with the Selene and Eve. Eve was smiling ear to ear and Selene was looking at her with disapproval. Annalise didn't say anything at first, they let the silence take over for a while before Eve turned to Annalise and started talking.     "So, we know you have questions, but I think its only fair if we let you know what's going on first", said Eve as she looked to her grandmother for approval. Selene nod and Eve continued, "You having full power is both a blessing and a curse, a blessing being you
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     "Who bright idea was it, to tell these two idiots here to mark Annalise at the same time", Annalise grandfather said as he looked around the room, he was siting at the desk with his queen on his right and his granddaughter on his left, letting out a loud sigh Kylen stepped forward, his father just shook his head in disapproval.     "Why did you do that?"     
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TWO MONTH LATER   DAMIEN POV    Time, time was all I needed, she's so strong, stronger than I thought. I needed another insider, but I couldn't believe how easy it is to turn someone on her, if she had listen to me, and stayed with me, she would have total loyalty, but no she stayed with the fucking dogs. 
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CADE POV    I cant believe it, it cant be so simple, can it? I just hope I don't over read this situation, looking at Damien's eyes as he looked back to her, I saw it the blue lining in his eyes, it was so faint that if your eyes isn't trained you wont see it, but being an old wolf like me, you would know what to look for, looking back at her she have the red lining in hers, and she haven't shifted, which could only mean one thing, his power source is Anna, that's why he bonded with her, she is the anchor to his power.     Finally we have something to work
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 With that, I stepped out the circle, and started attacking, Nova and I were weak, but seeing our family members like that triggered something in us, the jewelry I was wearing to control my magic was now gone, now I have nothing holding me back and now I have everything to fight for, using my fight as a distraction my family started fighting with me, I focus everything I had on Damien making sure he doesn't get away this time but he and Logan rushed out leaving us fighting, as if things wasn't moving fast enough I used my Telekinesis and knocked everyone out, except Victoria, I had plans for her. Shawn, however didn't care, he walked up to her and and hit her a heavy right hook knocking her out. 
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 The next morning the place was tense, its like everyone could see what I was feeling inside. After waking up and changing, I headed to the office to start my research on the council. I knew going after them with my emotions and powers out of sorts is a stupid move. They are powerful, and they have a lot of backing from the magical community, so going in with uncertainty is a rookie move. I have to start back training to be prepared and well to let out some steam.     As the day goes on, no one approached me leaving me to focus on the research. By evening time Nova was restless, we need our mates and I wasn't reaching far with my research, but before I could, I need to speak to Cade and find out how Damiens potion didn't work, and where the hell was Kelly a
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