All Chapters of STRIVING FOR HAPPINESS. : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
213 Chapters
They gulped drinks in once and that drug slowly started its work in their bodies. In just a few seconds, they found something was wrong with them. Their faces were blushing, eyes were staring at each other with weird temptation and a lingering feeling was covering their minds.Someone mistakenly bumped into Sumit and his eye contact with Suruchi faded. They both hit reality. " Ah! I need to go to the washroom. " Suruchi made a fake excuse and left in a panic. She was ashamed of her uncertain thoughts and body movements. While Sumit also confused by his weird thoughts. He decided to take Tara from that event, so, he started to search for her. When he started walking his legs trembled and his body's heat made him weak. " Do I have
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Ch 142 Why are you so cold?
Mature contents....You can skip this chapter....   Only Vihaan knew how he convinced that crazy drunk girl to move out of the restroom. " See! First, I will drop you in the meeting room. Then I will call a doctor for you. You need an antidote for this drug. You will be fine soon. Trust me." While carrying drugged Suruchi in bridal style, Vihaan was galloping to the meeting room. Meanwhile, after hearing Vihaan's rescue idea, Suruchi, who had lost her common sense due to the drug's heavy dose, secretly slipped her hand in Vihaan's pant-pocket and found the mobile. She threw it into the dustbin which they just passed through. In just two minutes, he took her to the meeting room which was on the 2nd floor's last
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The next morning when Vihaan woke up he roamed his eyes back and forth to find Suruchi but there was no one there. He panicked and grabbed his clothes and accessories. " Zombie girl… Are you in the bathroom?" He checked but no one was there, even the full building D he checked but there was no sign of her. Plenty of thoughts were spinning in his mind "Why she left!; is she taking me wrong or thought I raped her? Or she was ashamed of what we did yesterday night? Or maybe she was scared to face me? But why was there no goodbye note of her side? I promised her and she also that she will be mine. We will marry today.  then why…?" 
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Ch.144 Aska's engagement party.
“ Ah! Leave me…” She moaned and pleaded at the same time; between her pleasure and pain condition.“This is your punishment.” He thrust in her deep and ragefully yelled,” You are responsible for your actions. Now tolerate me.” He was too furious after the engagement party finished. After two times he tortured her, his heart and mind were satisfied and he let her go. He sat on the edge of the bed, quiet but still happy; no regression for his act, no sympathy for her miserable condition.“ I hate you!” She tried to sit up and cursed him with pain.At her curse, he turned his face to her and fiercely added, “ How could you forget, you are still my prop
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It was too hard to convince Reema but Vihaan did his job with a very effective word game. And after her yes within a month Sumit and Tara got engaged with all rituals and also after 6 months their marriage date was also fixed. As Vihaan previously promised Tara that it would be a grand marriage and he would not charge a single penny for her marriage decoration and catering. He proved himself as a man of words and did the same.To cut off his expenses Tara chose to invite only nearby families and friends for the marriage while on other hand Sumit already had a short family. They had a destination wedding where they could enjoy freely. Vihaan was so busy in it, that all his sour feelings were taken over by Sumit and Tara’s marriage preparation excitement. 
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When she released her hug Sumit's face was pale; lifeless. His marriage excitement was ruined by his mothers those few words.While this happened Vihaan stood exactly behind Reema. But he couldn't hear. However, seeing those two people's facial expressions he understood something was fishy. He quickly came forward to handle the situation, otherwise, newly bride Tara and other guests would make a doubt.He stood beside Sumit and pressed his shoulders gently and said in a loud and humble voice," I know why you both are crying. Missing your father right!? " Sumit hit reality, he vigorously shook his head and secretly found other people's gaze on him. He was a little startled. 
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In the hotel room, Captain, Mishthi and Bunny were looking at each other in confusion while Vihaan was playing with the infant; Without caring about the world. At that time his whole world was surrounded by that little figure. Though the infant was sleeping peacefully, a few minutes ago he made a merry-go-round for those four by crying uncontrollably. However, the infant cried, how loud, but Lakshit sleep never bothered. He was also there but in deep and peaceful sleep After a good silence, finally, Captain thought to break the silence. He patted Vihaan’s shoulder and gestured to join him outside. So he could ask and interrogate Vihaan.
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“ Madam, please leave. You are wasting our time." The orphanage’s administrator yelled in frustration. For the last two days, Suruchi regularly came to find them and asked for the baby. “ See! Don't be so furious. My apologies. Please just check CCTV footage, we heard you have one infant baby. I just want to adopt him. And…” Suruchi was pleading again and again for the baby but how many times she requested the orphanage administrator denied.  “ I think she will not leave like this, go and call the police. They will handle her.” The administrator ordered her assistant to call for help and Suruchi got startled by her words. “ Po...Police…! Wh-why… I am giving you a good charity; 1- 1 crore every year. I just w
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In a blink of an eye, a year passed, Vihaan's both businesses were running well. How much Punit and D'silva tried to pull his leg and fell him down, they failed. However, in that one year, Vihaan took a lot of fake seek leaves and also did work from home, for taking care of Vishad. On other hand, no one found what's wrong with him.  He never missed any business meetings, not any team conferences. Now his company had more than 20 celebrities; not only Tv and film stars but also sports stars, too. He was excited to spread his roots in the music industry and travel world. When he had been nothing and had been roaming from one city to another to help those poor spirits who were searching their exit door, he had learnt 'Veena' and Guitar, also some classic dance
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The steward was inspecting gardeners' work and found Radhika and Suruchi entering by dragging their pieces of luggage in the courtyard. He immediately ordered the gardeners to help her and he, himself rushed into the house to inform Tia about their arrival.It was Sunday morning, usually, after breakfast, Tia did her office work from her study room. Without thinking much he directly ran there. The door was closed, he adjusted his appearance and knocked twice. When Tia answered ' Yes' he hurriedly entered and informed her in his huffing, " Ma'am! Suruchi ma'am is back." Tia fiercely slammed her files on the desk and got up. " Call Apurva. Now." She ordered. As her words finished as the steward expected her order, he was out of the door in a flash to call Apurva. 
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