All Chapters of The Billionaire Rockstar's Submissive: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
100 Chapters
Chapter 81
“Damn,” I said as I rushed towards the car with Edward just ahead. I was late to get to Keaton’s. I’d overslept. All the excitement of the day before had taken a toll, and so many days in a row spent out in the city letting men use me was something that was leaving me feeling more and more tired. But I hadn’t even completed my very first week as a full courtesan yet.I hurried into the club but I didn’t find the normal people there, just Keaton, Eric, Dante and a friend of Keaton’s I couldn’t remember.“Are you late?” Keaton asked as soon as I walked in, looking up from a tablet set on a table between him and the others.“About ten minutes,” I replied, hoping he was in a good mood. “I can stay ten minutes later if you’d like.”He frowned and stared at me as I rushed over, but he went back to the tablet and just wrapped an arm around my waist.“No. I’ve got to go organize some more details for the party. We’re trying to decide on the theme so we can order anything else we need before it
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Chapter 82
Keaton immediately sat down and pulled me onto his lap. I put my arms around him and leaned in, hoping my emotions came across as sad and not exposing the fear I felt about my loss of income.“I’m sorry. I should have told you before now. I only found out a few days ago. Right before we planned the food.”“That explains why you were so grumpy,” I replied, giving him a quick kiss.“Yeah. I don’t want to leave, Auralia. I like it here. I like having the world’s most successful courtesan to play with.”“But your father is insisting.” I sighed, not sure what else to say. Already I was painfully aware that I was going to have to find someone else or my income was going to take a huge hit. Was this what had been worrying Daniel the evening before? Had he known I was going to lose Keaton’s regular daily amount soon? It would drop me into losing money each day if I couldn’t replace him.“I know you’ve given me a lot of time, and I still want you here every day before the party. It might be sel
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Chapter 83
As my time with Keaton finished, he slipped me a fifty credit token and gave me another kiss.“Don’t think I’ll let you off easy tomorrow,” he whispered. “I’m going to tie you to a table with your legs open and we’re all going to ride you hard. It’ll be a trial run for the kinds of things the guests and investors will do to you at the party.”I nodded, not sure if I should appear pleased or take it as the warning it was sounding like.Thankfully Keaton walked away before I was expected to do anything else.Sighing at the weight it added to my stomach, I made for the door. I’d only managed to get to the bottom of the stairs and the door to the rest of the club when someone hurried down after me. Turning, I saw Eric appear.“Auralia. Are you busy for the next couple of hours?” he asked.I shook my head, knowing my schedule was clear until seeing Tomichii much later.“Would you take a booth with me? All that bondage talk with Dante has... Well... Normally Keaton shares and...” Eric’s chee
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Chapter 84
“Why don’t you tell me what you do for money,” I said, also curious and hoping a change in subject would help him open up. “There must be so many different ways now.”“I don’t do a lot of work. Don’t have to. I inherited a nest egg from an elderly uncle I used to go see. Before we could all get these cell shots that keep us so much younger. It was too late for him, and it didn’t work so well on the older generations anyway. I invested a lot of what he left me in the cell shots, felt it was only right to see it made cheaper for everyone to have, but we’re not all the way there yet.”“Oh, not everyone stays young for ages then?”“No.” Eric shook his head. “It’s not cheap. And it only works so well, you know. There’s still a few things it can’t work against. The humans who work in the mines still slowly deteriorate. Although it can slow even that. I’m working on making it cheaper, and more effective, but... Not everyone agrees it should even exist.”“Well, I’m grateful it does,” I replied
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Chapter 85
I sighed, sat in a booth at the restaurant alone. James and Jack were both gone, my time once more free, and my stomach full of food. I’d enjoyed every moment I got to spend with James, but he’d made it clear he wasn’t going to let his guard down and let me back in while I couldn’t be his alone, or at least regularly. And he was leaving.Having just heard today that Keaton was also leaving the only city I knew of this strange modern world, I was left reeling. Lost.I felt like yet again the rug had been pulled out from underneath my feet, even if James had never shown me any interest since my unveiling. I’d worked hard to entice the men to come to my unveiling, and then so many of them had effectively disappeared or were disappearing.Once again I’d been reminded of all the various people who had warned me not to fall in love. Was this why? Because the men moved on and left us behind? I didn’t know the answer but I’d done my best to pull myself together and move on.After that, I’d tri
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Chapter 86
Dante growled and pushed me up against the side wall, his lips coming down on mine. He pushed an erection up against me, hands roaming across my breasts. I gasped at the aggressive passion, but found myself yielding to it. I’d been attracted to Dante since I’d set eyes on him.“I shouldn’t be letting you do this,” I said, as his mouth finally broke from mine and allowed me up for air.“Yet here you are, submitting to my desire.” Dante grinned, smug, his hands tugging at my nipples to help make his point.I gasped at the sudden flare of pain, but didn’t object even to that. Once more his lips met mine, his hands exploring, moving lower down my body.“I can’t wait to see you in the outfit Keaton chooses for his party. See if it truly suits you to be that kind of submissive.”“Why don’t I find one myself,” I replied. “We could spend some time together more officially and you can make sure it’s what you’d like.”Dante chuckled, the sound growing darker. “Would you like that? Being my next
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Chapter 87
I trembled as I walked to Pete’s apartment. Despite deciding to ignore Katrina’s warning and some reassurance from Daniel the night before that he didn’t know of a courtesan who had complained, I was worried something awful was going to happen.That morning I’d even woken early, but Keaton hadn’t noticed I’d arrived early enough to make up the time he’d not had me the day before. Everything with Keaton and his friends was back to normal, as he’d said it would be, and no one had made any mention of Keaton leaving in only a few weeks.I’d also noticed Dante was absent, and I’d wondered if it was a direct result of our little spat. If it was, there was no one to ask. Keaton had already displayed enough jealousy of Dante that I didn’t dare even mention his name.I’d then been to see Rick, and taken great solace in the lesson as well as his continued sweetness. Already seeing his face was making me feel safe, but that feeling had lasted only as long as I’d been in the building. Now I was on
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Chapter 88
“It sounds like you’re a wonderful man,” I said. “Thank you for inviting me to spend some time with you.”“I don’t know. I still feel a little guilty.” He turned to look at me, almost forcing me back so he could stare at my face. “Some of the reason I want you here is to screw. I try not to just want that from someone. I know many only use a courtesan for that, but it’s not like there’s an alternative for a guy like me.”“I don’t mind you wanting to screw me,” I replied, finding the blunt conversation refreshing. “Why don’t we go to the bedroom, take care of a few needs of yours, and then we can talk more, get to know each other better. I find everything is a lot more relaxed without the anticipation of will it or won’t it go okay once we’ve both got our clothes off.”He laughed, letting me get up and take his hand. His cheeks flushed a little, but he didn’t try to stop me or argue as I led him through to what I hoped would be his bedroom.There was a large double bed there, immaculate
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Chapter 89
My body weary and my legs more than a little tired of holding me up, I arrived back at the court. Edward helped me up the last few steps, supporting my arm and leaning me into him.“You did well today,” Edward said. “You should be proud of yourself. Got through your first week.”“Thanks,” I said, remembering how many times he’d made it harder by demanding sex of me too, but also all the times he’d been there for me. There had definitely been more of the latter. “Do you want to have a little fun time tomorrow?”He chuckled, but shook his head.“As much as I’d love to. You’re tired and it’s a day off for both of us,” he replied.I frowned, not expecting that. I still had Keaton in my schedule. He’d insisted he was going to see me every single day in the run up to the party and him leaving. And I’d added Jack at the very end of the day, the talent scout still in the city despite signing James. If Edward didn’t take me tomorrow, then who would?I voiced as much a moment later.“Sorry, prin
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Chapter 90
“I’ll stay,” I replied, realizing that Daniel was the closest thing I had to an ally, even if he was also the person who owned me. He was the only other person in this world who needed me to be successful. The only other person who couldn’t afford for me to get this wrong.Immediately, Daniel pulled me close, smiling as he wrapped his arms around me.“You know, you really are beautiful. You knew what you were doing when you asked to be painted up like this. It looks amazing on you.”“Wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t agreed to pay for it.”“Your unveiling income more than made it back.”“Yeah, but that whole thing is so messed up,” I said, wanting to see how honest I could be.“Completely, but something has to begin a courtesan’s career.” He exhaled, almost sighing, but tugging me towards the cushions at the back of the room.I slipped into his embrace, willing to forget this crazy world for a while and think of nothing but screwing the man before me. Daniel seemed to understand how
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