Semua Bab BILLIONAIRES: Bab 81 - Bab 90
90 Bab
Eighty one: Go bad.
Becca•••••••• Sitting on this well furnished chair, in this bright, beautiful, but empty room, which was so close to Dad's office, I tapped my feet against the hard marble floor, that devilish smirk playing on my lips. Who would have known that this tiny me could fool and crumble the life of my beloved, stupid sister? Not even me would have known that.  "You don't know where she is?" I asked Rita who put her eyes down, and seemed a bit nervous. "Hm… what if she's dead? Did you poison her for so long?" I inquired further.  She raised her eyes to me, terror playing through her facial expression. "Y-Yes. She's a lover of coffee. She takes coffee about three or four times a day. Each time she asks me to make one, I add some amount of powder from the bag you gave to me." "Kudos!" I remarked, and sipped from the glass of wine beside me. 
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Eighty two: Goodbye.
Louella•••••••••• Staring up at the hazy sky of the evening, seated on the small stool on the porch of this old beach house, I sighed hard. I felt a heavy pain in my chest, feeling the need to cough hard. I knew I was supposed to begin my treatments, but how would I do that when I wasn't willing to go back home?  It had been days since I saw anyone. After I had left Seth, I had decided to come to this beach house. This was a place Dad, mom and I used to have a vacation, just before Jan and Becca had come into our lives. Though the place gave me bad memories, I really still liked coming here. It was always filled with serenity.  I stared down at my shaky fingers, felt really bad for myself. I didn't know the decision to make. Was I really going to let myself die?  In a few days, I would run out of food. I had had some money in my
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Eighty three: Up To Me
Seth•••••• I wasn't feeling so well. Before Louella had come into my life, all I had been doing was to work. But, now that she had gone, it was really hard to work without her. This was so upsetting.  Indeed, you only missed your lover when you let her go. To worsen all this, no one knew where she was. I had called her, had texted her, hard searched for her, but it was all to no avail. Maybe I had to file a missing report at the police station. This was too frustrating for me.  Dayla walked into my office, a couple of files tugged to her chest. When she dropped the files on my table, she stood in front of the table like a mango tree, looking down.  I wiggled a brow at her. "Hey, you need something? Why stand there?" "Oh, sorry. I was a bit lost." She laughed weirdly. "Um, someone's here to see you. She says her name is Rita."
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Eighty four: The Devils
Celina•••••••• Becca's complaint was getting too annoying. Why was it so hard for her to understand that we only needed to be as patient as possible? It wasn't as if I wasn't trying my best. Here she was, complaining about her father's betrayal, while I was here, thinking of how to get Seth attracted to me.  Days had passed, yet Seth wasn't willing to be close to me. I had gone to his office, and had apologized to me. Yes, he had said he forgave me, but how was I supposed to believe that if he hadn't even called or texted me? It just seemed like my effort to get him was nothing but a waste.  "Where the heck is Rita?!" Becca barked, smashed her phone against the floor, breathing hard like an insane dog.  I rolled my eyes. "Girl, chill. She'll be back soon. I only asked her to grab some files from Louella's office. If we find Louella before
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Eighty five: My Seth.
Louella•••••••••• I packed the last set of files into my backpack, ready to head out. Spotting a red file on my table, I narrowed my eyes at it, and grabbed it. The moment I skimmed through it, I couldn't help but gape. How in the world had I almost forgotten such an important file? This was the most needed file of all the files I had taken from here.  I kept the file in my backpack, slung the backpack over my shoulder. I took a glance at my wrist watch, feeling a bit disturbed and puzzled. I had to leave here soon, before anyone would see me. If Seth had to come now, there was no doubt that he wouldn't want me to leave.  First, I had to ensure that I was set to leave here. Once I got back to the beach house, since my phone was already turned on, I would book a flight online, and leave the country for a few months. In the meantime, I would ensure that I
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Eighty six: Attack
I knew I was supposed to run over to him, and cuddled him crazily. Instead, all I was doing was to stare at him. I was really happy. To be honest, in the past few days, I had missed him a lot. There was really no point in denying that.  "Seth." Gently, I walked over to him, giving him a small smile. He was also smiling, but wasn't saying anything.  He cupped my jaw when I reached him. "Sweetie, where have you been?" And pecked my cheek.  "Gosh, I've missed you." A tear left my eye. What was making me emotional? In such a terrifying situation? He leaned close, hugged me, pecked my forehead. "Oh yes, I've missed you too." "This is really hard for us." I returned his hug, weeping on his chest. "Becca and Celina are doing all this. They really want to have me killed. They're taking it too far." "I know it all. And, most of all, I'm glad you have no
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Eighty seven: Gunshot
The beam of the rising sun shone against my eyes, making me blink slowly. I yawned, the sore pain in my head becoming quite worse. Trying to sit up, I noticed how uncomfortable I was, my hands and legs feeling stuck to something. It took a while for me to open my eyes, and to even notice all that was going on around me. The moment I realized where I was and what was happening, I gasped.    I tried sitting straight on this old, dusty floor, and also tried moving away from the ray of the sun which was attacking my eyes. I looked down at my legs which were tied, struggling to help myself out of this bandage. This was already a new day, yet I was still not seen by the police. Were Becca and Celina stronger than them or what?   But, I could not remain here, right? If they weren't going to come and get me, it seemed like I would have
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Eight eight: Start All Over
I sobbed. The pain I was feeling obviously wasn't as crazy as hers, but it felt like mine was worse. She gaped, groans leaving her mouth. Her lips quivered, quite obvious that she wanted to say something. Blood kept gushing out from the left side of her chest, as well as her mouth. Tears left her eyes, the gun dropping from her hand. Her body shook, seeming as if she'd lose her stability soon.  I was shocked. Being shocked was an understatement.  She was battling to live; battling to save herself.  Alarmed, I cried, "Celina!" The moment I attempted to grip her arm, her body impelled backwards. Her legs tripped over each other, and like a weak mango tree, she fell off the cliff. Seeing that, my heart s
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Eighty nine
Seth laughed at me as I groaned and acted like a child. That was pretty annoying, but well, how could an adult be so scared to take an injection? I hated that thing so, so much.  The doctor finally got rid of the syringe, and took care of the injected part of my skin. As soon as he was done with that, he arranged his box, and stood up. I kept squeezing my face like a crying child.  He cleared his throat, and started, "Mrs. Lee, you're good to go for your trip. After all the tests we've done, I can confidently tell you that your body system is back to normal. The effects of the poison are completely diminished." I finally smiled. "That's good news. Thanks." Seth held my hand as he sat beside me. "Thanks, do
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The entire hall was silent. There was no doubt that everyone present in the great crowd in front of me, was in awe, feeling the intensity of the words I was speaking. I smiled a little, pacing around the stage. I stood behind the podium, and cleared my throat.    "Now, this goes to the younger women in here." My hands settled on the podium, my shoulders raised proudly. "You see, people still tend to underestimate the power you have. But, I have good news for you. You're capable. What a man can do, you can also do. It's only about the mindset. Anyone can become successful. Don’t let anyone intimidate you."   "Yeah," someone from the crowd agreed. I just smiled. They concentrated so much, as if their lives depended on my words.    I continued, "Many ladies have lost
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