Semua Bab Alpha King Checkmate: Bab 161 - Bab 170
215 Bab
Moon Phase 163 I guess he will now let me rest
(Athena POV) "It hurts but it will give you pleasure Athena." I immediately shook my head, no. So, while there was still distance between me and him… I ran to the door and tried to open it, but it just disappointed me.I looked back to face him."Just give up Athena!" he shouted and whipped the belt in front of me… But it didn't reach me. It slipped into his hand, and just let it fall.Fear embraced me because of this. I was gasping for air even though I didn't run that far. He sharply leered at me. I felt scared but…I suddenly sneezed… and it broke the horror in the atmosphere. Those are really the things you really can't control.Even the fear I was feeling ran away from me, maybe because they didn't want to catch the cold either.“Hey fool! I'm just not myself right now. I didn't know that I was hallucinating again. You really are crazy. You don't have to be jealous
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Moon Phase 164 When You Love
(Diana's POV) The only thing EL can give me is his friendship. I've never felt so pathetic that I started to laugh at myself.I drank the tequila in just a second after the bartender served it to me. I stared at the bartender who was seriously wiping every glass on the bar. I am his only customer here.Well, maybe the reason for that is I kicked out the other customers. I just want all of the attention for myself… especially that ingrate son of the Grand Alpha who since the first time I saw him, I desperately tried to get his attention.I turned my back on who I really was, as well to my own race. I tried to ignore that… only war exists between the vampires and the werewolves.And where does that lead me? I didn't listen except to my foolish heart, I act so silly because of EL. Heck. But to be fair, he did not force me, I am the one who dug my own grave.“Are you sure that is what you want t
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Moon Phase 165 I despise being a vampire
(Diana POV) “You know what, be happy when you see your loved one happy… even if he is not with you, but because you love him. That's what truly matter, you want to see him happy. And if we force ourselves on them, the process will just break them. That will be the cause of their sadness. It is like a bird that you keep inside a cage, death will be the only way to set them free from their captors. Bottom line is, we should just respect their happiness.”I stared into the woman's eyes. What was her name again? Ah… Luna. This woman is also unfortunate when it comes to love, I know. So I took my newly served glass and offered it to her."Cheers for the unfortunate hearts." Somehow… I feel that our blood shares the same passion. Hahaha. Do I even have to wonder? She is also a vampire.She just stared at me, but eventually, she clinked her glass against mine. I smiled at her."This is only f
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Moon Phase 166 Seriously Athena?
(Athena POV)"Achhhooo!" That's my morning greeting as I wake up. My head hurts so much because of the cold I have.I rubbed my eyes then stretched my body while still sitting on the bed. I heard some of my bones cracked because of the pressure I enjoyed while I was lying down.I'm still here in EL's house. When will I be able to wake up from this nightmare?I got up. I was going to the bathroom but EL caught my attention, I found him sleeping on his desk.I don't know why I smiled, maybe because it's quite amusing to see someone else sleeping at a table without even drooling. When someone fell asleep at a table, it just means that whatever they're doing is so important that they refuse to lie down on a bed. Poor EL.I approached him… He didn't feel my presence. EL's senses might be off when he's sleeping soundly.With his good looks, it was as if his face was hypnotizing me to get a closer look of him. I felt
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Moon Phase 167 I told You.
(Athena POV)Mia suddenly appeared while I was busy looking for clothes to wear. She brought two maids with her who prepared the clothes I was looking for. The walk-in closet is loaded with formal dress so there's nothing I could choose for the morning jog. On the other hand, Mia still has no emotion on her face."Choose." Two trays are in front of me. A sexy pants with the hem above the knee and the other outfit is really good if you don't want to get others attention, it covers your body really well. I didn't hesitate and chose the tracksuit, a jacket and a jogging pants.When I got dressed, I was just surprised when I saw EL also dressed up to have his morning run."I thought you have no time to accompany me?" He grinned at me in response.“Hey! Let me jog alone. Your body no longer needs jogging, it would be useless.” I nagged at EL as I followed him.Then he faced me when we were at the door. “It will
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Moon Phase 168 Me? Will love you? Are you even serious?
(Athena POV) “I knew you're not ready for this. Give up already Athena? I will call Lucah." He took the phone, but I grabbed and kept it away from him. He smiled at me, a little annoyed at what I was doing. "Give it to me sweetheart."I shook my head. Then I turned my back on him and in a flash, I threw his phone somewhere. Bye bye EL's phone. He can always buy a new one, right?But when I looked back to face him. His eyebrows… have already met.“I'll just buy you a new one. No need to worry boss. OK?” his stare made me sweat more than the walk I made. EL closed his eyes. When he opened it, he deeply sighed and then stared at his watch."We need to go home." he was reaching to grab my hand.“That's what I want to eat. The one being sold there.""You are not pregnant Athena to conceive." He suddenly closes his eyes; it was obvious that he was in pain. He holds his head as he
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Moon Phase 169 Technical
(Athena POV)"Jog, not run Athena.""It's okay. My running pace is compared with your jog, so I better just run.”"I will destroy this place once you stumble because of your stupidity." I halted myself. He scowled at me. So I just walked again.I shook my head at myself to think that he's so obsessed with the things that would cause me pain. He acts as if he's the one whose gonna get hurt, and he worries more than a father. Kinda choking, right?I suddenly hit him out of annoyance.“And what was that for?”“Stop being absurd. You are no longer funny. What you are doing is suffocating me. That's not good EL.”"I'm not trying to suffocating you Athena.""Do you even hear what you're saying?" We talked without looking at each other's faces. We just kept walking and I was trying to increase my pace because he was just too fast for me.“Because you are stubborn, I ne
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Moon Phase 170 “Sorry for him. But you're mine."
(Athena POV) I didn't know what to do for a moment, then suddenly he opened up his eyes.“Women. When they get pregnant, they want to eat something in particular, right?" I nodded at him.“Pregnant women are crazier than me, EL. They have this absurd mood swings that will go on for nine months. So, if I were you, I'll start practicing.” He looked at me and smiled."You look like her… you look exactly like her." I have no idea what EL is talking about. Maybe he's also hungry that's why he starts to imagine random thoughts.“I know you're hungry too. Come on, let's continue walking." He sighed again.“Athena… you are just a human. I don't get tired easily… while you… you just had a fever last night.""Well it's gone already." I felt my forehead. “Walking outside this early in the morning is effective. Mother nature really is the best remedy. H
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Moon Phase 171 "Don't try my patience Athena
(Athena POV) I gasped for air as we reached the gate. EL's staff greeted us. I immediately reached for the water. I was already bathing with my own sweat. I am really thirsty."Let's go EL." He was having a conversation with his staff. He shook his head at me again. He thought I am easily to give up, but your wrong my dear. I am a strong person. Ahahaha. Not every woman is a fragile like you thought.EL brought a bottle of water with him. The final gate can be overlooked already, and after that, we are no longer in their territory.It's okay to sweat as long as it will burn the extra calories I don't need. My eating has increased since I came into EL's care. But soon, I will taste my favorite food again.When we got out. I laughed at myself… We are still far from the city. This is insane. We need a vehicle."Give up?" EL asked, seemingly to mock me.I sat on the grass. "Can you call them without u
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Moon Phase 172 It's my pleasure
(Athena's POV) "Why do we need to walk?" I heard El provocation.“Tsk. Stop complaining. You are not a vampire get burned under the sun. And you gotta use those feet of yours sometimes. It's more fun walking.""I see. Where will we go?""We'll be there soon." I eagerly told him because I was really hungry. I get salivated even by just thinking about the food they will serve us.“Hey! Where are we going?" He asked again as I pulled him into an alley. The car would not be able to pass through this alley because of how narrow it is.“Nothing bad will happen to you here. Quiet.” Because I can already see that we are getting stares from the people we just passed through. “And also, bow your head a bit. Don't lift your chin like a king who owns this place."When we arrived at the small restaurant. I immediately smelled the food they were serving. My stomach rumbled which made me smile. Here we are
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