Semua Bab Bound by the Moon, Fated by Destiny: Bab 91 - Bab 100
112 Bab
    Mitch's point of view   I swear we didn't see it coming. None of us did. This wasn't supposed to happen, not today. Not ever. I ran fleetly on my paws. My heart literally attempting to jump out of my chest as I tried to pick up her scent and tracks.      Everyone was scattered around the territory and even beyond. We had help from some Alphas and their warriors. Our Pack's best trackers capable of tracking the most impossible was at work. I don't even know how long we've been at this already but none of us were about to give up. Never. I can't possibly imagine what Cameron must be going through at this second. But it wasn't good. Even from miles away we could still feel the thundering growling of the Alpha. The Pack borders was a destruction. The earth had been in ruins. Enormous lines of cracks dividing our land. This wasn't supposed to happen, at least not to her.      I raced back to the Pack with no
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Where are you?
      Benjamin's point of view             I struck a boot in the puddle of their own blood that had formed, flowing endlessly around. The vile leech was still alive. He was still breathing. I strode over to his motionless state watching his sockets twitch in fear and desperation. I couldn't blame him. Even I would cringe at my own state and appearance but I stopped caring a while back, and the last piece of sanity that glued me soundly together was gone. Davina was gone and I have to find her. It was more than a duty as her Guardian to me. I crouched down to his almost lifeless state as my magic kept eating through his heart. He was choking on his own blood, well that was a given considering the blood of so many innocents he had fed on. The leech before me was a vampire from the Blood Stone Coven. We were presently at North Carolina, we still haven't found her yet, but we found some of Darwin's creations.
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Woke up with a monster
    Third person's point of view   It was the dark hour of the night. The night's air was deadly and crisp, and just like every other night, he couldn't feel the coldness of the night. He moved haughtily across the long lonely hallways of the west wing, men of vulgar strutting behind him. He gaited rather slowly, as if counting every step of his or practicing in a fashion walk. After numerous turns, he arrived at the lonesome solar within the castle. It door creaked open, it's prolonged sharp sound alarming the night.     Darwin marched with superiority and power screaming through his veins as he neared the king size wooden four poster bed that stood at a corner of the chamber. The woman standing beside the well-tugged velvet curtains and her subordinates gave a long bow to the man,now sitting on the edge of the bed.     The average height woman strutted forward, closer to him.     Darwin's mar
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The Castle's Guest
    Davina's point of view       I shook awake, I didn't know how long I had been asleep. I could hear the furious growls of my tummy. I felt awfully weaker than usual. There were two guards from earlier in my room. As soon as my eyes found theirs, they bowed. Clearing their throats. "Dinner is in five minutes" was all the dark tall guy said, and then they left. As soon as the doors clicked close from outside, the phone on the center table rang. That phone was certainly not there earlier this morning.     I picked up the call, bringing it to my ears. "I sent a special gift. Do well to wear what I picked out for you" I recognized the disgusting voice. Darwin's.    "And why should I?" I choked out, feeling the pains growing at the core of my stomach.    I felt his snicker from the other end. "Tonight's dinner should go extremely well. Don't you think so? I promise I'll be on my meekest behav
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Growing Pains
     Davina's point of view   I knew I felt awful. Growing pains in the pit of my stomach, nasty headaches and murdering pain from the rune at my back and even worse, the Amnell ancestral mark on my wrist burned badly. I earnestly have no idea what's happening to me, it's as if there's some kind of war going on within me. I wiped off the beads of sweat on my face, carefully and cautiously detaching the last metal bars off it's hinges with the pointed edge of my scissors. It did come in handy.      I channelled my focus from the biting pains in my stomach to the work at hand. I was almost done. Ever since Darwin apprised me of his idiotic plan in turning me into a vampire, I lost the last strain of calmness I had and my patience went down the drain as well. I can't just sit still and wait for Darwin to take away my humanity and mark me. I had to find a way out of here. For days now, I've been working on the barred window of t
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Lady in Red
        Davina's point of view      I bit my upper lips, biting back the pain that stung my knuckles. I stared blankly at the cracked mirror in the attached bathroom of my chambers, then briefly at the cuts on my knuckles. "Excezerra ver arouz" My eyes glued on the slightly opened cut, hoping it will magically get healed. But it didn't, instead I was greeted by the excruciating pains in my tummy. It was getting serious by the day.       I drove my focus to the cracked mirror, I kept mumbling slowly, my gaze and utmost focus on the cracked lines. I concentrated, I pulled my hands up in the air, my lips moving fervently as I desperately tried to use whatever magic in me to have it fixed back and looking anew. After several minutes of trials, I groaned in desperation. Frustration and impatience, becoming a plight of mine. I still couldn't understand what has been happening to me this past days. Ever
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A new magic within me
     Davina's point of view      My chambers was bright, having a pleasant scent to it. The interior of my room, I had it filled with more flowers than necessary. Pink and white roses, orchids and my recent favorite, red carnation. Frankly they somewhat give my nerves a soothing calm, besides for now I could only conjure flowers. Right now, I'm sitting at the center of my room. My butt against the marble floors and my back against the wooden tall table. I've been at this spot for only heaven's know how long. It's been many days since I discovered I still have my magic. But it was different, more so dormant but still there. It appears I couldn't even make one successful spell without having nosebleeds, or feeling the sickening pain from my chest down to my stomach or rather still, passing out. My magic could only do few baby spells, it felt as if that's only what it could somehow handle for now. I can only nurture and grow my magic at thi
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Unlinking spell
    Davina's point of view        I'm pregnant. I'm having a child for the only man I've loved. My mate. In absolute honesty I'm still not over the news. I can't wait to tell Cameron. I could only wonder how he'll take it. Would he be happy about it? Gosh. I don't know. I've never been in this situation my whole life. But I can say I'm truly happy about the life within me. I never imagined starting a family, let alone having a child. I laughed softly, remembering Rowena words and threats. My facial expression turned into a scowl. The devil incarnate of an aunt vowed to have my child. But that will never happen, certainly not while I my heart still beats.       Darwin was here the other day, I still can't get over the look in his eyes, he wanted me badly and would stop at nothing to have me. It was pretty obvious he fought back the urge to tear my stomach open and get rid of my child. But Rowena wants my child
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Monster in the mirror
     Mitch's point of view   Somewhere around the borders of Southern Arizona.       I grabbed her neck with my sharp canines before she could dare move. I ripped her head of her body. I tossed away her neck and her body collapsed to the blood muddy rocky ground. Blood dripped from my mouth as I looked around for my next prey, but they were all dead. Every single one of them were dead. I shifted back to my human form, standing on my two legs now. My skin stained with blood which wasn't mine. I looked around, some of the pack warriors were in their wolf forms while the others were in their human forms.       We were in a county not far from the borders of Arizona and had just massacred every of Darwin's men we found. Some were vampires, his halflings and some rogues who serve him. We followed a lead here in search for our Luna but yet again, it's an awful dead end. The look on everyone face
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Rescue Me
   Benjamin's point of view       She wasn't here. Again, the lead we received was wrong. Davina hadn't been here. I smelled the air, it was rotten with the stench of Darwin's vampires and cursed rogues. From a remarkable distance, I heard Cameron instant yell. "Burn everything down to the ground" I breathed loudly. The next seconds some warriors were in their wolf forms, while others fought in their human forms. The witches with us were fighting as well. With each passing second, Darwin's men kept dropping dead. I could feel the rage and anger in every kill made by the Hybrid's men. It's clear as day that they really cared for my Davi. But unfortunately, we still haven't found her. But these miserable weeks searching for her has made me realize these people would be more than willing to die for her if the need came, Just like Cameron would. I was standing in the middle of the massacre going on, thickening pool of blood kept gathering around
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