All Chapters of Pure vampire: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
104 Chapters
Chapter 80
   . . Somewhere behind her a door opened and closed. Celeste didn't bother turning to see who had entered her bedroom; she never took her eyes and hand off her swollen stomach. The person standing behind I also knew from my time in the vortex. She too looked the same with her wise eyes and long white hair in a single braid. Hildegarde smiled sadly behind Celeste "She's due any day now" The old crone commented. My mother met her eyes through the mirror and nodded.   "I know" She mumbled "I wish I could keep her in here longer just to have her close to me" Celeste rubbed her belly once more   "There is still time. We could try other ways to stop him…" Hildegarde pleaded but my mother's hand up stopped her short. By this point I knew it was me that they were talking about. I was the ba
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Chapter 81
   . . Gwyn Pov Gwyn watched with mild interest as the human wait staff shuffled about the large dining area decorating and setting the table with food only fit for a king. Tonight was the feast before the execution and it was sure to be a grand one… "What is that?!" Gwyn demanded when a male waiter tried to pass her quickly. The man froze in place; fear clouding his features. He was dressed the way all the servants were this evening, black button down and slacks with a bright red bow tie.   "Uh its-its uh ba-bal" The man was so afraid that he could barely speak. Gwyn hardened her already cold features and pinned him with a death glare.   "Are those balloons?" she sneered already knowing the response. The poor human looked down at the multicolored unfilled bands
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Chapter 82
 . . "Tonight is the execution of the queen's lover, Marcos. He will die and she will be forced to watch…" ~~~ Simon Pov "Bye mom!" he shouted into the phone and pressed the end button before she could argue more. He wondered if he could have her committed for her major overreactions. Sure he hadn't been home in a while but he'd been sending texts to let her know he was safe. Too bad she didn't see it that way. She assumed he'd been kidnapped and the criminal had been sending her the messages. Sometimes his mother could be a real pain. Simon noticed for the first time everyone was gone and he was alone next to the ugly van. Where'd everyone go ? He wasn't wondering long because Lily came stomping up from the beach. The scowl on her face was an indicator that she was mad, however when she looked up
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Chapter 83
 . . Seb Pov "Me? Well handsome my names Cassandra. And as to why I'm here…" She trailed off thoughtfully tapping her red nails against her red lips. "I'm here to raise hell" Cassandra said simply. The vampiress leapt gracefully from the top of the boulder, landing directly in front of them. Her male counter parts followed her lead. Seb held his ground. He didn't get this far to get intimidated by a group of vamps. One other stood out more than the other male vampires. He was a taller and his dark complexion would allow him to easily blend into the shadows. He stood protectively closer to Cassandra than the rest; ready for anything. Seb sized him up. If things didn't go well he would have to take him out immediately after Cassandra.   "Why would a vampire want to raise hell in a castle filled with more vampires?" Marie question suspic
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Chapter 84
 . . Not wasting any more time, Kim pushed the door. The smell was the first thing she noticed. It was awful. If death had a smell this would be it; rotten, spoiled and bloody. The stairs spiraled down into what she assumed was the cells. Cautiously taking a step down, Kim hesitated still expecting a group of guards to rush in. however nothing happened but a torch lighting up along the walls. Deciding it was as safe as it could be, she darted down the spiral steps, torches lighting behind her.   "What are you doing down here?" A deep voice snapped right as she stepped off the last stair. The guard must have heard coming down, even though she didn't make any obvious noise. Quickly glancing over his shoulder, she noticed he seemed to be alone, just as Maximus said.   "I said wh--" he didn't get to finish that sentence
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Chapter 85
   . . Cassius Pov The execution feast was in full swing. Cassius stood in the grand ballroom watching hundreds of the oldest and most powerful vampires mingle and feed. The two blonde vampires that he uses for sexual fun, eyed him across the room. Cassius ignored them and downed another alcoholic drink. His mind was clouded by one blue eyed vampire, that has yet to make her entrance; Ana. Even as bad as he wanted her, the conversation he had with sister a couple of hours ago kept replaying over in his mind ~~~Two hours earlier…~~~ Cassius waited until he knew Gwyn had taken Ana upstairs before he questioned his sister. "Catalina what do you really want" He snapped barely containing his anger. When Catalina was around it meant trouble for everyone else. Cassius knew there was more than just their mothers awakening
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Chapter 86
 . "She's using her ability! Stop her now!" Ferox ordered. Everyone turned their attention to Acacia who was still standing and starting at Marcos head. Only difference was she was shaking and her skin took on a blue tint. It was freaky. The thought didn't cross my mind that she had an ability, clearly she did and it was strong. The guards charged her. Acacia didn't move until they were almost on her and then she attacked.   Long, jagged icicles sprang from her wrists. She back flipped and stabbed one into the eye of the first guard to close in and another into the heart of the second. The room was so cold now that her chains crumbled to pieces as soon as she yanked them.   "I WILL AVENGE MY LOVE!" Acacia roared viscously. The queen was nothing but pure rage now. A few vampires looked terrified and cautiously made their way to the door.
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Chapter 87
 . Cassandra allowed her eyes to bled black and her fangs burst free as all her rage surfaced when she turned back to Catalina. It was time for the princess to die... "Your mine b**!" Cassandra roared and then she attacked... Ana Pov The guards were closing in on Seb and Jace. My instincts to protect them took over. I raised my fingers and four short blasts of lightening shot out and stuck all four vamps with excellent precision. Their bodies exploded into black dust causing Jace and Seb to duck and cover. Wow, that's new! I have no clue how I did that but it doesn't matter right now. Before they could even stand back up, I launched myself at them, hugging them both a little too hard. "I'm so happy to see you guys!" I exclaimed "You too Ana" Jace said with much relief "Are you okay? Have you been hurt?" S
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Chapter 88
  . Catalina Pov She heard Cassandras screams of revenge even after the ebony skinned vampire took her away. The pain and fury of her voice alone left Cata on edge. This piece of unfinished business needed to be handled immediately. More guards had finally entered the destroyed execution room and rushed to her side.   "Find me Raven. Now!" She ordered losing her balance and falling to one knee. Cassandra did a great job of shoving the platinum star deep into her core. The poison was working its way through her body, killing her slowly. Lucky for her that it was only one star or she'd already be dead.   A few guards flew off following her orders while another helped her to her feet. In less than a minute the Goth clothed witch came strolling into the room, assessing the scene "Hello
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Chapter 89
 . . Simon Pov Simon was nervous but he didn't want to show it. Marie on the other hand looked fearless. She stared down Talon with a bravery he didn't expect. Still he worried for both their safety. With everyone else gone, they had next to no chance taking out the vampires alone. "Why don't you just walk away Talon, while you still can. And take your pet too" Marie bit out. Talon folded his arms and a sly grin covered his face. The smile was unnerving.   Kim however hadn't spoken a word. Since they popped up she didn't really even pay them any attention. Instead she continued to stare at the palm of her hand as if something were there…   "I'll go little girl if I can take you with me" Talon replied with a wink. Marie balled her fist.   "Ove
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