All Chapters of The Alpha's Secret Mate: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
86 Chapters
Chapter 71
CHAPTER 71 - HenryThis wasn’t my first visit to the states, but I had never attempted camping before. Thankfully through the gift of magic we had all of the provisions necessary, like indoor plumbing and food. Unfortunately, the task of entertaining two seven-year-olds was far above my pay grade.We were in the Rockies on some private property in a little A-frame cabin. We had a pot belly stove, couches from circa 1970, and some knitted quilts of the most garish colors I had ever seen. I attempted to make some updates but stopped when I saw how enthralled Amy was with everything.It was like a child at Christmas. We opened one of the closets to find some outdoor games. Amy insisted that I put up the badminton set and that is what they were currently playing. Not one of them had a lick of talent, but they were adorable to watch.I felt that odd clenching in my stomach as I watched Amy’s flushed face and bright eyes. Her platinum long hair wa
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Chapter 72
CHAPTER 72 - AmyKissing Henry was nothing like kissing Brad. Even from the way that Henry held me, it was like being protected by this massive force. His muscular body felt amazing underneath my hands. His lips were demanding, and yet, they didn’t take too much.I felt a swelling in my heart for this man. His hands moved down my back lighting a fire with each new place that he touched. I gasped as he cupped my ass and lifted me from the ground. Words were spoken and then I demanded that he kiss me. I could see by the fire in his eyes that he was trying to hold back. I wanted him to let loose. I wanted to see him break from the rigid confines of what he felt was his place.I didn’t know much about mates other than there was supposed to be a special bond. I couldn’t even begin to explain the connection between us. My hands went up to cup his face. The whiskers on his cheeks pressed against my palms and I relished the closeness with him. I felt
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Chapter 73
CHAPTER 73 - AmyAngelica’s body began to seize. Her small limbs moving in an involuntary pattern that terrified me. I had heard about seizures and Epilepsy but seeing it was nothing like reading about it.“Does she have a history of seizures?” Henry asked Eva.The other little girl shook her head violently. “This has never happened before.”Henry shared a very concerned look with Veti and David. I felt helpless, and I didn’t like the feeling. Kneeling beside Angie I touched her arm softly and she stilled. I hadn’t used any magic or called to her spirit, but the others looked at me as if I had raised someone from the dead.In all fairness, since I did that rather often; I was familiar with the look.“What did you do?” Veti asked gently.I shook my head in confusion, taking my hand away in the process. The second my skin left hers she began to convulse again. Quickly I reached out
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Chapter 74
CHAPTER 74 – RachelI could feel my cheeks burning and I wanted to die. Helen meant well. I knew she did. I glanced back at the Triple A’s who were glancing my way with various expressions.“And for another thing, we need to sort out this dream walking.”I literally choked on the spit in my mouth.“What?” Luke snapped.“Abel!” Adrian and Alden yelled in tandem.“Honestly, attempting to keep things from your mother is the worst sort of crime.” Helen went on as if we hadn’t just spoken. “Now, I know that this might be a bit premature, but I would like for you to look at me as a mother figure.”The guys stood up and moved over to where we were standing in the dining room. Adrian punched Abel’s shoulder and Alden gave him the finger.“You would have done the same,” Abel rubbed his shoulder glaring back at his brothers. “She knew
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Chapter 75
CHAPTER 75 – AnnaThe color white has often been used for brides to symbolize purity, virginity, and innocence. In the seventeen and eighteen-hundreds young unmarried females were always expected to wear white or the palest shades of pastel.The irony wasn’t lost on me that the night I began the transformation I happened to be wearing a white prom dress. I was indeed virginal and innocent. The next pivotal moment was when Cian challenged me and again I dressed in white to battle him.Only this time I wasn’t quite as innocent and no longer virginal. My time as the virgin Lycan had been informative as well as eye-opening. But at this point, I had gained an understanding of my opponent. I had lost both of my parents, not to death, but to bigotry.I had been tested by a Lycan hive’s queen, and at long last defeated the Lycan King.What Cian had failed to understand was that white also symbolized safety, brilliance, beginnings,
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Chapter 76
CHAPTER 76 – RachelDon’t let your emotions get the best of you, Rachel.Don’t leave our hiding spot for any reason, Rachel.Don’t listen to anything they say, Rachel.It’s funny how Anna had so many words of advice before we came out here Rambo style. Because sure as shit she just broke cover and ran screaming toward the freaky blond guy that was talking to Helen. A part of me wanted to cheer her on. She looked badass racing across the grass with her braid flipping in the wind behind her.But the logical, smarter part of my brain wondered what in the hell had gotten into her. Luke and Roman were hot on her heels and of course Adrian and Abel were right with them. Alden had a death grip on my arm. That was the only reason I wasn’t in hot pursuit.The human hunters were starting to leave their hiding places and I could smell fresh blood in the air. I had no idea if it was human
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Chapter 77
CHAPTER 77 – AnnaI looked down at the cold lifeless body of Cian’s brother and couldn’t find it in me to feel an ounce of regret. The moment I ripped his head off the Alliance forces began to pullback.“Anna, you are bleeding,” Luke’s arms came around me just as the edges of my vision had begun to blur.Conor had been a much better fighter than his brother. I knew that he had a large gash in my stomach as well as many flesh wounds on my arms and legs.“Roman, get the fuck over here. We have to get her blood now!”He pushed his wrist against my mouth, but I was so tired. Normally my fangs would descend and his taste to send me into a sexual haze. But all I wanted to do was go to sleep. I turned my head away and he cursed again. The next thing I knew he had bitten his own wrist and was trying to feed it to me.The taste on my tongue was comforting. He tasted of sex and love, hope and passion,
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Chapter 78
CHAPTER 78 - Amy “Necromancy is a certain type of magic involving communication with the deceased—either by summoning their spirit or raising them bodily. It is often considered sorcery or black magic as it goes against the natural order of things.”I rubbed my hands as I listened to Veti repeat what we had read about necromancy. It wasn’t anything that I hadn’t discussed with her a million times. But it felt different knowing that there is someone else out there with the same gifts, but she uses them for evil.I had a sneaking suspicion that Jenny Sparks was behind all of this. She was the one who caused trouble in the first place for Anna. It only made sense. Now the trouble was to convince the others. It was one thing to hear about Roman being forced to take out his mother.I had a much greater empathy for Anna’s mate. I can’t imagine going through that once, only to hear that you needed to do it all ag
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Chapter 79
CHAPTER 79 - AmyBrad licked and sucked at my juices, ravenous in the way that he took me. This was finally my moment, the time when I would submit everything to my lovers, and we would become one. I could hardly stand the anticipation of it.My hips wanted to move, but Brad kept a firm grasp on them. Henry continued to kiss me while his hands snaked out and captured mine. I felt them lifting and then being fastened to the headboard. At the same moment, Brad’ mouth left my pussy and I cried out into Henry’s kiss.But he wasn’t leaving, Brad was taking each of my feet and fastening the cuffs that would leave me spread before them like a feast. I felt the air on my tender folds and relished the feeling of erotic decadence. I imagined a room full of faceless men that all wanted me, were dying for just a glimpse of my naked flesh. It was nothing that I would want to have in real life, but as far as fantasies go, it caused my juices to flow even m
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Chapter 80
CHAPTER 80 – Amy Henry moved to untie my hands and I slumped into the soft bed covers. I felt like liquid, my limbs not at all behaving as I wanted them to. I was malleable, willing to be whatever they wished me to be.“I need you to feed on me, Amy,” Henry said tenderly as he pulled me into his chest. “You will need your strength to finish this.”Brad moved behind me and spread my cheeks.“I am going to put this lubricant on and begin to stretch you. But Amy, you need to do as Henry says. The pleasure from your orgasm will help to mask any pain from taking us both the first time.”I nodded and turned my face into Henry’s neck. He smelled of soap and sweat, he smelled of man and sex, and he smelled like my sweet Henry. My incisors come down and I sank my teeth into him. The rush of exhilaration washing over me had my eyes rolling back into my head.“Fuck, she is tight,&rdq
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