Semua Bab My Mafia Princess: Stepping Into a Man's World: Bab 51 - Bab 60
67 Bab
A Night Never To Forget
She is only, but an arm reach away from me. I have the absolute burning desire to pull every inch of her body into mine. I need her closer to me than we have ever been before. But I am frightened. The thought of losing her feels like hot knives piercing me, stealing my breath. So I move but only an inch closer. I watch as she wants to move away, but yet she stays. Maybe this is the sign that I am waiting for. “Princess, please, can we go talk? Please, if only for a second, can you please just listen to me?” Watching her hesitate kills me, but I can see it in her eyes. I know my princess’ eyes; I know that somehow I have reached her. “You have five minutes, Christian.” I softly lace my fingers in her hand and lead her to one of the farside dancing booths. I know that she will not go with me to the office; this
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Call Me Baby
…Cassandra POV…Christian grips me by the hips and crushes my body into him; with one loud growl, he lifts my feet from the floor and carries me backward toward the bed.He lets my body fall back into the sheets; every square inch of my body dissolves into his. He leans over me and centers me on the bed before he settles on top of me. I feel him, all of him, pressed against me; I feel his cock throbbing against my thighs, his heart beating through his sculpted chest, his warm breath lingering on my skin.He feels fucking amazing.His lips lock with mine; he devours me with a patient hunger, possessing me soft and slow. Passion explodes through my veins as I whimper. I tangle my hands in his hair and full him even closer.“God, Christian,” I groan. His skin is hot against my cool flesh.I hook my legs around his legs and grab his taut, hard ass. I tug him into me, arching my hips to feel his throbbing erection. I wan
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The Decision Of Your Life
The time has come. I have my princess back. I need to focus on business, and this means that the war is now truly going to start. I shall need to express to her that I am still going to go after her father. All I need to know if she shall remain by my side no matter what happens.Now, I think to be true to myself; I am going to admit that Joseph shall not make it out alive. It has always been my intent to get revenge for my father in the same way he was taken. But I will be the one taking his life. Joseph was a coward, well I am not one. His time has come, and the seconds are ticking.But I am not going to make it easy; of course, I am going to play a little cat and mouse game. I want to see him suffer; I want the fear to ravage through his body until he cannot think straight. This is not going to be easy; in fact, it is going to be hard, and it is going to get very ugly.I need to have my princess on my side, but it is not every day that your fiancé tell
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Regrets & Revenge
I am looking into brown eyes that do not fully understand what I am saying. Yet, I know that she does; she does not want to face the reality. It is hard and terrifying to have to come to face with what will be the biggest decision you shall ever make in your life.The thing is, Cassandra is my life.And if I could, rather if I would want to, which I do not, I would have done things differently. But the fact is that this shall go ahead, and if she has to reject me, once again, then it shall be with great sorrow and pain that I shall face her when I take the life of her father.I shall never, and I shall rather die, but it shall never hurt the woman that I love with all my heart and soul. But there is one thing that she needs to understand.“Princess, I know that right now I stand a great chance that you will turn around and leave me. Should you leave, then you would break my heart beyond compare.”“Christian, you need to understand
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The Stage Is Set
The stage is set.It is early morning in the Caine house. My princess is sleeping, and only Mason can be found in the kitchen. The boys went out last night to enjoy what will be one of the very rare evenings that they will in a while.Now, if I said to you that this does not lie heavy on my shoulders, then that would be a blatant lie. I have a handful, rather make that two, perhaps even more, but I have a shitload of lives on my hand that I need to protect.The one that concerns me the most is lying upstairs peacefully sleeping. The little vixen with her short hair that is now very blonde. I must say that I am not a man for blonds, but this little blonde is starting to grow on me.Mason, who has been staring at me, daydreaming for about a minute now, hands me a cup of warm coffee, “It is good to have her back, really back.”“God, Mason, I just hope she stays.”“Hey, boss, she loves you, and that father of hers h
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Inches Of A Second
How far are you willing to go to protect your fiancé?Well, the thing is, right now, my fiancé has a gun on the woman that you want out of your life more than anything.But I don't want her to get hurt. Now the chance that Veronica has a gun, I highly doubt it, but I have been surprised by Veronica once already now. I do not trust the woman one bit.Now one thing that I have learned is do not to piss a woman off that is scorned. My princess is pissed, and she is going to pull that trigger. The question is, am I going to allow her to. It is one thing having a gun in your hand, but another if you actually pull that trigger. I know that she will be a lethal shot; I am just worried about what happens to her afterward.So, I need her to put that gun down, but I don't think she is going to."Princess, please put the gun down. She is not worth it.""Christian, she will keep on coming back. I do not trust the bitch."Then Veroni
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Tricking Your Lover
I would love to say that everything is back to normal, but Veronica was just the start of it. The rest of Joseph's crew are bound to start coming over. Now the question is, do we run? Or do we stay here? I don’t know if my princess can take another move again. She has been between so many places in such a short amount of time, and I think that she is starting to feel at home here. But this is not a decision that I can make alone. So I have called a meeting to hear the rest of the residents here in the home.Ya, but getting Cassandra out of bed is proving to be difficult; the little vixen cannot keep her hands to herself, and she is driving me absolutely crazy in a good way.Very reluctantly, she follows me downstairs; now I have not paid much attention to her following me, so as we come to the kitchen, which seems to be too early for the rest of the house is still fast asleep, well, I turn around.“Princess, don’t you think that you need to cha
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Chasing Your Tail
My princess is insisting that she wants to come with us while we do surveillance on her father. Now I don’t want to put her in danger. But this girl is not going to listen to me no matter what I say to her. So I reluctantly follow the little vixen upstairs so that she can get out that fucking hot pants. But yes, she is not done yet.“Princess, please, can you stop doing that.”“Do what, Christian.”Okay, so she is calling me Christian, which means that she is clearly pissed off at me still, and now she is rocking those goddamn hips from side to side to a tormented pain. If I did not want to leave in five minutes, then I would have finished what I started in the kitchen.But if I thought that rocking those hips will be the last of her torture, she strips out those hot pants to an agonizingly slow pace. I have to stop myself several times from walking over and taking what is mine, but yet.“Princess, I am not a fiv
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Torturing Pleasure
We are park close to the house where Joseph’s lover lives. We have not seen much movement inside, but I can safely say that we need not have to ask what he is doing. How wicked it would be to catch him off-guard the way he is at the moment.Now I am in the back with Cassandra, still holding firmly onto the grip on my gun, when there suddenly is a knock on my window. As I snap my head to the left, I watch in an inch of a second as Mason jumps out of the car. The next thing I see is him shoving his gun into the back of the man.I recognize him immediately; he is one of Joseph’s men; he must have spotted me and thought he could be brave enough to take me on. Next to me is a rather terrified woman,“Cassandra, get into the front,” I yell as softly as I possibly can. The last thing we need is to cause an alarm for Joseph to come outside.Mason opens the door and tries to shove the man inside, “Shut the fuck up and get into the car
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You Said, I Say
My princess is not speaking to me; while it turned me on profusely, knowing that she was lying there and waiting for me, she did not think it was funny at all. It turned her on just as much; she just does not want to admit it. I will admit that I only went and untied her after two hours; hey, they kept me busy downstairs.So the little vixen is now sent me to the guest room, where I find myself even more frustrated than I was yesterday. Even after about fifteen messages to her phone, she made it quite clear that it is where I deserved to be.Now, she has locked herself up in the room; I do have a key to open it, but yet I think that she shall hate me even more if I just burst in. So, I am set to beg…again. Well, I would have left her to be mad and calm down, but I kind of need to change my clothes, for I am required downstairs yet again.And this brings me to the front of what is supposed to be our room.“Princess, please open up the door.&rd
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