Все главы Wanton Hearts: Глава 31 - Глава 40
Wanton Hearts - Chapter 31
Vino was staring at his prison for two hundred years. It had a pinkish glimmer because the mirror was still enchanted.He relived again the exact moment he was imprisoned inside the mirror.Vino had the witch ready for the magic net. She was inside his Tornado of Power. He was confident that she could not do anything anymore.
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Wanton Hearts - Chapter 32
Nerida was flying around tiredly. She could not locate her family anymore. The last place was more than half a decade now. They should not leave their home without her..."Oh, Mother, Father, I am sorry for being such a hardheaded fairy! If not my stubborn love for Norlando, you'd be still here! Waiting for me! Hu! hu! hu!" she wept as hours went by.Norlando was handsome and strong. He was a charismatic character. Nerida was attracted at once. She would follow
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Wanton Hearts - Chapter 33
Nerida could feel Olga holding her closely as they walked to the back room. Her sight faded slowly until it turned black.When her consciousness returned, Nerida was inside the glass jar. All around her were also women imprisoned in similar jars."Help! Mother! Father! Help me, Queen Mother!" Nerida shouted for help from her parents. She even asked for help from the queen fairy. "Help me, Norlando!" She was not sure if Norlando knew that his grandmother was a w
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Wanton Hearts - Chapter 34
The Queen Mother was Leda, Nerida's mother!"Mother, I mean, my Queen Mother!" Nerida hesitated coming to her."Nerida? Nerida, my child! Oh, Nuro, our child is alive!" With open arms, Leda embraced the prodigal fairy.Both her parents were crying. Nerida was crying, too.
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Wanton Hearts - Chapter 35
Ram's clan grew to respect him. When he transferred the whole tribe to a bigger and better tree, his peers had looked up to him as a leader."Ram, where did you find your wife?""Yeah, she's so juicy!Ram scrutinized them suspiciously. "Do you peep on Olga?"
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Wanton Hearts - Chapter 36
Years had gone by, but still, Waling did not moan. She did not cry or whimper. She did not speak to him ever, even when he started to beat her daughter. Finny was the same as her mother. No reaction...Ram was getting tired. "Do not give these women food and drink!" he ordered in a sulking tone."Yes, Master Ram!"
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Wanton Hearts - Chapter 37
The tikbalangs were stirring. The first one to be conscious moaned aloud."What do you need?" Brie asked in a concerned voice."Water...""Food..." The others followed.
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Wanton Hearts - Chapter 38
The four individuals were having an impromptu meeting at the dining table while drinking wine and eating roasted chicken. The women had used their fairy powers to provide drinks and the food.Brie churned out a bottle of the most expensive wine in the world--the Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon, which was made in 1992.
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Wanton Hearts - Chapter 39
Zac sat on his chair while watching Ivana clear the kitchen of any trashes. She washed and cleaned each glass. She made the plates with the engraving disappear and the bottle of wine, too. She used magic to all these chores."Whew! It is more tiresome! Using magic!" Ivana sighed tiredly. "But I am practicing my powers!""Enough practicing for now, honey," Zac drawled seductively. "Come. Sit here." He patted his lap invitingly.
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Wanton Hearts - Chapter 40
The next morning after the party, Orlando spent the day driving the women to their destinations. He had given them money to start their lives. After all, they were his ancestors because they had been the wives of his forefathers.It was weird but Orlando could not think of the abnormal situation he was in. He could not think about his mother who turned out a fairy. He could not think of his daughters who turned out to be witches. All he could think about were the two women who had equal rights to his heart and his body.
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