Semua Bab Scent of Danger: Bab 61 - Bab 70
81 Bab
An unholy racket woke them in the morning.“I said get out!”Mathin leapt out of bed and grabbed his sword. He opened the door just in time to see Raziel thrust outside the door of the room directly opposite. Buck naked, he held his clothes in his arms, his muscular backside to Mathin as he argued with Matilda.“I was only there to sleep, woman,” he groused irritably, tossing back his mussed hair. “Had I wanted anything else you’d have known it.”Matilda, red hair equally disheveled, but attired in a flowered nightgown, stood in the doorway and glared at him. “Decent men don
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“Perhaps.” Raziel stabbed at his meat. “The scouts are in place. You would know within the hour if he stepped foot on your land.”“What of your lands?” Mathin raised a brow and rested his forearms on the table. “You show great concern for my situation, and I thank you, but your estate is nearly as extensive as mine.”“I’ve sent men to look it over.” Raziel’s face shuttered. “My overseer is more capable than Tomlin ever thought to be. All remains under control.”Mathin shrugged. “It’s your choice.” His careless tone didn’t match his expression.
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Mathin had felt the eyes on them for a good hour by the time he stopped that night. All but unconscious, Andrea lolled in his arms as he dismounted and gently lifted her down. Careful not to jar her, he lay her down on a tarp he’d tossed down on a patch of high ground and covered her with a blanket. “It’s going to be all right,” he whispered, and kissed her. He stroked her cheek and stood up.Looking up in the trees, he called out, “All right, come out. Don’t you know better than to stalk a Haunt upwind?”Feminine laughter echoed through the swamps. A line was cast down from the heights and moments later a woman slid down. Hands on hips, the tall blond surveyed him with a crooked grin. “Mathin. Finally found yourself a wo
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Leo shook her head. “A season? Longer? Who can say? I’m not a medic, but I’ll wager the baby will strain her system and the symbiont.”“Can she get a new one?” At Leo’s look of horror, he demanded, “What?”“You can’t just switch symbionts like you’d change your pants! It would be murder.”“Andrea would die?”“I don’t know, but the symbiont would for sure. Their systems are far too integrated now. Just give it time. It will regenerate.”Mathin
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“Another hour. Why?” Leo looked at her in the rearview mirror.“It’s so desolate. How do you make a living here?”Leo laughed. “We eat what doesn’t eat us.” At Andrea’s wary silence, she added, “We farm and hunt the swamp. We mine the minerals here. Many of our technologies are deliberately kept low-tech and sustainable, however. We use wood, natural fiber, stone, metal and leather instead of synthetics or chemicals, and we still make our soaps with fat and lye. Many of our lights and heat sources are oil or wood.”Fat and lye? Wood stove cooking? Andrea was dismayed. Even the Haunt had something like electricity. “Tell me y
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Scy glared at her. “You couldn’t find a glass?” He removed the wet pitcher from its precariously balanced position, set it on the floor and wiped at the wet leather with his hand.“She might be very thirsty.” Leo gave him a cheeky grin.“Leo, love,” Scy wrapped one arm around her shoulders and escorted her to the curtain. In the crook of his other arm he held the bowl. “Do you see this curtain? Beyond it is my kitchen. I promise not to tell anyone you’ve turned domestic if you go in there and set out a meal for us. You won’t even have to cook; I’ve taken care of everything. Just take out the roast and the vegetables, warm them, and set out a few plates. Can you do that?” Again his words were mild,
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Scy frowned. “Charge?”“What is your going rate for services? I can pay you.”“Oh.” His brow cleared. “Truthfully, I won’t be doing much until the birth. Can you cook?” He gave her a boyish grin. “I admit to having an incessant sweet tooth.”Andrea grinned. “Just give me your favorite recipes. I think I can fulfill your every dessert fantasy. Leo can introduce me to any ingredients I might not be familiar with.”“Leo!” Scy stared at her, incredulous. “You might want to find someone who can actually cook.” A low growl came
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“Scy?” Leo spoke as if drawing a total blank.Annoyed on his behalf, for she liked the healer, Andrea retorted, “Yes, him. He’s cute.”Leo’s lip curled. “He’s a healer. If he weren’t also a fine hunter and very skilled at woodwork…” She shook her head. “I will not marry a nearly useless healer.”Baffled at her attitude, Andrea frowned. “Doctors are very respected where I come from, and well paid.”An odd look crossed Leo’s face, then it cleared. “I forget you have no symbionts. Such men as Scy are all but unneeded here.
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Certain he would follow through with his threat, she sighed. “You remember Mathin?”His gaze sharpened. “The Haunt who chased you around Jayem’s citadel and halfway into the swamp? I remember.”She rolled her eyes and leaned against the deck rail. “It was a passing fancy for him.”“She’s his?” He shook his head, irked. “What did you think, that I would force her to leave or see her harmed after I learned of her condition? You know how I feel about my own wife and children.” He looked out over the village, his eyes troubled. “Besides, she’s not the only woman to come back carrying a questionable child.”
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“Whatever.” Andrea waved her objections away. “It worked. Two: So far as we know, only Haunt can detect the charmer. So we ask Scy if there is any other way he can think of, then see if he has any records from his predecessor that might indicate human/Haunt crosses in your midst.”Leo sat up. “That’s not possible!”Andrea placed a hand on her stomach. “Is. Scy did say it was rare for your women to have hard labors, seemed to think it a strong indicator of rape, maybe by Haunt. Cases of pre-labor sickness could give a strong clue.”A little green, Leo nodded. “You’re right. I never thought of it.”
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