All Chapters of A Complicated Romance: Chapter 631 - Chapter 640
699 Chapters
Chapter 631
Upon hearing the truth, Benedict and Yvonne were dumbstruck and frozen to the spot. They thought that they had found true love, but they did not expect that God would play a joke on them. Who would have guessed that their relationship was an incestuous one between an aunt and her nephew? Sophia was worried that more problems would appear the longer they kept on delaying. She urged, saying, “Let’s not wait any longer. The day will break soon, so let’s do what we need to do first!” “Alright!” Winona nodded. Sophia grabbed a shovel and walked toward Benedict and Yvonne. She had a fierce gaze as she said, “Look what you've done to me, you pair of dogs! I’ll let you have a taste of an experience worse than death!” She then raised the shovel and hit the two of them with it. Sophia kept on hitting them until she ran out of strength. Both of them were tied up, so they could not evade the attacks. All they could do was scream, their yells growing louder with each hit. Davis ran in
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Chapter 632
Sophia let out a sigh. She had finally got rid of this menace and was relieved. This place was a secluded forest, so no one would find out that they had buried two people here. It was as if the two of them vanished from the earth all of a sudden. “Yes, I’m finally relieved after getting rid of these two scumbags.” Sophia got into the car. “Hurry up and go!” Michael had always been monitoring Sophia and Winona’s actions. Winona and Sophia’s cruelty was beyond Michael’s expectations. The two of them even said they were going to kill Yvonne and Benedict to get rid of the evidence. Michael did not feel any sympathy for Benedict. They were fighting amongst themselves, so they had no one else to blame. However, the only pitiful person was Yvonne. However, that prostitute did not deserve any sympathy. Back then, she knew that Davis and Sophia were ganging up to kill Molly. Even so, she chose to remain silent. It served her right to end up like this. Judy had already gone through a
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Chapter 633
Sean did not want his good friend Matthew to suffer in the future, so he had to warn him about this.Matthew already guessed Rachel was behind this set-up, hence the truth did not come too much of a shock to him. However, he flew off the handle upon learning she tried to take Christina’s life before. This woman was too treacherous—almost as dangerous as Winona. As he was a man of his words, he never planned on breaking off their three-year agreement and intended to marry her once the time was up.However, his mind was swayed after seeing how ridiculous Rachel was. Keeping a promise to a woman of crazed cruelty would be repeating the mistake of “The Farmer and the Snake” fable. No way! He had to break off his engagement to the woman!He knew Rachel had been spending a lot of time with his mother lately. For fear that she might harm his mother, he warned his mother about the woman’s evil history.Jess found it unbelievable that Rachel would hurt Christina and Sean. The gentle and
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Chapter 634
Winona feared that the truth would come to light after learning that Suzy was still alive. She immediately reached out to a gang of hooligans based in America to inform them about the news. She ordered them to do everything within their power to stop Suzy from returning to Perth alive.After all, only the dead could keep a secret. Since she believed Suzy was Sophia’s child, she could not be soft-hearted or lenient with this issue.After that group of hooligans received payment, they ambushed the Youngs’ residence after waiting for the perfect timing to kidnap Suzy. They wanted to end this once and for all.Rachel had been experiencing a downfall lately after the infuriated Old Madam Young chased her out of the household for setting up Sean and Suzy.She previously lived like a princess, but now even her so-called friends had started to mock and ridicule her. She was incredibly upset about this.Sean was feeling the same. What would be his future with Christina after what happened?
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Chapter 635
Christina sounded baffled. “What happened?”“I… I did something wrong.” Sean summoned up the courage to tell the truth. “After a long contemplation, I’ve decided to be honest with you.”“What is it that you’re holding back? You’re not usually like this.” She found it strange.“Christina, I… I slept with another woman…” He braced himself and told her the entire truth about Rachel’s set-up.She was stunned into silence after hearing this, unsure what to say. “I didn’t expect this from Rachel,” she commented after a long time. “Christina, I’m sorry! I…” He was at a loss for words.“Sean, you don't have to apologize to me. You’re the victim in this case, and it’s not entirely your fault.” She felt bad upon hearing the guilt in his voice.Friend or husband, Sean was an upright gentleman who always made her feel warm and safe to be around. He should not be burdened with the responsibilities of a set-up that was forced unto him.Rachel was the one to be blamed. She was so cruel that
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Chapter 636
Suzy told Old Madam Young about her intention to look for a job. The latter began liking the understanding and considerate young woman more and more.She used to prioritize marrying her grandchildren with well-matched families in terms of social status. However, it dawned upon her now that a woman of her previous criteria would not necessarily be the best option for her grandson. Take her granddaughter for example, whom she had been forcing the aforementioned views upon her since young. However, she still ended up choosing the wrong path in life.Suzy, who was not only smart but kind-hearted, would be a good candidate if her grandson would consider anyone other than Christina.Old Madam Young took a liking to the young woman, thus she suggested that she could lend her a hand in her search for a job.The Young family ran a massive business, hence it would be effortless to arrange an employment opportunity for someone.However, Suzy explained she would not want to trouble Sean. She
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Chapter 637
Suzy was sick in the bathroom for quite some time. She reappeared at the dining room looking pale, intending to apologize for her rudeness.Old Madam Young was concerned. “What’s wrong? Are you feeling unwell from being out too frequently lately? If so, you should stay in and rest well. Searching for a job can wait.”“But…” Suzy was touched but knew she could not continue staying in the Youngs’ residence for free.“Mrs. Carlson, get in touch with the family doctor to drop in soon.”The servant did as she was told right away.“Old Madam Young, I’m fine but… I don’t know why I suddenly felt nauseated upon smelling the braised short ribs.”“Nauseated?” Mrs. Carlson had experienced this herself and a possibility suddenly popped into her mind. She darted her eyes toward Old Madam Young. The latter felt a shudder pass through her too.The both of them arrived at the same possibility at the same time. Could it be possible that Suzy was pregnant?”She was set-up by Rachel to sleep with
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Chapter 638
Perhaps family love and joy were the two things a person yearned for the most at old age.Suzy reckoned Old Madam Young was only treating her this well because she was carrying a baby of the Young bloodline.She would probably be equally delighted if any other woman was pregnant with Sean’s child.A feeling of disappointment washed over Suzy. She wished Old Madam Young did not only like her because of the baby.Everyone in the residence treated her like a princess. She began to wonder if Sean would be as elated if he learned about the baby.The thought of it filled her with shame. What happened between them was an accident. How could she be hoping for a future between them despite knowing full well that he had a fiancée?Sean had helped her out significantly in the past. Would she be biting the hand that fed her?Her mind was filled with a whole lot of tangled emotions she could not sort out. She was unsure of what to do and even blamed herself for being shameless. However, the
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Chapter 639
“We’ll tell the young master about this after the decisions are made. By doing so, we can save the baby as well as Young Master and Miss Williams’ marriage.”This idea would yield the best of both worlds, though at the cost of causing Suzy to feel wronged.“This isn’t a bad idea, but will Christina agree? What about Jade? Will she give birth to Sean’s child without being given a proper title?” Old Madam Young thought this was too unpredictable. “Most importantly, Sean will definitely disagree having Jade’s baby as it would only affect his relationship with Christina.”“Miss Williams is a mother herself. I’m sure she’ll understand your yearning for a grandchild. I think she’ll agree to your request.“As for Jade, I can tell that she has feelings for Young Master, hence persuading her to keep the baby shouldn’t be difficult. Besides, Young Master listens to Miss Williams. He’ll agree to keep the child if she convinces him.”Old Madam Young pondered this for a long time but failed to
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Chapter 640
Old Madam Young was over the moon that Christina had agreed to her suggestion. She thought this considerate woman was the best granddaughter-in-law she could ever ask for.It was all down to Jade now. Things would be easy as long as she agreed to the plan too.Old Madam Young went looking for Suzy with an elated heart. Christina had no idea Michael was present. She had just hung up the phone when she saw him standing behind her. His face revealed a complicated expression that she could not quite place. “Christina, please don’t marry Sean, alright?”“Who are you to tell me what to do?” She instinctively argued.“I overheard your conversation with Old Madam Young just now that he impregnated another woman. You don’t have to do this to yourself. Marrying him is not your only choice.”“I don’t feel like that at all. On the other hand, I feel like I’m taking advantage of Sean by marrying him!”“But Sean now has a child with another woman. Don’t you mind this at all? That he has be
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