Semua Bab A Complicated Romance: Bab 61 - Bab 70
699 Bab
Chapter 61
Unexpectedly, after half an hour since the phone call, someone came knocking on the door. Matthew rushed inside the second Francis opened the door. “What happened? Why were you injured all of a sudden?” He made sure to leave last night only after sending Christina to the entrance of the alley. “It’s nothing. I sprained my ankle after tripping over something by accident,” she replied. “I’ll send you to the hospital.” “I’ve already been. The doctor said it’s no big deal. I’ll recover after resting for several days.” Matthew was not reassured. He ignored Francis, who was standing by the side, carried Christina into his arms and hurried out of the house for the hospital.Michael waited in his car by the entrance of the alley the entire night. He had just bought breakfast from a store nearby and was about to deliver it to Christina. He was just heading back when he saw Matthew running out from the alley with the woman in his arms. “You look slim but you’re actually quite heav
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Chapter 62
Francis picked up the bottle of wine and opened it in a skilled manner. He smelled the aroma of the wine. “French Louis that has been kept in a cellar. I didn’t think I’d have the chance to drink such great wine again.” This caught Matthew by surprise and he looked at the other man with curiosity. “Uncle, you speak French?” The packaging of the wine was covered in French. How did Francis know this was a bottle of Louis? Did he learn French? The majority of people these days could speak English but not too many knew French. How would a laid-off worker like Francis living in the lower class of society be fluent in French? Francis smiled. “Stop pulling my leg, President Henderson. Why would I speak French? I overheard when you were speaking into the phone earlier.” Matthew did not recall if he mentioned the name of the wine just now. This was the only type of red he had in the office thus he would not have to specifically mention its name. Unaware of Matthew’s confusion, Fred
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Chapter 63
Matthew thought he probably did overthink it. Francis must have gone through higher education in order to learn French. If that was the case, then he would not be living among the lower class of the society, jobless. Due to the mobility inconvenience, Christina stayed on the couch with a book after lunch to kill time. All of a sudden, she was reminded of the frenzied way Michael interrogated her last night. Therefore, she retrieved her cell phone and went on the online forum. She was shocked by the discovery. The majority of the posts were insults directed at her ex-husband and ex-mother-in-law. The people online claimed to have found out their identities so they could be punished accordingly. She was overwhelmed. Little did she expect things would get out of control so quick. What she yearned for right now was to live peacefully. It was never her intention to get revenge on Michael and Heather. This discussion was the last thing she would wish for. Immediately, she made a
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Chapter 64
The Larson family benefitted from the turn of events but that did not make Michael feel better. He showered insults at the assistant after seeing the news. “Who gave you the permission to call the broadcasting station?!” The assistant looked to the ground. “President Larson, I felt bad that the netizens are scolding you thus I called the station with the phone from your office. I’m sorry.” Rage was written all over Michael’s face. He would rather be scolded all his life than to see Christina getting matchmade with other men on the TV. Not to mention with over thousands of men at once. The assistant remained silent as he felt very aggrieved. However, he discovered the fact that President Larson was still in love with Christina. No man could handle watching the love of his life being paired up on the TV. The assistant deserved this reproach. Matthew was also infuriated by the news. “Nice one, Christina. Every man in the city is now waiting in line to be selected by you!”
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Chapter 65
Matthew felt truly embarrassed this time. Christina did not consider his feelings at all. He initially thought of probing her with a joke but ended up being consumed by rage. He leaned back into the chair. “I’m thirsty. Get me my tea now!” She grabbed the glass on the table and left the room. Something was being thrown to the ground behind her though she had no idea what. This young master had a poor attitude. They were just making jokes a minute ago and he suddenly hit the roof. This was no fun at all! Most importantly, she had no idea what she said that threw him off. His attitude toward her became poor after this incident. Not only did he pull a long face every time she entered his field of vision, he also tortured her by making her run all over the office to complete random tasks. Christina thought Matthew was definitely the pettiest man in existence. After this incident, she made a mental note that she should be more careful around him so as not to provoke the petty ma
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Chapter 66
Little did Christina expect Michael to give an official speech. She finally let go of the breath she had been holding.After the speech, he held her gaze meaningfully before returning to his seat. There had been some amendments to the rules of tonight’s matchmaking. Since Christina’s background had been made known to the public, only the male participants were required to introduce themselves and also express their views on matchmaking. Christina held the power to eliminate or choose who could enter the next session. After the first round of self-introduction, she eliminated twenty out of the fifty men. The audience was shocked. Besides, the candidates that she eliminated were the ones that possessed better qualities and came from more influential family backgrounds compared to the rest. She ignored the audience that was now in an uproar. Her traumatic failed marriage with Michael negatively affected her impression of powerful families. Men who came from influential famili
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Chapter 67
“Ariel!” Christina grabbed her friend by the arm immediately, in fear that the latter might invite trouble by offending Michael again. The corners of her lips twitched into a sardonic smile. “Thanks, President Larson, for the meal!” “You have plenty of opportunities to thank me in the future!” he replied calmly. This frustrated Ariel greatly and she almost lost herself again. Upon arriving at the said hotel, the two of them realized the place was fully crowded. Almost every table available at the hotel had been occupied. Only two chairs were empty in the entire scene. One of them was placed next to Michael and the other one was next to his assistant. Evidently, it had been planned beforehand that Christina should be seated next to Michael and his assistant was assigned to keep an eye on Ariel. The latter realized what was going on and decided intentionally not to play according to the man’s rules. She strutted over to the seat next to Michael. “I’ll not hold back since Pres
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Chapter 68
Ariel was unwilling to give in hence she went on a drinking spree with Michael’s assistant. The both of them drank one glass after another. Soon, the entire bottle was almost emptied. Flustered, Christina quickly stepped forward to stop her friend but Michael grabbed her by the arm, smiling. He was certain that Ariel could not drink more than his assistant. He was just waiting for her to collapse. Unexpectedly, Ariel gave her best today and drank almost as much as the assistant. Eventually, the two of them started to reach their limits. Christina could not hold it anymore. “Stop drinking, Ariel!” There was no chance the latter would listen, now that her rationality was consumed by alcohol. She continued pouring wine down her throat. Left with no alternative, Christina turned to Michael. “Please, make them stop.” Simultaneously, the door opened and the scent of Chanel fragrance filled the entire room. Several pretty young ladies walked toward their direction. The leader of
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Chapter 69
“It’s a show of respect. You must drink!” Ariel placed the glass in front of Michael. “If you don’t drink much, then President Larson will have to drink on your behalf!”This was a toast to Michael and Serena. The assistant, who knew better than to drink on their behalf, stood by the side as watched on with unease. Serena appeared pitiable, as if full of grievances. She could not drink much but she did not want Michael to drink more either. Smiling, Christina placed the spoon down and dabbed the corners of her mouth with the napkin. “Ariel is right. You can’t refuse a toast to happiness. Miss Garcia, get President Larson to drink on your behalf if you can’t finish it all!” A hint of despair flashed across Michael’s eyes. Just as he was about to say something, Serena grabbed the glass and emptied it. Her cheeks turned red instantly. “Nice one!” Christina rose to her feet, applauding. “I heard that President Larson and Miss Garcia are going to be engaged soon. It’s a coincidence
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Chapter 70
Christina held firmly onto Ariel’s arm. “Stop it. Let’s go.” As they walked along, Ariel learned that Christina had not pretended to fall earlier but was tripped over by Michael. It was also him who deliberately spilled wine onto Serena. “Why did he do that? Is he out of his mind?” “I don’t know what his intentions are either. In short, we shouldn’t provoke him. He sought payback from you last time, remember?” “Only the losers are afraid! Worst case scenario, I’ll be out of a job!” Christina grabbed her by the arm in a comforting manner. “I know you’re not afraid of him but there’s no need to lose your job over him. He’s only a passerby and he’s not worth it!” Michael’s car had not driven away from the hotel before he noticed Matthew’s car approaching and had pulled up next to his. The newcomer winded down his window and looked at the other man provokingly. “President Henderson, you’re out late huh?” “I don’t have a choice. I don’t have interest in doing anything when m
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