Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 51 - Chapitre 60
Olivia’s Time
             The strangers who wanted to speak to her were there at the wrong time. Olivia didn’t have the strength to be present for them. She could make out little of what they said. What shocked her, though, was to discover something else responded to her. She called it something else because she didn’t recognize it as anything she’d encountered in all the years she’d existed here in the Inn.             Olivia never encountered the voice on their recording. The darkness and foreboding would have chilled her to the bone if she still possessed a body. There would be no way for her to follow them to the lake. Not now, with all the energy she’d spent. The Fae within the Inn right now were extremely active as well. Something agitated them and Olivia could feel the violence in their words. She couldn’t understand them, but
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Into the Mines
             Eric and Greta’s team wandered down the path through the darkness toward the mining caves. Cameras posted earlier now recorded their passing. Rusted and rotting equipment lay scattered across the ground, a tripping hazard to everyone as they made their way to the largest cave.             “It’s cold, dark, and someone’s going to break a leg out here.” Their cameraman, Bill, followed them both since his camera possessed a powerful light attached to it. But even with that, it created more shadows that revealed the many tripping hazards. After all, you can’t see a hazard if it’s buried under snow.             “We’ll take it slow and easy. Film the ore extracting area first, before it gets too cold out here. Then we can walk ins
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Tommy Knockers and Pickaxes
             Greta followed the men, and the tiny broken tracks through the mining area. The mines started as natural caves before the miners took advantage of them and dug out sections.             The records Greta and Eric found pointed to this cave being on Liam’s claim. This may be the last place he’d been alive. No one could search it for them at the time because few knew exactly where the claim was exactly.             I claim the jumper may have found his claim and killed him for it. That’s the logical assumption and if Greta didn’t know what the spirits at the Inn said, or the storyteller’s tales. She could accept it at face value. But knowing that information, the story was all lies, and the supernatural world killed this man for some unknown reason.
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Grandma’s not in Reality
             Billy arrived at his grandmother’s estate in response to her summons by him. He prayed that Jody and he hadn’t been indiscreet. The last thing he needed to deal with was his grandmother on a tirade. He couldn’t deal with that today.             However, when he got to the house, a police car sat outside. Seeing the car, Billy felt relief, which was replaced by fear. Had something happened to his grandmother? Was there a robbery? He couldn’t quite grasp why the police were there so early in the morning.             It must be a good thing that he didn’t see any police tape, so he strode from his car and to the front door. His grandmother’s assistant let him in and pointed him toward the front parlour. There he found her mother and two women si
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Nyree’s Epic Quest Begins
With his body trembling from the cold, the slight form of Nyree slipped among the brush and tree toward the old mines. His quest to find the creature who’d done this to his humans neared its apex. One of them would return to their home realm in disgrace. They’d effectively died within this realm, but their essence would go back to what some humans called the fairy realm. Those words make it sound like sugar plums and sparkles. But it wasn’t. It’s full of darkness, pain, and bloodshed, with a thin veneer of culture and purity. It’s considered a punishment or failure to return there.“Nyree must get to the closest mine. Find their friend or foe there.” Surely, the Tommy Knockers would want their mine back from the evil Slaughter. Nyree muttered quietly to himself the whole way into the dark tunnel, thankful for the warmth once he was past the entranceway. The humans just left the mine and so he cast a small fairy light.Once he w
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Gabby’s New Existence
             Gabby half-heartedly looked through baby furniture on a website. She felt the need to nest, but she didn’t have a clue what she needed versus what the manufacturers made you want. Her frustration now began clouding other parts of her life. Looking about her office, she couldn’t come to get the energy to take down the holiday decorations herself this year. Because it meant that time continued to move forward toward her untimely death. Donny felt her anxiety and sadness too. Though they didn’t speak of it. She wondered if he thought if he avoided the subject, it wouldn’t be real.             The ghost hunting guests called her early this morning to tell her that their filming must wrap up early on the island and they’d return around noon to the inn with news for her. Everything appeared quiet, but in that quiet, she
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Liam Returns
             Olivia felt the change in the ether. It was like a wind shifted and energy filled the very air around her, like a door opening and a crowd of people entering a quiet room. She’d not felt like this for so long. She felt giddy in response. Something must have happened.             She felt drawn to the barren shore with its snow and ice still heavy. Ruminants of the ice sculptures dotted the park about the shore. But there on the icy shore in the sunlight’s glare. Police officers with sleds pulled behind them brought something from the island. Olivia couldn’t see what it was, not at first. But in the glare, unseen by the living, hazy images of people trailed after the police.             Olivia felt her joy bubble over at the sight of the missing spirits, weak t
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Haunting Terrors
             Eddie and Hailey went to the attic to work on the fairy home chest after work. When they got into the workroom, they found the workspace in complete disarray. Doll furniture and house parts lay scattered about the room. A few of the more fragile pieces appeared, cracked or broken.             “Eddie, I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened here. I don’t have pets for this reason. I promise you, I didn’t do this.” Hailey looked about the room and picked up a miniature Victorian sofa with its broken leg. She’d fallen in love with the little thing and now harboured the wish to have a full-sized version one day.             “I know you didn’t. This isn’t about us. I think it’s between the spirits and the fae. There&rsq
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Nyree’s Big Battle
             Nyree watched the Tommy Knockers literally come out of the woodwork. He couldn’t believe how many there were. Each grizzled face set with a determination gave Nyree the confidence boost it needed to believe this might work. Each carried a small hammer or pickaxe.             The mob moved down the tunnels toward their target. The Tommy Knockers were all too familiar with where this dark fae lived. Nyree found himself buffeted along with them, and he could hear their excited chatter. They made plans for what they’d do when the mines were once again in their control alone.             Nyree wondered what his friends back at the inn were doing? Did his little water nymph even notice his absence? Were the pixies in the back sitting room behaving themselves while he&rsqu
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Fire's Burning
             Billy puttered about the kitchens of the Blue Moon Inn working on getting the dishes out to fill the diner’s requests. His sister sat at a small table and chair that Eddie had found time to assemble just for her to eat or do crafts at while the days grew longer and the daycare was closed for the holidays. His grandmother was no longer an acceptable guardian or so the police suggested to him after he met with them. Billy knew now that the police were regularly visiting her to ask about the investigation and he couldn’t let his sister hear about the horrifying events. She was just too young.             Gabby let him bring her to the inn and everyone there kept an eye out for her. When school started again, he’d have her registered and it would ease up the need for her care. As the night proceeded, Billy put his sister to bed in
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