All Chapters of HEAVEN OUT OF HELL: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
85 Chapters
          The pounding headache was unbearable, and the sense of nausea was draining the energy left in her, but Stephanie knew she had to pass over it and open her eyes. She kept repeating that all this wasn’t real… that what she was feeling was part of a nightmare.          Stephanie blinked several times trying to focus on the room where she was. Her vision was still blurry, but she understood that she was in a bed that wasn’t hers. The sheets were made of silk, she felt the softness of the fabric under her fingers. A scent of jasmine, her favorite from an early age, could be sensed in the room.          When she finally managed to look around, Stephanie had the impression that she was living in a cloud. All around her was white and ivory, like her bedroom, in Austin: the bedspread, the pillows, the curtains&hell
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          Stephanie knew that at this point there was nothing else to do but play the game. Nathaniel was so furious that he could’ve hurt her. Slowly, she undressed from her shirt and when she dropped it on the floor, Nathaniel started to tremble and groan, as if he was having an orgasm.          She felt like throwing up but came quickly to her senses. This wasn’t the time to let herself go. She had to run from that room and that house... Unfortunately, what she had hoped for and dreaded at the same time was already happening. Nathaniel was taking some faltering steps towards her.“Now take off your bra! Come on, hurry up!”          With one hand, Nathaniel was trying to lower the zip of his trousers to show her what seeing her like this was doing to him and with the other he was trying to touch her, to throw her on the bed, to
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          The cellphone was buzzing. The noise woke up Shawn. Still asleep, he looked at Isabelle who for the first time in the last few days, was sleeping peacefully next to him. It was already morning, but he didn’t want to wake her up just yet.          Carefully, Shawn got out of bed and went into the living room to answer the phone call. The number on the display was Billy's. What was going on? The next day he had to come back from New York, so if he was calling at that time, something serious must’ve happened. The call ended before he could reply. After a few seconds, a voice message came from Billy.          ‘Bro, I’m already in San Francisco and I’m trying to get in touch with Stephie, but she’s not answering her phone. Is she with you, by chance? Did something happened with that bastard
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            She was there… Billy could feel Stephie’s heartbeat… His woman was there, waiting to be saved from that freak hands.“I’m here, my love… I’m right here… Just breathe and think of me. Don’t let that bastard get under your skin. Hang on, baby! I’m coming to save you,” Billy whispered while looking for the house.                   The rain was pouring, but he couldn’t care less. After what he saw on that video, after seeing her tied up, blindfolded, and gagged, Billy just snapped. That son of a dick won’t live another second after he's going to put his hands on him. “Prick! I’m going to tear you to pieces!” Billy cussed and hit the wheel.            
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          What?! Isabelle was Nathaniel Stevens' half-sister? How could such a graceful, kind, and amazing woman like Isabelle be related to an unscrupulous and evil individual like Stevens?          He remembered everything Isabelle had told him: the texts she received that were mentioning the 100.000 $, the inheritance from her father, the phone calls, filled with personal details that no one else, except her and her lawyer, knew.          Now he understood why Stevens had started working at his mother's foundation... This way he would have been closer to her so he could keep an eye on her. What a son of a bitch! But Stevens didn’t take him into consideration. He didn’t consider him coming back sooner from his trip to New York. He won’t allow Stevens to harm any of the Grayson women.    
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          His eyes moved over Stephanie’s face, her chest, her exposed waist, but he saw no trace of blood. A few bruises, a few small cuts, but apparently, nothing serious.“She's probably cut her hands and knees on the glass… when she broke the lamp...” the detective said.“No, that's not it... Please, take me to the hospital... now...” Stephanie repeated in a determined her anxiety increasing. “Hurry up...” she begged Billy and with his help she got up from the floor.“Love, I know you are very scared. You just went through hell, but...”“You must take me to the hospital now,” she added, looking down at the floor where small drops of blood could be seen.          Then Stephanie's tearful eyes met his bemused gaze. Stephanie was nervously pulling her lower lip through her teeth.
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          It was still raining. Billy looked beyond his own reflection in the window out into the dark, forlorn night. Stephanie had a very rough night, waking up several times. She couldn’t stop crying, so the nurses had to give her a sedative to calm her down and allow her body to start recovering from the shock she went through.          Billy didn’t sleep or move from her bedside. He couldn’t let go of her hand or take his eyes off her. Just the thought of leaving her for one second was too much. What Stephanie had experienced was extremely painful and Billy was afraid she might never recover from it. But the doctor said that in time love, care, attention will cure her spirit and her mind.          And the baby… The news that she was pregnant, that the baby was alright, should’ve been a reason enough
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“I want to help you and Stephie, so let me know what would you like me to do,” she replied with a sweet smile on her lips.“It’s not about me at all, it’s about Stephie only. Belle, after the doctor is going to sign her discharge, Stephie’s going to need all the psychological support in the world. She’s going to need a friend, a person who can understand what’s really going on with her. You two have been tagged by the same psychopath, so you have something in common. As much as I’ve tried, I can’t calm her down, I can't bring her back to me all by myself. For the first time in a long time, whatever I say or do to her, falls flat. She struggles to open up to me and this thing kills me slowly. Stephie keeps it all inside and she keeps pushing me away while the pain is consuming her from inside out. I can’t accept this, especially now that...”“Now that...?” Shawn added approaching his cou
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“I love you and I’ll never leave your side again. Ever!”          He smiled at her blank, incredulous expression, then lowered his face to hers and sipped the tears off her cheeks.“I was ready to abandon the road to love because I thought that it had nothing to do with me. I couldn’t see what was in front of me because of my stubbornness or perhaps because of my fear of getting hurt again. So, I ignored all the signs and raised a wall between me and the entire world. Then you came and the world stopped turning for a moment. When I finally saw who you were, I felt like I was breathing for the first time. I felt my heart finally beating the right way when I saw you smiling when I looked you in the eyes. The second after, my wall was torn down by you, by your sweetness, by your love and our souls became one.”“Billy...” she whispered. “How can you say this after eve
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          Sitting in the armchair, Isabelle was looking with sadness outside of the window. She hadn’t been able to sleep much that night, so carefully, without waking Shawn up, she got out of bed and went into the living room. She needed to think about what she had discovered since the day she went to the hospital to see Stephie.          As much as she had tried to convince herself that it wasn’t true, the facts were very clear. Nathaniel Stevens was her half-brother. That merciless man that all of them had seen and known, that monster, was her father’s son. From beyond the grave, her father had managed to hurt her once more.          Months had passed since she last thought of her father. Her last memory of him was a very unhappy one. But life rewarded her and Isabelle was no longer alone. She was no longer weak.
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